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Bound by shadows

Bound by shadows



Kate Dawson has recently separated from her husband, fleeing the city where they lived to escape from him. No one knows where she lives now except the two people, she knows she can trust; her mother and her best friend, Julia. Kate moves to a new city and she is ready to forget her past and start her life afresh. But, her past is not done with her yet. She secures a job interview at Starwave Studios, one of Dallas biggest production studio, where she meets the ever so tempting and sinfully handsome chairman of the company. Micheal Donovan is a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak for him. He is highly respected and feared by those around him, with a reputation for being both ruthless and fair in his dealings. Kate Dawson finds herself drawn to him despite his intimidating presence. But, with her past slowing creeping out of the whole she buried it, ready to devour her, Kate Dawson is not sure she is ready to love again. So, she tries to shut out the feelings she is developing for her boss but Micheal Donovan is not one to take no for an answer when he wants something. Can Kate Dawson outrun the shadows of her past? How long can she resist this sinful, temptation from her hot, sexy boss?

Chapter 1 New Beginnings

The cab driver was a talkative man, his cheerful voice filling the quiet confines of the car. I barely registered his words, my mind a thousand miles away as I stared out the window, taking in the city of Dallas.

Skycrapers and bustling streets passed by in a blur, a stark contrast to the life I had left behind.

“So, is this your in Dallas?” the driver asked, glancing at me in the rear view mirror.

“Yes”, I have a short reply, offering a polite smile before returning my gaze to the window.

“Well, you’re gonna love it here. The city’s got a lot of charm, you know. Beautiful parks, great restaurants. And the people- super friendly” he continued, unfazed by my lack of interest in the conversation.

I nodded absently, my thoughts drifting.

“ Friendly people… I hope so,” I said silently.

My mind wandered back to the hurried decision to leave my old life behind, the hurried packing, and the late-night flight. The separation from Mark had been inevitable, but it still felt unreal to be starting over in a new place, far from everyone I knew. “At least I have my mother and Julia” I thought.

The rhythmic hum of the car and the driver’s steady stream of words became a soothing background noise and before I knew it, my eyes became heavy. My thoughts faded, and I fell into a deep sleep.


”Ma’am? Ma’am, we’re here”.

The driver’s voice seemed far away, pulling me back from my deep slumber. I woke up, blinking rapidly to clear the fog of sleep. The cab driver was turned in his seat, looking at me with a kind smile.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I must have dozed off”, I said, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. “Thank you”.

“ No problem at all. Long trip, huh? Let me help you with those bags”.

Stepping out of the cab, i stretched, feeling the stiffness in muscles from the flight and the drive. The driver had already brought out my suitcases and set them on the sidewalk. I handed him the fare and a generous tip.

“Thank you so much” I said, giving him a grateful smile.

He tipped an imaginary hat in a mock salute.

“Welcome to Dallas, ma’am. Good luck with everything”.

As he drove away, I took a deep breath, taking in the quiet street. It was late afternoon, and the sun cast a warm, golden glow over my new neighborhood. I glanced at the modest apartment building before me and felt a mix of anxiety and hope.

Struggling with my two heavy suitcases, I managed to drag them up the steps and into the lobby. Just as I was about to head up to my apartment, my phone rang. I searched for it in my bag and brought it out when I found it, smiling when I saw the caller ID.

“Julia, hi!”

“Kate! How was the trip? Are you there yet?”

“Yup, I just got to my apartment. Long flight but I’m here”.

“Good to hear. And how are you holding up? Everything okay?”

I hesitated for a moment. “I’m fine. Just a bit nervous about the interview tomorrow”.

“You’ll do great”, Julia said confidently.

“You’ve got this, Kate. Remember, they’re lucky to have you”.

Hearing Julia’s words of encouragement managed to lift my spirits about the interview.

“I really hope to get this job, not only is it one of the biggest media production here in Dallas but the pay is good. Also, it is the one place where Mark’s influence can’t reach”, I thought.

Turning my attention back to Julia, I said, “Thanks Julia. How’s little Liam doing?”

“He’s a bundle of energy as always. He misses his godmother though”.

“I miss him too. Send my love to him”, I said, my heart warming at the thought of my godson.

“I can’t wait to see you both soon”.

“You will, I promise. Now, go get settled in. Call me if you need anything, okay?”

“I will. Love you, Jules”.

“Love you too, Kate. Take care”.

I ended the call and looked around my new apartment. It was small but cozy, and more importantly, it was mine. Too tired to unpack, I dragged my suitcases to the bedroom, and decided to leave the unpacking for tomorrow. I headed to the bathroom, the promise of a hot shower seemed too inviting to resist.

Standing under the stream of warm water, I felt the tension of the past weeks begin to melt away. I was here. I had made it.

Tomorrow was a new day, and with it came the promise of new beginning.

Wrapping myself in a towel, I slipped into bed, too tired that I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep almost immediately.

Tomorrow would be the start of my new life, and I was ready to face whatever came my way.

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