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Dania writes


Blurb A perfect life was not what Trisha had but things were not so cruel, money and influence were not a problem but self-esteem was because of her body fat. Her first love Damien married her cause of her family wealth, his family didn't hide the fact that they hated her except for the grandmother who loved her. Mimi Corpuz, Damien's sister eventually got an opportunity to get rid of her and she didn't miss it. They jubilated and took everything that belonged to her, however, Trisha came back from the dead as their worst nightmare.

Chapter 1 HER WEIGHT

Chapter 1


Trisha smiled as she helped the maids prepare dinner, none was against it. The family made it clear that she is only a little better than the maid anyway, she is more like a glorified family member.

"Trisha," Grandma Suzy called from the kitchen entrance, the old woman leaned on her walking stick.

"Grandma," Trisha stopped what she was doing and hurriedly went to her.

"Why are you here grandma? You could have sent someone," Trisha sounded concerned as she walked the old woman back to the living room.

"I wanted to do a little exercise, the doctor said it's good for my health," Grandma Suzy replied.

"How silly of me!" Trisha gasped, holding her head. "How was your doctor's appointment?"

"He said I'd love to see your kids grow," the old woman joked and they laughed though Trisha's laughter was the first to die down, if only the old woman knew her husband had never touched her in their seven months of marriage.

Damien was her first love, they went to the same high school and college. He was popular in school so getting a glimpse of him was not always hard, she followed him secretly and built the courage to inform him of her feelings two years after college. At first, she believed she was going to be rejected because of her shape. She is overweight and ugly. One could barely identify her head and neck.

Damien accepted her feelings and they dated for a year before getting married, only grandma Suzy welcomed her with open arms the rest never tried to hide their hatred toward her.

"Sit here Grandma" Trisha gestured at the huge armchair in the living room.

"What should I get you?" She asked after making sure the old woman was convenient.

"Water," Grandma Suzy requested.

"Right away," with a smile she disappeared into the kitchen, and in less than a minute she was back with a glass of water.

"Thank you," Grandma Suzy only sipped from it before dropping it on the stool next to the huge armchair.

"I'll just finish dinners with the girls'

Grandma I'll be back to hear the full gist of your checkup," Trisha said while smiling, the only time she can smile is around Grandma Suzy after all.

The door opened and Mimi walked in with a friend. "Hey f@tty," she smirked at Trisha who stopped to spare her a glance.

"Welcome Mimi," she replied, Mimi and her mother did nothing but body shame her. Her husband doesn't help the matter and the old woman can only do so little so she is left alone.

"Hey get us two glasses of juice," Mimi instructed a maid who hurried into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Mimi got closer.

"To the kitchen, dinner is being prepared."

"Only do the dishes f@tty I don't want to perceive your body ódôr instead of a sweet aroma," Mimi laughed hauntingly.

"I heard f@t people hardly smell nice, they smell horrible," Mimi's friend said and they laughed.

"And Trisha here is the queen of f@t and ûgly guess what her name is... smèlly f@tty," Mimi said while her friend laughed, not uttering a word Trisha walked quietly into the kitchen and continued with what she was doing.

"Lôser," Mimi rolled her eyes before walking towards the old woman.

"Oh, Grandma I am so thirsty," Mimi took the glass of water and drank from it.

"Good evening Grandma Suzy," her friend who goes by the name Ivy greeted but the old woman ignored her.

"Trisha got me that," Grandma Suzy said as she dropped the glass of water.

"What?!" Her eyes bulged and looked like they would be rolling on the floor in seconds.

She spit the little that was in her mouth and faced the old woman angrily. "Why didn't you mention it after I had drank it?"

"I didn't know it was necessary," the old woman replied innocently as she rested her back on the chair.

"Your juice ma'am," the maid held a tray containing two glasses of juice as Mimi had instructed.

"Thank you," she grabbed a glass and gulped it down her throat.

"That's better, I can't believe I drank that," she said.

"Stop being rude to Trisha, she is your sister-in-law," Grandma Suzy said.

"Damien did her a favor marrying her even though he does not consider his wife why should I care about her, she should do something about that ugly and haunting look of hers if she wants to be accepted but then... even if she were to wear the most expensive makeup on earth she'd still look ûgly cause it's in her gene," Mimi laughed, the old woman tried to hit her but she escaped still laughing.

"Trisha is beautiful the way she is," grandma Suzy defended.

"Oh, gosh grandma you should get your eyes checked the next time you visit the hospital. Trisha should run for ûgly women she'd win first place and maybe be useful for once in this family," Mimi said freely.

"And what contribution do you bring to this family?" Grandma Suzy inquired.

"My existence is a blessing Grandma, don't compare me to that f@t, ûgly-looking thing," she said with a disgusted expression.

"Stop calling her that," Grandma Suzy rebuked.

"It is what it is, I'll be in my room," Mimi left with her friend while the old woman watched with disappointment. Her daughter-in-law had done a horrible job in raising her kids.


A middle-aged woman in her late forties strolls around the shopping mall with the two shop attendants holding piles of clothes and bags behind her.

She stopped at a row and picked a black gown, though the quality was topnotch and the design was great she had doubts.

"That is Kelly's latest design ma'am there are only four of them and we got two, this is the last one

"Look who it is Lily Cruz," a woman in her early fifties walked up to her with a smile while another lady who goes by the name Veronica followed, both with three attendants holding bags of luxurious stuff.

With their bags one would think they are about to open a shopping mall themselves, well they are lovers of collections. Varieties of collection are in their wardrobes and they don't fail to collect more though they hardly wear them.

"Brenda, Veronica," Lily gasped and they all hugged.

"You look good," Lily complimented.

"Thank you... you don't look bad yourself," Brenda said.

"How's your daughter-in-law doing? Heard she's yet to conceive, you sure her flesh is not overshadowing her womb," Veronica said with a sly smirk.

"Vero," Brenda cautioned though she loved the expression on Lily's face.

"Where did you hear that? It is a lie. My son is just not ready to be a father," she said and the ladies nodded.

"Why don't we shop more? Together," Brenda suggested and with a fake smile the ladies strolled around.


By the time dinner was done the living room was empty so Trisha retired upstairs to arrange the laundry she had done earlier, she assumed Grandma Suzy needed some rest. She hummed her favorite lullaby from Barbie the island princess while she folded the clothes.

She was at it when her phone rang amid unfolded clothes, she dashed to it and picked it up placing it on her ear immediately.

"Hello Trisha," Martha's teary voice sounded.

"Martha, hi. How is mom?" Trisha asked, smiling, Martha is her mother's chief maid.

"Your mother passed away this evening Trisha," Martha said bursting into tears.

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