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A Royal Marimony

A Royal Marimony



In a union forged in icy indifference, Eden Salvatore, a man impervious to human connection, found himself bound to the captivating Princess Adalina. A force of nature, wild and alluring, she was the epitome of every man's royal fantasy. Yet, Eden's apathy towards their arranged marriage only piqued her interest, bruising her ego and sparking a determination to pierce his armor. Unbeknownst to Adalina, the path to Eden's heart lay not in gentle persuasion, but through the unyielding barriers of his chest. And so, amidst the tumultuous union of a detached doctor and a modern princess, love unexpectedly weaves a fairy tale of unyielding passion and transformation.

Chapter 1 Salvatore

" Shut up." I hissed under my breath.

I was beyond annoyed, the world

was frustrating. I was trying to

work but these people could not

shut the hell up or perhaps just

drop dead then disappeared into

the face of the earth, that would

have made my morning better.

We had been in this heart

transplant surgery for the last seven hours since last night, all

because this middle school geek

decided to be dumb and didn't

listen to me his doctor when I

clearly told him that he couldn't

Consume too much fat.

But, no he went ahead and did it


So, here I was trying to save his

dumbass. I sighed at the sight of

the thumping heart, by the looks

of all these yellow around his

heart I was convinced that this

dude drank pure oil.

Fucking donkey.

" Hand me the needle. "I

muttered to one of the nurse

interns next to me. " Which needle, Dr. Salvatore?"

she asked looking at the opened

chest of my patient curiously.

She was one of those interns who

just never shut up and thought

it was funny to bombard the

surgeon endless questions during

a fucking surgery.

" Did you not learn anything in

school? Or did you leave your

brain at home today?"

She looked at me with wide eyes

before furiously shaking her


" Hand me the one I can use to

sew the donor's heart in place and

another one for me to stitch your fucking mouth shut."I glared.

I heard her gulped as I gestured

the nurse to hand me the needle

before I continued my work

ignoring her existence. I hated

interns. I always did. They just

never shut up. I knew I was one

too back in the days but I never

asked stupid questions especially

not when there was a person

dying on the bed.

What's the next step, Dr.

Salvatore?" another intern asked.

While cussing them in my head,

I made a mental note to murder

whoever let these idiots inside

later. At this point my blood was boiling. I shut my eyes for a

second trying to calm myself

down before opening them again,

ignoring the question.

I attached the major blod vessels

to the donor heart carefully

and calmly pretending that no

annoying stupid people were

here, in the same room with me.

But that was only until they

started asking the same questions

again. The nurses looked between

me, the three stupidly curious

interns and the patient nervously,

as I handed them back the needle.

"I don't know. Why don't we all

watch him bleed to death and let

him die with this huge hole in his

chest. " I grumbled under my breath.

The nurses took in a sharp breath

while the interns looked at me


" Now shut up before I make you

eat that heart. " I glared pointing

at the diseased heart.

Despite all that, the surgery was a


The donkey geek made it out

alive, thank to me. His parents

were sO escalated that when I

walked out of the room, they ran

toward me and embraced me

with a bone crashing hug.

I hated hugs. So, I just awkwardly stood there

and patted them on their backs

with an uncomfortable smile on

my face before they finally let me

go when the nurses and interns

wheeled their unconscious son

out of the room.

Bring me four cups of coffee

before I burn this whole building

down with you in it. " I muttered

to Thane, my assigned bodyguard

as I stormed into my office.

I swore people were getting

more and more annoying

these days. I was so done with

everyone's bullshit and it was

only Monday. Someone better

gave me a fucking trophy if I

made it through the week without

murdering anyone. Throwing my stethoscope off

my neck and getting out of the

blue clothes were one of the best

feeling ever, especially after a

long surgery. I put on my white

coat before sitting down on my

leather chair.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I spun

my chair around to admire the

beauty of London from the giant

glass wall behind my desk.

It felt like I was on top of the

world sitting here, on this chair,

in the chief executive officer's

office knowing I made it after all

these years.

Taking over Salvatore Medicare

had always been my biggest goal. I worked my ass out of

since elementary school for this

position. I had always wanted to

be a doctor, a surgeon to be exact,

the ownership of the hospital

only came after with a price I had

to pay.

I had always been good at saving

people's life. Ironic how I also

killed. Being a doctor when you

were the son ofa mafia king

seemed like the worst idea in the

world but I made it work.

I balanced my lifestyles or at least

I was trying my best to do so.

Steven Salvatore however had

another opinion. My grandfather

thought I couldn't handle all the

kills and all the savings at the same time and so he made my life

a literal living hell by practically

forcing me into a wedding before

he finally handed me our family's


Because according to him,

wedding and settling down was

the only solution to everything

liked what he did to tame my


Father found love. Of course he

did, when his wife was none

other than Alana Salvatore, it

must have been hard to not fall in

love. My mother was an amazing

woman and everything a man

could ever wanted in a wife.

Not to mention, they were after

all childhood's friend even if they didn't know it until later in the


Then there was me getting

married to god knew who.

Pathetic and annoying.

Although I only had myself to

blame because not knowing who

my fiancée was, was entirely my

fault. Grandfather had tried to tell

all about her when I got up

and left the room after I signed

his contract.

The same contract that was made

because my own grandfather,

my flesh and blood didn't trust

me enough that he went above

and beyond to gather a contract

stating that I must be at my own

wedding or I could kiss my rights to the hospital goodbye.

The ringing of my phone snapped

me out of my thought. I picked

it up from the table, my twin

brother's name was running

across the screen. I groaned,

debating to decline the call but

knowing Elliot he wouldn't stop

until I picked up.

What do you want?" I asked

answering the phone.

Get ready. We're throwing you a

bachelor party tonight at 9. " my

twin brother, Eliot said.

" No. "I grunted in annoyance.

" Great. See you soon, brother. "

he said before hanging up. I put my phone down on my desk

with a heavy sigh when Thane

finally came back with four cups

of coffee in his hands.

He was twenty three years old

when father assigned him to be

my guards, protecting me twenty

four seven and doing my dirty

jobs if he had to because I tried to

not kill people by myself as much

as I could. He was basically my

personal killing machine. Poor


" Your coffee, sir. " he said putting

all the cups down.

Thank you, Thane. Go have

lunch. "I nodded my head and as

soon as my statement finished he

was out of the room. I still didn't get why he was scared

of me.

I wasn't scary like my twO

brothers or my father. I was

basically the most unlikely to kill

people with my bare hands. I just

used my words.

Eight hit the clock when Thane

drove me to the estate. I raced up

the stairs and into my room. After

taking a quick shower, I grumpily

started to get ready for the party.

I put on a plain black t-shirt

showing off my inked arms, I

tucked the shirt into a pair of

black trouser before spraying my

signature cologne on my body.

Thane handed me my jacket as he opened the car's door for me and

we left the house.

The red and blue lights was

hurting my eyesight while loud

Crappy music blasted across the

place. I squinted my eyes trying to

spot my brothers in the crowds.

Alcohol and sweats lingered

in the air as bodies were being

pressed together creating a giant

mess of lumpy limps.

I brushed past at least seven

couples dry humping in the

middle of a public place before I

got to the booth, where Elliot and

Nicholas were sitting at.

Why are we having this party

ain? "I asked looking around

the strip club that my brothers forced me to come.

This was torture and my absolute


Party included lots of people. And,

when there were people, talking

was needed. I already regretted

coming here.

Hell. I didn't even know all these


I always hated parties and people.

Ijust didn't see the point of

interacting with someone when

I could just talk to myself, in my

head. The only judgement and

opinionI needed were my own

and no one else's.

" Eden, come on loosen up man. It's your bachelor's party. " Elliot,

my twin brother chuckled pulling

me further into the booth.

Nicholas, my big brother, the

Don and now head of the family

smirked, sliding a glass of scotch

on the rock across the glass table.

Inarrowed my eyes at the golden

liquor before bringing the glass to

my lips, chuckingit down.

The alcohol slid down my tongue

liked silky liquid, burning my

throat with wild fire. I slammed

the empty glass back on the table

and he slid another one toward


"I'm going to need a much

stronger liquor ifI want to

survive this party. Make the next one neat. " I said, chucking down

the drinks.

Nicholas kept the drinks coming

as the night slowly faded before

my sight. My thoughts was

becoming blurrier as seconds past

while my body swayed alongside

the nowW Somewhat bearable

music. I was fucking tipsy but not

as wasted as I aimed to be.

Another round of shots vodka

was served by Elliot's hired

strippers for the night. Nicholas

took a shot and scooted to the

back of the booth, with a smirk

on his face as he watched me in

amusement. He was lucky he

didn't spare a single glance at the

girls or I would have snitched on

him so hard that my sister in law would make sure he died a

painful death.

A blonde in red lingeries slipped

onto Elliot's laps, and started

grinding on him. I watched her in

pure horror but my twin brother

didn't seem like he could careless,

his amazed eyes were also on

me. I cocked an eyebrow at my

brothers silently asking them

what the hell was happening

when I felt a hand brushed on my


I snapped my head to the side

so fast, I could hear my bone

cracking over the blasting music.

She stood in a set of pink lingerie,

platinum blonde hair and wild

blue eyes. She had this weird

smirk on her face. I tried to look past her on display breasts to

her nanme tag. She was Barbie or

maybe that was her stripper's

name, if that was evena thing.

She brought one of her leg up and

put it over my shoulder before

leaning in, pulling my chin up

with her forefinger. I stared at her

pink knee-high boots in horror as

I slowly lifted it off. I gently put

her feet back on the ground, eyes

never left her shocked face or

trailed my gaze below her chin.

I took mny jacket off and put it

over her shoulders, covering

her body away from all sights. It

wasn't my intention to offend her

or her job. I respected her and

admired the confidence she had

in herself that she could show her beautiful body off to the world

without a slight hint of insecurity.

It was me, whO was the

problemn in this situation. I was

uncomfortable and really didn't

want half naked girls dancing

for me or on me. I hated being


Please take the rest of the night

off." I said. She stared at me in

shocks for a couple of seconds

before hurried out of our booth.

" Now I know why you're

mother's favorite child. " Nico

chuckled, sipping on his drinks as

Elliot waved off the stripper on

his laps.

No wonder why you're still a virgin. I admire you so much,

little brother." Eliot beamed,

raising his own glass for a toast.

"I never lost my virginity because

I don't lose, motherfucker." I

grunted, taking another shot.

And, this time the alcohol was

fully kicking in.

Rounds after rounds of shots,

glasses of scotch whiskey never

stopped coming. The night was

rather long, my mouth getting

drier with each drinks and throat


But, it was a good way to bitterly

say goodbye to my bachelorhood,

drinking my sorrows away.

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