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Abigail is from a poor home and through her friend, Gemma, she's opportuned to work at the Yates company. Lucian is an authoritarian and every girls crush but when he sees Abigail, his feelings towards her began to grow. Will pride allow him to tell her exactly how he feels? Find out in this amazing adventure.

Chapter 1 When two crazy being meets

Chapter 1

Abi Smith is a twentyone year old girl from a poor background where feeding is a problem. She is the only female amongst two boys. Her father, Smith Bradford is a drunkard who always beats his wifw over any little misunderstanding. Fighting became the couples habit that the childern no longer needed to set an alarm that would wake them up as the sounds of their parents punching and screaming would do that for them.

Despite the fact that she was facing all these problems at home, no one would deny the fact that she is a beautiful girl with a lean, well maintained figure. Her curves arw wellshaped, two small boobs and a nice looking ass that makes guys drool when she passes by. Her only flaw is that she cannot defend herself in times of trouble despite the fact that she is saucey..


Lucian Yates is a twenty-seven year old guy from a wealthy family. His family, the Yates were the most powerful, promininent and influencial family in the whole of the country. The family grasped the level of domestic economy and had connections with every industries especially in this economically developed country. They were kings in the country and just because of this, Lucian became proud, rude and arrogant but despite all these, girls never stopped flocking around him that his friend even tagged him "king of girls. "

Lucian is tall, his slender fingers well mainicured. His face oblong. His eyes are slightly slanted with beautiful lashes that are curved backwards ontop of them. His legs are long and beautiful, infact, he is the perfect definition of handsome and elegant. He has an intimidating aura that makes everyone scared whenever he's around.


"How can they be so cruel? I'm sure someone must have bribed them because i passed the interview and was told to by the manager to resume work today so how come someone has taken my place within the space of two??" She mumbled.

Abi was blinded by anger that she did'nt seem to notice a car coming towards her direction with high speed until it splashed dirty mud water on her before she realised it. She was so infuriated that the car couldn't even stop to apologise and so she picked a stone, threw it hard at the car that the windscreen broke. The car stopped and reversed back to where she was standing but she didn't flinch. The driver came out immediately.

"This girl has no idea of what she has just done" he mumbled. "What the heck? Why did you do that, young lady? " he asked with a frown.

"I should be the one asking you that question mister. Just because you're driving an exoensive car doesn't give you the right to splash dirty water on my body and drive just like that. "

"That's not enough reason for you to do what you just. .. "

Abi slapped him before he could finish his statement. "Take a good look at my body. Do you know where i am going to? " She was begining to raise her voice but then, thee back door opened and a pair of long legs came out followed by the body. Abi looked at the man in front of her and became dumbstruck. He was the most handsoome man she had ever seen with his jawline and adam's apple obvious.

" I guess he's your driver? "she reffered to the handsome looking man the moment she came out of her dazed state.

" Yes and it's very rude of you to slap him when you should be apologising for the damage you caused. " he said with a straight and expressionless face..

"Pardon? So just because you're in an expensive car and putting on an expensive, white suit, you forgot your manners?" Where was she getting all these confidence from? she didn't know but all she knew was that she wasn't going to let this younng man in front oof her to intimidate her.

"Look who's talking about manners. We splashed dirty water on you and so what? What's so special about your body? mannerless girl. " He said with a hiss and the driver, Charles couldn't understand what was going on anymore. Are they gonna start exchanging words now? He asked himself silently.

"Yes, I'm mannerless. I was just trying to be like your mom today, you bastard. " she bent and dipped her hand in the muddy water then rubbed both dirty palms on his perfect, white suit. "That's what i call mannerless. " She added. "

"I've been with girls more beautiful than you and they, in a million years would never do what you've just done. Can't you see how handsome I am? You've just ruined my day. "

"Handsome? Who told you you're handsome? You look like the beards of a billy goat. An unworthy and rejected sacrifise is what you look like. " Abi cursed and the driver burst into laughter but stopped when Lucian shot him a hard stare.

"Let's get out of here, Charles. I can't stand this crazy woman before. " Lucian said and they both got into the car and drove off.

"You're the one who's crazy. Look at your face like that of a soured soup. " She screamed at them.

Lucian entered the house immediately Charles parked the car. The servants were surprised at how dirty his suit was but no one dared to ask any question.

"what happened to the master, Charles? " Hosea, the butler asked.

"The thing that always happens when two crazy being meets. " Charles replied with a grin.

Abi got back home to meet her parents fighting in the living room but she didn't bother as it was their daily routine.

"What happened to your clothes, Abi? " Justin their last born asked.

"I ran into a crazy guy today and... " Abi was interrupted by Justin.

"Did you guys fall in love? " he asked expectantly. He had always wanted his sister to have a boyfriend but she simply wasn't listening to him.

"No. Why would i fall in love with someone who splashed dirty water on my body? I don't like him. He's too rude and proud. " she said while going over to her wardrobe.

"What about handsome? Is he handsome, Abi? " Justin was pushing further.

"To be honest he is but don't get your hopes high 'coz i don't like him. " She said and it was case closed

"You're such an emotional freak, Abi. How can you still be single at twenty one? I want to ne an uncle please. " Justin said after sometime.

"I also want to be an aunt. I want to carry your babies in my arms, Justin. When is that gonna happen? "

"Come on, i'm just eighteen. " Justin said puffing his cheeks. He was close to Abi because their parents never had time for them so he became more and more attached to her by the day.

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