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Masquerade of Love:- The battle of Royalties

Masquerade of Love:- The battle of Royalties



If she were to choose the one she loves, he'd never be in the question..Tryna never thought in her whole life, she'd be married to Ethan Brooks, the famous but irksome billionaire in the whole of Massachusetts. Forced into a contract marriage by her dad, she felt her world crumble but little did she know that there is much to love in him than more to hate. Although, challenges came on the way. Will she find love and solace in him or will there be a turn of events?.. Find out here

Chapter 1 Leaving the circle

"NO!!!, I refuse to be a party to this". Tryna confronted her dad in the most unpleasant way he'd ever seen.

The tension grew more as provocative arguments aroused from both.

"Tell me, why don't you want to marry Ethan. What does he not have as a man, is it looks, personality, calibre, wealth. What?". Mr Kronke fired back at her..

"Because I didn't consent to it". She raged

"Look if you don't abide by my rules, I will make you pay ". His statement was cut short ..

"what if I don't listen to you?", Tryna looked intently into his eyes as she was dauntless in both character and mentality

Mr Kronke was stunned, he had never received as much insult as his daughter had today. He felt the surge of anger and disappointment in his heart.

"Did my own daughter say this to me or am I dreaming?". He said to himself as he couldn't fathom where she got such balls.

"Or what right?" He laughed loudly as he paused for a moment.

"I leave you with three days. If you don't comply with my terms, I reserve my comment". He left, going upstairs leaving her between dead ends.

At this point, Tryna knew she was fighting a losing battle because, if she said no and remained stubborn she would still be taken to Ethan forcefully. Saying yes is still the same thing just that it'd not be disgraceful.

She fumed silently at the ultimatum given and wished the ground would just open and take her to the other world besides,

"What is so good that I'd love to stay?". She asked herself

She wished her dad was still alive, as he'd have cared for her better, She wept as sad memories of the past flooded her mind. Of course, being the step daughter, he cared less and won't mind killing her for money...

She cried her heart out as her mum came to console her. Tryna of course, knew her mum kicked against it and fought hard to counter it but she was overpowered by the tenacious nature of her husband..

"Baby, you've to stop crying. Crying won't make any difference as you know your dad's attitude is rigid". Her mum cuddled her as she pet her.

"Step dad not dad, he can never be compared to dad". She smirked.

"I understand but still, you have to respect him no matter what". Her mum advised her

"Well....well...well what can I do?, I'm stuck". She said disgusted by his presence as he came down the stairs

Even though she's almost a full grown lady, she loved it when her mum cuddled her which made her feel like a child again..

Nevertheless, his will must be obeyed whether favourable or not. She excused herself from her mum's comforting arms as she trodden to her room.

Maxwell on the other hand was one that cared less. He never seemed bothered about anything at home. As far as he's satisfied on his terms, he didn't.

Just because his dad wanted to save his company, he'd obliged to use her as a gateway to make connections with Ethan. She cursed herself for getting into this.

Later that day, she stumbled on Maxwell, his biological son who was lost in the excitement his phone buzzed. She felt angry that he showed no sign of assistance rather she is the one to be the sacrificial lamb

"Maxwell, you're just acting as if you don't know the happenings here". Tryna said, walking up to him trying to gain his attention, but he didn't bulge.

"So???" He said not looking up for any reason.

"Don't you feel concerned, it's dad we are talking about here and either way, it affects us also". She said, feeling disgusted that she pronounced "dad" rather than her usual "stepdad"

"Look, allow me to clarify it, I'm not suffering and secondly, I can't kill myself with worry. If the company will be bankrupt, so be it. If not, so be it as well. It's not in my hands". He said, shifting his attention back to the game he's playing.

Tryna was shocked, she never expected to hear this from him.

"Do you know by right, you're the next heir to everything". Tryna raised a questioning look.

"Of course, I'm aware. You don't need to lecture me". He sighed.

"Well if someone is showing this attitude, I don't expect it to be you because you're the next in line after dad and mum". She said cautiously.

"Damn!!!!!" Can you please leave me alone?, this and that saying all sorts of things? It's not by force to take it up. He stormed off to his room leaving her bewildered.

"You know what you did back there wasn't right". She said tenderly to avoid making him het up.

"Well she has to. it's for our good besides, it's not like we're killing her. It's a contracted marriage before you know 2 years will come and go and it will be a past event".

But at least you'd have thought about her feelings. Or better still tried to talk her into it, not just taking action without her consent. I'm sure she has a plan for herself

"Are you trying to insult my intelligence?". He looked pissed with the way she talked on the matter

"In no way am I taking you for granted but at least hear her own side of the story before taking action". She said

She knew that any further discussion could lead to a full blown argument that only God knows when It will end. So she muted, turning the covers to have a peaceful sleep.

All the while Tryna couldn't sleep, she tossed round the bed, there's no way out of this and just the thought of having to stay with him made her so fray.

"Is this how my life was going to turn out, I actually dreamt of someone more loving not someone uncaring". She soliloquized

She hated the fact that of all men she'd be stuck with him. Of course it had to be elite for elite. She had no choice.. In much thought, she fell asleep


"Dad morning". Maxwell greeted as he walked on.

"Morning son, how's your night?". He veered off his study as their eyes both met

"All good". He said.

Sooner Tryna came in but just walked past without caring to say hi. Of course her blood boiled anytime she set her eyes on him.

Raging anger from last night surfaced yet again as she remembered his words "I give you three days".

She walked down the lobby not wanting to disrupt the beautiful day that wanted her smiles.

After a little while, everyone was seated on each couch in the room.

He cleared his throat and started "Good morning all, I'm glad to see you all awake and healthy, but I promise to make this brief".

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