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Kisses of Betrayal

Kisses of Betrayal



"I've never dared to dream of a perfect life all I wanted was my own peace, a safe place and sanctuary" Most people are glad to be born into the mafia thanks to the authority and power they get but not Avery for her it's been a nightmare especially after losing her mother and brother. All her life she's been determined to avoid and stay away from her fathers' dealings but all efforts are shattered when her father gives her away to the cruelest man she had ever heard of-Lucas Pierre- the Don of the black vipers- to save his own skin. Now Avery's new goal is simple: survive but survival takes an unexpected turn as she navigates death threats, grows closer to her husband becomes entangled with his best friend and consigliere who has deep secrets. As feelings develop and loyalties are tested Avery's world is further shaken by the return of Lucas manipulative ex, Paige who stairs up dangerous waters In this web of betrayal and crime can Avery find her place and protect the ones she loves or will she be consumed by the darkness around her?

Chapter 1 K.O.B chapter one

The dimly lit warehouse cast long shadows as Gregory Blackwell stumbled backward, fear etched across his face. The air filled with tension, thick enough to cut with a knife, as Lucas Pierre, the calculating leader of the Black Vipers, advanced with deliberate steps.

"You thought you could actually run away from me," Lucas sneered his voice a low, menacing growl. His piercing gaze bore into Gregory, who trembled under the weight of his impending doom. "But you forget, Blackwell, I'm always ten steps ahead."

Avery, Gregory's daughter, stood on the sidelines, her eyes darting between her father and the formidable leader who held their fate in his hands. The chilling certainty in Lucas's voice sent shivers down her spine he looked more vicious than she heard or imagined. This exchange was more than a power play-it was reckoning.

"Lucas, please," Gregory stammered, his eyes darting nervously. "There must be another way. A way for us to work together."

Lucas raised an eyebrow, a scornfully mocking smile playing on his lips. "Work together? Did you forget how you betrayed me. Stole from me! And now you think we can be allies?"

Gregory's gaze wavered, and a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. "I had no choice. I-"

"No choice?" Lucas cut him off, his tone ice-cold. "You had a choice when you decided to betray me, Gregory. Now, you face the consequences." he places the steel cold gun on Gregory's head a smirk playing on his lips like he was enjoying the whole situation.

Gregory's desperate eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for an escape route that didn't exist. "Please, Lucas, there's got to be a way out of this... I have something... something useful and maybe even valuable."

Lucas arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Valuable, you say? What could you possibly offer now?"

Gregory hesitated, the weight of his sins pressing down on him. "My daughter, Avery. She can be useful to you. A pawn in our alliance."

Avery's breath caught in her throat as she felt the weight of her father's sacrifice. She exchanged a glance with Lucas, whose expression remained unreadable. She had never wanted to be rejected by someone so bad. The tense silence stretched before Lucas finally spoke.

"You offer your own flesh and blood to save yourself," Lucas pondered, the corner of his lips curling into a bitter smile. "How touching. Tell me, Blackwell, what makes you think I would want a traitor's daughter?"

"She's loyal. Willing to serve. I can vouch for her, she would do anything" Gregory pleaded, his voice trembling.

Lucas circled Gregory, his eyes never leaving the man who sought to betray him.

"You spare my life, and Avery becomes yours not just her the Midnight Wolves will serve under the Black Vipers forever." Gregory blurted out; desperation etched in every word he said.

Lucas halted, a contemplative expression on his face. "An interesting proposal," he remarked halting in front of Gregory a dangerous glare in his eyes "I accept but never forget, Blackwell" he pauses before continuing in a threatening manner is voice low and daring "if you ever cross me again, no number of alliances or sacrificial daughters will save you."

Gregory nodded vigorously, a mixture of relief clouding his eyes. "I understand. I swear my loyalty to you and the Black Vipers."

Lucas turned his attention to Avery, his gaze piercing through her. "And you, my dear, are now bound to the Black Vipers. Don't make the mistake of betraying us like your father."

Avery swallowed hard, she tried to say something anything but knowing if she dared to open her mouth all that would come out would be nothing but sobs so she kept her mouth shut

Thankfully Lucas ignored her lack of response, motioned to his enforcers. "Take Gregory Blackwell back to our territory. Make sure he understands the consequences of crossing me."

As the enforcers escorted Gregory away, Lucas turned back to Avery. "Welcome to the Black Vipers, Avery. Your loyalty will determine your fate."

Avery's world crumbled around her as the weight of her father's betrayal settled like a suffocating shroud. Lucas's cold words lingered in the air, and as the warehouse doors closed behind him, she fell to the cold, unforgiving floor. Her whole body shook with a mixture of fear, anger, and a sense of abandonment.

Her breaths came in ragged gasps the sting of betrayal cut deeper than any knife she clutched her chest it felt so heavy. Never in her life had she dreamed of having her fathers love after her mother and brothers death still she had never expected to be thrown into the fiery pit by her own flesh and blood.

Tears blurred her vision as she curled into herself, the cold, hard ground offering little comfort. She felt exposed, stripped of the facade she had built to shield herself from the harsh realities of her father's criminal life. How could he do this to her? How could he betray her in such a heartless manner?

Images of her childhood, tainted by the shadows of her father's deeds, flashed before her eyes. She remembered the sleepless nights, the whispered conversations, and the constant danger that went about their lives. Yet, despite it all, she had clung to the hope that her father valued her innocence, her desire for a life untouched by the sins he committed. He knew how desperately she wanted absolutely nothing to do with the lie he had given himself not after she lost her mother and brother that way.

The sound of footsteps approached, snapping Avery out of her tormenting thoughts she wiped her tears away quicky not wanting anyone to see that she had been crying even though it would be obvious thanks to her red and swollen eyes. One of Lucas's enforcers stood nearby, watching her with detached eyes.

He said nothing at first just watching her with a cold her with a col her stare she bent her head into her folded knees she didn't feel like talking but it irritated her seeing him just stand there and glare at her.

"Get up" he said curtly. Rather than responding to him she just buries her head deeper into her laps.

When he didn't say anything after few minutes, she raises her head hoping he had magically disappeared, but he was still there not leaving not saying anything but just watching her.

"Then stay here" he sounded frustrated "stay here and keep feeling sorry for yourself" he turned walking away but then pauses his hand on the door knob "Feel sorry for yourself and remain as a pawn with no control over your life.... or become your own leader it's up to you" he walked out slamming the door shut

As Avery processed those words, a surge of anger ignited within her. He was annoyingly right sitting here feeling sorry for herself would do nothing but cause her more pin and probably an untimely death. Slowly, she pushed herself off the floor, determination in her eyes as she walked out the door.

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