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Betty K.


Dante was left orphaned after he saw his parents burn. A seasoned criminal with a sharp mind, he ascended through the De Luca mafia's ranks to become a vicious strategist known as "Il Demone." But when he falls in love with Luna, the Don's most valuable asset, his entire life is turned upside down. Dante is currently torn between his desires and his newfound love, and he has to decide whether to follow Luna or take over the mafia kingdom. Watch out for more in this book.

Chapter 1 A family's ordeal


Dante could hear rhythmic thuds of his heart reverberating in his ears, drowning out all other sounds. Even the rustling of the long grasses and weeds that tugged at his little legs and arms as he struggled to clear a path for his escape was left inaudible to the relentless beat of his heart. Sweat mixed with dirt and blood oozing from different cuts on his body was displayed on his little white singlet and boxers like the canvas of a distressed artist.

Dante had just witnessed a tragic event, one that would alter the course of his life forever. An incident he never saw coming, neither did he wish on anyone.

That fateful evening, he had just shared a modest but happy Pasta alla Norma dinner with his parents. Nothing new from what they were used to, but as far as they were a happy family eating together, even the commonest of meals could be seen as a royal banquet - his father, Mr. Suarez will always say. Although unknown to them, their evening wasn't meant to end in royal splendor.

His mother had just tucked Dante in after a bedtime story when he heard a loud bang echoing from the front door. Footsteps resounded through the wooden floors of their little home as some men walked in calling out his father's name like they owned him. Apparently, they did as his father seemed to owe them what was due at the moment.

Dante rushes off from his bed to peep through an open crack on his door. Three men were standing before his father, casting an air of anxiety over the room. Two of them boast heavy and intimidating builds, but the man in the center, though less imposing in stature, still carries an aura of danger written piercing through his eyes and voice. He flaunted his gold teeth whenever he grinned, yet there was nothing kind about the smile that stretched across his face.

"What a beautiful home you have here Suarez," The gold-toothed man remarks, grabbing a chair close to the dinning as he sits comfortably. With his evil grin firmly in place, he turns to Dante's mother, "And a beautiful wife I must say."

Amidst fear, Suarez still managed to answer warmly, "Welcome to my home Lorenzo. We didn't expect this visit."

"My dear Suarez," Lorenzo inserts slyly, "Is that any way to treat your guests, huh? Aren't you going to offer us something?"

Suarez responds stammering, "Umm I'm- I'm sorry. Of course, what would you gentlemen like?"

Lorenzo and his men burst into laughter. "What do you possibly think you could offer I and my men from this slump of yours?" Lorenzo scoffs, shifting his dubious gaze to Dante's mother he added, "Except, she is what you have to offer, I'm sure we'd manage just fine."

Following Lorenzo's response, Dante's mother recoils in fear and disgust, stepping behind her husband for protection.

"But first, let's deal with the matter at hand" Lorenzo pulls out a pistol from his back pocket and drops it on their dining table. In response, Suarez and his wife immediately drop on their knees pleading.

"You were given 9 days Suarez," Lorenzo continues. "And your time is overdue by 9 minutes precisely. What's the delay, Suarez? Where is the money you owe?"

Sweating and trembling Suarez pleads, "Please Lorenzo, just give me few more days and I promise the money would be delivered to the Don myself. I promise please!"

"Few more days you say?" Lorenzo scoffs, turning to his cohorts, "He's asking for few more days? This man has got to be joking!" He chuckles.

In support of her husband, Dante's mother adds amidst tears, "Please Sir Lorenzo, just give us a few days. This wasn't the plan at all. We were robbed of that money even before we could begin the plans to establish the business, we borrowed it for. I swear jus-"

Lorenzo cuts her off with his gun pointed at her throat. In defense, Suarez tried to reach for her but his right hand was immediately shot at by one of Lorenzo's men. In shock and in pain, Dante's parents screamed.

Lorenzo pulled Dante’s mother onto his lap, instructing his men to lift Suarez up. Hitting his pistol on Suarez's chin, he sneers, "Hey look here. Raise that cute face of yours up"

Suarez amidst excruciating pain struggles to lift his gaze to Suarez who has one hand on his pistol pointing at him and the other on his wife's breast.

"Now listen, if you want extra time, huh? You're gonna have to give us extra time with this beauty of yours," he penned a kiss on her cheek. "What do you say? Do you still want more time?"

Suarez pleads, "No Lorenzo please. Please leave my wife out of this. I promise I'll repay the money to the don, please just ask for more time for us. Please!"

Lorenzo smirks, "And I'm saying that can be arranged. Only if you give us some time too with what you've been enjoying"

Lorenzo attempts to draw his hands through his hostage's thighs but she retaliates, hitting his nose with the back of her head as she jerks of his lap dragging his gun with him. She aims to shoot but Lorenzo's colleague shoot her in the leg, leaving her to drop the weapon as she landed on the floor in agony.

Lorenzo, still staggering from the pain of his broken nose, sniggers as he taunts Dante's mother. "Aww darling, what a pity? You should have just kept those legs still. Now you'll never be able to raise them for me to see what's underneath. What a waste."

He tears of a piece from her dress to wipe the blood from his nose before turning to his men with instructions.

"You two, drag them outside and tie them up. While I look for that little vermin of theirs"

"Piaciri lu Signuri Lorenzo. I beg you Lorenzo don't do this please" Suarez pleaded, clinging to Lorenzo's feet. Lorenzo forcefully kicks him away, as he goes into other rooms in search of Dante.

"Dante run!! Run Dante now!!" His mother cries out.

Terrified and scared, Dante dashes out through the window in his nightwear, leaving everything behind. Lorenzo rushes to catch up with him but was delayed by the window's size. He resorts to the door but fails to find Dante.

Meanwhile, Dante still curious about what could happen to his parents and afraid that he could be caught midway in his race, he hurriedly hid himself behind the garden near his home.

From his hiding spot he watched as his parents were dragged outside, tied to a stake and doused with petrol by Lorenzo and his men.

With a lighter in his hand, Lorenzo declares, "Now this should serve as a lesson to anyone who tries to play smart with Don Russo" he ignites the lighter and threw it at Dante's parents, setting them ablaze.

Dante watched in tears as his parents were burnt in agony, their cry for help kept falling on deaf ears. Suddenly, Dante heard a creak in the woods. Turning to see who it is, he spotted a little girl about his age standing nearby. He couldn't tell if she felt sorry for him, or if she was with his parent's murderers. But he knew for sure that she was a stranger, and it was dangerous being around one right now. Without hesitation he fled into the bushes, leaving the one possible witness to his parent's murder speechless.

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