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A Lawyer for the CEO

A Lawyer for the CEO

Taize Dantas


Cassandra and Tiffany have been friends since they were children and only one thing has managed to separate them: Tiffany's marriage to Noah Abrantes the most unpleasant CEO Cassandra has ever met. But when Tiffany decides to get divorced, Cassandra offers to be her lawyer and fight for her interests, making Noah pay for all the hurt he caused Tiffany. However, Cassandra didn't expect Noah Abrantes to be the only person capable of stirring up her emotions and breaking down all the barriers she has built around her heart. And the fact that he is Tiffany's ex-husband is not the only obstacle to this seemingly impossible relationship. Will love be able to overcome intrigue and betrayal? This story will show us that the heart has its own reasons, even when the path seems full of challenges.

Chapter 1 Justice


I looked at the state my friend was in, and I felt anger consuming me. That was unacceptable, and I would do whatever was in my power to ensure justice was served in that case. I would personally make sure of it.

"How did you get hold of this video, Tiffany?" I asked in a calm tone, despite everything.

"It was sent to me from an unknown number," she said between sobs. "I've tried to reach out to the person, but it's always either switched off or out of the carrier's coverage area."

I considered her words, wondering who could have an interest in that situation to the extent of recording a video of Tiffany's husband cheating and sending the content to her.

"I'm so disappointed in Noah, Cassie," she repeated for the umpteenth time, tears streaming from her eyes in a devastating proportion. "How could he betray me like this?"

"I understand your dismay, Tiff. But it won't end like this, I assure you."

Tiffany had been my friend since we were kids, attending the same school. Despite being completely different from each other, we always maintained our friendship.

At least until Tiffany married the most prominent figure in the country's fashion industry, and our lives took completely different paths. This saddened me a bit, as I always found it challenging to form new friendships. Losing my best friend felt like a genuine loss and had a significant impact on my life at that moment.

Even when I went straight from high school to university, having earned enough to study Law in Rio de Janeiro, while Tiffany chose to pursue a modeling career, deciding to take a break from further studies at that point in her life, we still managed to stay in constant contact and maintain our friendship.

But after Tiffany met Noah Abrantes, everything changed. We lost touch completely, which surprised me greatly. We only reconnected a few weeks ago when my friend called me, inviting me to dinner as she had been feeling very lonely.

I found your call quite surprising, especially your words, considering that, to the best of my knowledge about your life, she was married. Tiffany has always been surrounded by friends, unlike me, who considered her my only and best friend, as she was the only one for me. So, her feeling lonely shocked me greatly.

Due to the total absence of social life and not having many opportunities to go out with friends, as they didn't exist, I immediately accepted her invitation. It was only after our dinner meeting that I became aware of everything she had been facing with her husband. I was truly shocked when she told me about her relationship with Noah Abrantes and revealed that what everyone saw on social media and celebrity gossip websites was nothing more than mere publicity.

The reality was far different from everything portrayed, and I became increasingly astonished by her revelations. Learning that her husband had forbidden her from various things, such as working as a model or anything else, demanding that she always wait for him in the penthouse apartment they shared in Barra da Tijuca, left me appalled.

Another prohibition that outraged me even more was that he didn't allow her to have friends, while he frequently went out with friends, especially with his best friend, who was a lawyer. When I asked who it was, she told me it was Afonso Dornelles, and I recognized the name immediately. But, as far as I knew him, he was a decent guy. Nevertheless, sometimes, being an excellent professional and a terrible individual were undeniable facts.

As if everything she told me wasn't enough for her to have sought a divorce much earlier, Tiffany suspected he had been cheating on her since the beginning of their marriage. Since then, we rekindled our friendship, and this had happened about two weeks ago. To my total dismay, she came to my office in tears after discovering that he was indeed cheating on her. She had received a video confirming her suspicions, and I felt genuinely sorry for Tiffany.

I knew how deeply in love she was with her husband because she had told me so from the beginning of their relationship. I could sense her joy on that day when they started dating; she was genuinely happy to marry Noah, as she repeated numerous times in all our recent encounters.

"What do you want to do now?" I had to ask, even though I hoped she would demand an end to the marriage. I couldn't interfere with what she truly wanted, even though I had discussed how abusive the relationship was and how she didn't need to subject herself to the absurdities her husband put her through.

"I want a divorce! I won't spend another day beside a cowardly traitor."

"That's what should be done, Tiffany."

I assessed the situation, trying to maintain a professional distance, although it wasn't entirely possible. Tiffany was my friend, and I cared deeply for her. I deduced that she would ask me to be her representative in the divorce process. However, as much as I had a strong friendship with one of the parties, my job depended on appearing neutral, especially in conflict-of-interest situations, which were common in my cases. I was convinced that Tiffany's divorce process wouldn't be an exception.

"I want you to be my lawyer, Cass."

I wasn't surprised by the request and had been preparing for it. I intended for her to make certain demands to compensate for everything Noah Abrantes had put her through. Since she began talking, I understood that she wanted my professional help, and who better than her best friend to defend her interests in this situation?

I had climbed a few steps in my profession and was now considered one of the best in my field. I had worked hard for this recognition and was reaping the rewards of my dedication. Despite my commitment to my career, I was also a sensible person who thoroughly analyzed the cases I chose to defend.

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