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The Senator's Unexpected Passion

The Senator's Unexpected Passion

Taize Dantas


Adriel, the son of a renowned Brazilian senator, didn't want any distractions during his political campaign for the Senate. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he realizes that he is hopelessly in love with Manuela, his best friend and confidante. For Adriel, Manuela is not the right woman to be by his side at this time. Manuela doesn't accept being kept as Adriel's dirty secret either, as she is faced with the opportunity to start her life again with Logan, someone who offers stability and security, and ends up opting for the person who really wants her. However, when fate brings them back together, Adriel finds himself determined to fight for Manuela's love, even if it means defying social conventions and sacrificing his political career.

Chapter 1 Hidden Feelings


The scent of fine whiskey filled my nostrils as I raised the glass to my lips, watching the amber liquid dance inside it. A grand party was happening at the Ricci family mansion, and I was among the guests. However, despite the evident joy around me, I felt restless, almost impatient.

Everyone seemed to be in ecstasy, celebrating the news of Cecilia and Liam's baby, Frederico and Valentina Ricci's first grandchild. Laughter echoed through the halls, champagne flowed, and smiles were contagious. But for me, something was amiss.

I accepted another pour of the high-quality whiskey that was generously served. The Ricci family certainly knew how to throw a party, that much I couldn't deny, even though I had never harbored any fondness for Frederico Ricci, the father of one of my best friends.

Logan, my other close friend, approached, casting me a disapproving glance at the glass in my hand.

"Maybe it's time to stop, Adriel," he suggested, with a concerned expression. "You've had enough."

I brushed off his advice with a smirk, but deep down, I knew he was right. Perhaps I was trying to drown out my thoughts, or simply avoid facing the reality that seemed to loom over me like a persistent shadow.

"I know perfectly well when it's time to stop," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

However, my response only seemed to further irritate my friend.

"You've been acting strange lately, Adriel. What's going on?" Logan inquired, fixing his intense gaze on mine as if he could decipher my thoughts with just one look.

Before I could formulate a response, something that would convince Logan that there was nothing wrong with me, Manuela approached us. She noticed the tense atmosphere between Logan and me, and her concerned expression didn't go unnoticed.

"Is everything okay here?" Manuela asked, her soft voice trying to dissipate any tension. "It seems like I'm missing something."

Logan didn't hesitate to explain, his voice laden with frustration.

"I'm trying to understand what's going on with our friend here. He's been acting strange lately," Logan said, shooting me an accusatory look.

Manuela's eyes met mine for a brief moment, and I could see understanding reflected in them. Trying to steer the conversation in a lighter direction, she commented:

"You guys noticed how everything looks so beautiful? I've never been to a party like this, and I'm amazed!" she said, smiling.

Logan raised an eyebrow, not allowing himself to be distracted. He spoke directly, as he always did.

"I know what you're trying to do, Manuela. I'm sure you know what's going on with Adriel."

Manuela couldn't disguise the discomfort on her face, and as she looked at me, her eyes begged for understanding. It became evident that she was somehow involved, and I knew I could no longer avoid facing the reality I had been trying to hide behind every sip of whiskey.

I took a deep breath, determined to put an end to the speculations and tell the truth. I looked into Logan's eyes, ready to speak the truth.

"I haven't been well lately, something has been tormenting me."

Manuela widened her eyes in explicit horror, already anticipating what would come next. She had made it clear her opinion on the matter, believing that I shouldn't reveal the truth, that I should keep my feelings hidden. However, I couldn't bear to keep it to myself any longer.

Manuela's face became a mask of concern, her eyes pleading for me to consider my words. She knew what was coming and didn't agree with it. Logan, on the other hand, grew curious, as was his investigative nature.

"Is it related to your future senatorial candidacy? The upcoming elections?"

Logan's question made me hesitate for a moment. The idea of my senatorial candidacy was indeed linked to my dilemma, but there was more than just politics involved in it. I took a deep breath before finally finding the courage to speak.

"No, Logan. It's something more personal than that," My voice was firm but laden with emotion. "It's related to Cecilia and Liam."

Logan frowned, repeating the names of our friends in a tone of confusion.

"Cecilia and Liam? What does it have to do with them?"

Manuela let out a restrained sigh, and I was sure she regretted that I hadn't followed her advice. Logan, on the other hand, kept pressing, eager to understand what was tormenting me.

I sighed, preparing to reveal the truth that had consumed me for so long.

"It's related to them, Logan. Directly."

Logan's expression shifted to a determined look.

"So it's something simple. You need to talk to them. It's not fair that they're not aware of what's going on."

Manuela smiled, but it was a forced smile, agreeing with Logan's words. With a hurried gesture, she grabbed my arm and said:

"You're right, Logan. Adriel needs to talk to Liam and Cecilia," she agrees, "But first, there's something I need to tell you. Now."

Logan looked at her, confused by the sudden urgency in her words.

"You're acting strange too, Manu!" He complained.

She just shook her head, her eyes conveying a silent message to me.

"What I have to tell Adriel is really urgent. We'll be back soon."

Without waiting for a response from Logan or even for my agreement, Manuela held onto my arm even tighter and discreetly insisted that I follow her, pressing me with a determined look. I already guessed what she had to say, so I decided to do what she wanted and followed her.

Manuela led me to a balcony further away from the main hall of the party, where the music became a distant murmur. Making sure we were alone, she turned to me with a disapproving expression.

"You shouldn't have let slip to Logan about Cecilia. That was a mistake."

"I know, Manu, but I can't keep it to myself anymore. I love her, and she needs to know."

Manuela shook her head vehemently.

"That's wrong! You can't do this. Cecilia is in love with Liam, and they're expecting a child together."

"I know what I'm doing, Manuela. I need to talk to Cecilia, and I'll do it soon."

Manuela tried to dissuade me again, but I stepped away from her, determined to follow my heart.

As I walked away, I saw Cecilia approaching Manuela. They talked briefly, then headed to the garden together. A sense of urgency took hold of me, and I knew it was now or never. After another shot of whiskey to gather courage, I followed them to the garden, determined to finally confess my feelings to Cecilia, whatever the cost.

I found them sitting on a wooden bench, under the shade of a tree. Cecilia seemed curious about my approach, and in her always attentive and gentle way, she quickly asked:

"Aren't you enjoying the party?"

I longed for a different kind of conversation, but I responded to your question:

"The party is delivering what it promised," I said. Then, I went straight to the point, "But I would like to talk to you privately."

Before Cecilia could respond, Manuela intervened, approaching me and firmly gripping my arm. Her gesture didn't surprise me, and I should have anticipated that she would try to stop me.

"This isn't a good time, Adriel..." Manuela said, her voice containing a note of caution.

Cecilia looked at Manuela with curiosity, seeming surprised by her reaction.

"There's no problem, Manu," she said with a smile. "I can talk to Adriel now."

Despite Cecilia's words, Manuela insisted on trying to prevent the conversation between us.

"I know there's no problem, Cecilia, but I'm saying this isn't the best time," Manuela insisted, staring at me with a reproachful look. "Come on, Adriel. You can talk later!"

I would have insisted that that moment was as good as any other, but the arrival of an unexpected couple of guests made me end up agreeing with Manuela. Caíque and Leila were heading towards Cecilia, as well as Liam.

The ideal moment had passed, and it was all Manuela's fault.

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