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Destined With The Forbidden Prince

Destined With The Forbidden Prince



She has always dreamed of a simple life : Dominating the business world, getting married to a Prince Charming and living happily ever after. Elegant, Classy, an epitome of beauty, that's her, ROSE MARTINA. Raised by a single mother and believing that her life was so simple and problem free. Little did she know, that there are mysteries behind her background. Fate leads her to Louis Lynch, the youngest prince of Royalwood who had come undercover as an highschool student just to escape danger. Rose fell head over heels for him. Who wouldn't? He is an embodiment of perfection. She found her prince charming, mission accomplished, right? Unfortunately, life is not so rosy. Things become complicated, when Rose found out that she is an heiress of a forgotten kingdom. What happens when secrets are brought to light , and she finds out that she and her prince charming can never be together. Did love conquer or was it conquered? Find out in this intriguing story, DESTINED WITH THE FORBIDDEN PRINCE.



Why am I running? Why am I being chased? Who have I offended? All these questions kept flooding in my head as I ran for my dear life. I looked back and saw people chasing me with clubs and machetes , okay these people aren't joking but what exactly have I done? I asked no one particular. I tripped and fell as they closed up on me...Rose, Rose are you okay? Rose. I woke up with a startle, oh my goodness, it was all a dream.

Rose, are you okay? I heard again only to see my mum looking at me with fear in her eyes. "I am fine mum, good morning ma", I greeted . "No, you aren't fine ", she snapped. I came here to wake you up only to find you shivering and sweating. I looked at myself, I was really drenched in sweats, the dream felt so real. "Mum, it was just a nightmare , sorry for startling you", I apologized. "Rose, why are you apologizing? It is okay now that you are fine, I was just so worried. " " Sorry mum", I apologized again." It's fine, dress up,you need to prepare for school and make sure you pray over that nightmare ",she said. "It's fine mum, it was just a dream." Just do as I said and stop lecturing me young woman ", she said just as she walked up out of my room. I don't really see any need to pray over a mere dream.

Oh, let me introduce myself. I am Rose Martina, a seventeen year old high school girl. You can call me a beauty queen because I am an epitome of beauty, I am so lucky to have taken that from my mother because she herself is a beauty goddess. I am the only daughter of my parents or should I say "of my parent ", well my mum is a single mother. My mother is not fully American, she is also a Korean.

She gave birth to me in her teenage years. I don't know who my father is but my mum told me that he absconded when he heard that she was pregnant, well, that's a story for another day. Right now, I have got to prepare for school. "Rose, Rose, come have breakfast" ,my mum called, "I am on my way ", I answered. I had my breakfast and the only thing left is to hit the road. My driver drove me to school. Ohh did I forget to mention, my mum is quite rich, she's into real estate management and also quite popular in the fashion world, though not the top rich freaks, my mum is a multi millionaire so I attend one of the most classic and prestigious school in town, Deluxe High School, we call it DHS for short. It's the best school in the city and oh creme de la creme attends the school and just as the name sounds, it is a school of high quality.

I got to school by 7:15 am looking smart in my uniform,a real Deluxite should always look neat and smart. I walked through the large gates of the school ready for my academic activities. I am not the so- brilliant type, I am more of an average student.The dullest person in DHS is above average in a random school. So I might not be so brilliant in DHS but in the real world, I am a brilliant baby. Yup, I am a really confident girl.

"Hey, Rose"I heard my name. I turned back, only for me to see my best friend,Paige Meyers, one of the most brilliant and beautiful girl in DHS running towards me with a flier in her hands."Hey Paige", I answered. " "What a beautiful morning", she said. " What's up bestie, you look so pumped up", I replied. "Do you as she know what, take a look", she said as she handed me the flier in her hands. Ohh now I see why she is so excited. A beauty pageant contest is coming up. "Bestie, we are so going to win this competition", Paige said as she jumped happily. Paige might be a brilliant girl but she isn't the nerdy type, she is very social, one of the qualities that make is click, we are so alike in that aspect. I am equally happy about the beauty contest because it's really my dream to become a high class fashionista and influencer."Wow, I can't wait" I told Paige. " Yeah, let's discuss more about it in class", she said as we both walked to class. We are both in our final year in school.

The beauty pageant contest is coming up in two weeks time and the winner of the contest would be given a sum of seven thousand dollars and three different outfits from three best fashion designers. The first and second runners - up would also be entitled to a prize money of five and three thousand dollars respectively. " I really need to win this contest, it would really improve my followers on my social media handles", I thought to myself. My thoughts was interrupted by the sound of the electric bell which indicated that it's time for assembly. We all left class and headed to the assembly ground.

"Great Deluxite! Great Deluxite!! Great Deluxite!!!",the principal called. "Great!!!",we all chorused. The principal conducted the assembly as this is just the beginning of a new session, the prefects have not been chosen yet. She talked about the beauty pageant contest and also announced that the prefect selection exercise would come up a week after the beautycontest have been concluded. I am running for the post of a social prefect, I am quite popular in school and since the prefects selection is a voting exercise, I am good to go. Though I have rivals, the likes of Susan Salem, the daughter of the owner of a famous oil & gas company in the country, S&S petroleum. She is a proud and snobbish girl who really loves to flaunt het family's wealth. Her dad is a major contributor to the finances and growth of DHS. But , DHS is a disciplined school that deals fairly no matter how wealthy the family or parents of the students are. Therefore it is certain that the election of the prefects would be free and fair.

After the assembly ended , we all marched to the class. "Girls ,huddle up", Susan called out to her friends. I am very sure that she wants to discuss about the beauty pageant contest with them. " Good morning class", Mr Cole the English Language teacher greeted ready to begin his class. After series of lectures, it's finally break. Paige and I have our favourite table in the Canteen. " Babe, how do we go about this contest, I heard that it includes a fashion show, the promotion and advertisement of a popular cosmetic brand, Oriflames, yunno the best promotion would get some weighty points" Paige said as we munched our lunch. " Yeah, we would need beautiful dresses for the fashion show, I am thinking that we should register for the contest as a two -man group, a team, then we could get matching outfits and if we win, we do so together ", I said. " I don't think that would be possible Rose, would the school authorities allow that? The management never mentioned that we could contest as a team ", Paige said. " I really wish they could agree , it would be so fun" I said. " After our lunch, let's ask the school authorities " , Paige said. " Okay then", I replied.

I got home sad and exhausted, not that school wasn't fun, it really was. I was just sad because we were told that there would be no team performance. It made me really sad because competing with my best friend isn't my thing. It would be so awkward for both of us. Geez, I can't imagine Paige being my opponent. That was the major reason why she decided go run for the post of the senior girl even though she really wanted to run for the social prefect position. She gave up that position for me, it would be really selfish of me to contest with her but I can't just help it. I really want to win this contest.

I can't afford to lose my best friend, I know this contest means a lot to her. What do I do? I asked myself as i buried my head in my palm.

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When he looked in through the window, he was astounded to see her topless and braless. She was standing with her back to him, eliciting wild desires in him. He took his handkerchief from his pocket and crept into her room. He blindfolded her with his hankie before dragging her towards the bed. Her heartbeat accelerated. She could feel that he was her man. She asked, "is it you, baby?" He pushed her onto the bed and gazed at her perfect slender body with profound desires in his eyes. He hovered her and tied her wrists with his tie to the headboard. *** She could never stop her heart from beating for him since the day she saw him despite knowing that he would never retaliate to her feelings as for him she was only his best friend's sister. She was so innocent and pure like holy water, and he was messed up and a monster whom anybody definitely wouldn't like to come across. She had never dated anyone in her entire life because, for her, the love of her life was everything. On the other hand, he never believed in all this. For him, "love" didn't exist; it was all about physical needs. His mere presence was enough to relieve her pain; he was like oxygen to her, while on the other hand, he didn't even acknowledge her presence. Her love was so pure and selfless that it could make anyone fall for it because it's not easy to love someone who is forbidden. But will he ever witness her love? Will he ever love her as purely as she loves him? Will her one-sided love ever be fulfilled? If you want to know, then follow the journey of a tempting biker and his secret admirer.

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