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Destined With The Forbidden Prince

Chapter 8 THE VISIT

Word Count: 1210    |    Released on: 05/06/2024


got lost for a moment but I later realized. Emm, hi, hold on, I meant come in" I stammered. " Hi, Rose, sorry I came to visit you unannounced, I just decided to pay you a surprise visit." Louis said." Ohh, that's nice come in" I said as I ushered him in. " Wow, nice place" he said. " Thanks, " I answered. " And w

videos before you came, nothing much though but I was thinking..." I haven't completed my statement when I heard my mum calling me. " Rose, Rose,take this food, serve Louis, here's yours. I know I am not supposed to leave two teenagers alone but I actually have some

what about your parents?" I asked curiously. " Well, I have parents, they are not here though, they are abroad.,' he said. " Abroad?"I asked." They are both in Korea. I just decided to come to America. I really can't tell you more than this." He explained as he shrugged his shoulders. " That explains it, Koreans are always cute, no wonder you are so...." I trailed off, I was going to say he was handsom

without even a guardian?" I asked. " Well, there are reasons behind everything but I'm sorry I can't tell you that yet and besides I am not a kid like you


s a pity that the feelings can't be reciprocated. I don't believe in love, it's just an illusion. By the way, she looks really hot in her casual outfit. What am I even saying? Well, I don't think it's bad to admire her outfit. Louis, which university are you planning to

she was the first person I related to at school, I am just so free with her. I looked at the time, write, the hours is gone already." Rose, time is far spent, I need to go home" I announced. " Really? Time flies so far, let me see you off, it was really nice to have you here

e vibrated in my pocket. I frowned as I looked at the caller's ID . " Yes?" I asked. " You think you are smart, you are just a stupid, uncultured boy who


ce hardened and his aura changed. He

powerful aura. Tall, a curly dark hair, perfectly chiseled jawline, strong abs, grey eyes, long lashes, this man's face and body is perfect

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1 Chapter 1 THE BEGINNING2 Chapter 2 FIRST SIGHT3 Chapter 3 HIS ARRIVAL4 Chapter 4 THE D-DAY5 Chapter 5 FRIENDSHIP ON THE LINE6 Chapter 6 LOST7 Chapter 7 TERMINATED8 Chapter 8 THE VISIT9 Chapter 9 BUTTERFLIES10 Chapter 10 JEALOUSY11 Chapter 11 THE THREAT12 Chapter 12 VANISH LOUIS!!!13 Chapter 13 SHOCKED14 Chapter 14 THE BATTLE LINE15 Chapter 15 COLLEGE BELLS16 Chapter 16 TROUBLE17 Chapter 17 OHH NO!!!18 Chapter 18 FEELINGS 19 Chapter 19 BATTLE FOR THE THRONE20 Chapter 20 TRAP21 Chapter 21 SPIKED22 Chapter 22 GAMES23 Chapter 23 CAN'T GET YOU OUT OF MY MIND24 Chapter 24 MY VERY OWN LOUIS25 Chapter 25 MINE ONLY26 Chapter 26 MISSING27 Chapter 27 THE KIDNAP28 Chapter 28 MISSION ONE29 Chapter 29 SO MANY SECRETS30 Chapter 30 GONE31 Chapter 31 SIGNS32 Chapter 32 NOT THE LOUIS YOU USED TO KNOW33 Chapter 33 GAME ON34 Chapter 34 TILL YOU RUN OUT OF BREATH35 Chapter 35 CAUGHT36 Chapter 36 WHAT!!!37 Chapter 37 THE ACCIDENT38 Chapter 38 MYSTERY UNRAVELED: 139 Chapter 39 MYSTERY UNRAVELED:240 Chapter 40 MYSTERY UNRAVELED:341 Chapter 41 ALL SET42 Chapter 42 A PATH OF REVENGE43 Chapter 43 PALACE INTRIGUE44 Chapter 44 HIDDEN FEELINGS45 Chapter 45 THE CHOSEN ONE46 Chapter 46 THE SHADOW PRINCESS47 Chapter 47 A SHOCKING REVELATION48 Chapter 48 THE FORBIDDEN PRINCE49 Chapter 49 ROYAL TENSIONS50 Chapter 50 A PLOT UNFOLDS51 Chapter 51 DINNER WITH THE ROYALS52 Chapter 52 THE MASK FALLS53 Chapter 53 A WEB OF FATE54 Chapter 54 THE PLAYER'S MOVE55 Chapter 55 SHADOW CLOSES IN56 Chapter 56 ECHOES OF THE PAST