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 Billionaires Baby Mama

Billionaires Baby Mama

Ruky Starr


"How...how much for a night?"she summoned the courage to say. "That's something bold coming from someone like you"he muttered drunkenly peering down at her. Being the dejected soul she was,she found her way to a club house, desperately looking for a guy to take her. Aurora Tang is a beautiful girl who's lived under the hawk eyes of her family. One wrong move and it's hell for her. What happens when she learns of her engagement and betrayal of her boyfriend and twin on the same night? In a quest of finding a way to put a stop to the engagement,she ends up getting pregnant for the drunk yet handsome billionaire. What happens when she finds out of her pregnancy? She's thrown out of the Tang's house and was rejected by the one who got her pregnant.

Chapter 1 ~Aurora

I'm Aurora Tang. My mum's from China and my Dad from America so that brings me. An half bread.

I'm pretty sure it's obvious why we're carrying the surname of my mum. She's super powerful and her own husband is under her and has got no say of his own.

Maybe that's the reason I'm always being mistreated for no apparent reason. What's my crime? Not partaking in their silly power struggle?

I'm hated by my mum,dad,older sibling and even twin sister. I bet my life can't get worse than it already is....right?

Again,I was all alone,locked up in my room. It's been that way for years. From my room off to school and from school back into this hell hole.

"Meow"Snowy,my loyal cat meowed curling itself in my lap.

"I guess it's just me and you in our own small world huh?"I let out a sad smile as I rubbed on her white fur.

My phone rang and I reached out to pick it from the edge of my bed.

"Steph?"a small smile found it's way on my face.

Surprisingly, Steph's the only one who picked interest in me without seeing me as weird or something. He's the only one who really loved me genuinely,well apart from Andy my bestie and I loved him so much for that.

"Hey Stephen"I smiled into the phone rubbing on Snowy who made low noises.

"How're you doing princess?"he asked making me blush slightly.

"I'm fine thanks. Why'd you call?"I asked curiously knowing he never calls except when he's about going to bed and it's still quite early.

"Nothing serious just wanted to remind you,it's my birthday today"he started and I felt so terrible immediately.

"You didn't tell me. Happy birthday Steph"I spoke lowly still feeling guilty.

"Thanks. So I was kinda wondering if you could come over. I just wanted to spend tonight with you"Steph spoke and I could tell he was hoping I said yes.

Staring at the locked door,I sighed. "I... I'm sorry Steph but I can't"I spoke with my eyes getting moisty.

"It's...it's fine. Good night Rora"he hung up. It's obvious he's mad but there's nothing I can do anyways.

"Grrr"Snowy snuggled closer to me as if to console me.

A knock on my door made my endless thinking come to a halt.

"What is it?"I asked in my small voice.

"Young miss, dinner is ready"a maid spoke making me roll eyes.

"Then come in and drop it"I spoke bluntly.

"Mrs Tang orders your presence in the dining room"she spoke and my heart jumped.

The last time I ate with the family,I was brutally humiliated. I doubt today is gonna be any different.

"I'll... I'll be right there"I spoke and dashed into my bathroom to take a thorough bath.

I obviously don't want to get kicked for having some sorta smell do I? I threw on a yellow fled gown and took a deep breath before walking out.

Taking slow strides,I walked down the stairs and headed for the dining room where everyone was seated.

As I walked in, everyone stopped their business to look at me.

"Good evening everyone"I bowed slightly and no one replied. Not like it's new anyways but the intimidating stares were uncomforting.

"Here comes nothing"I moved and sat down close to my twin,Dora.

I slowly started eating,seriously wishing no one talked to me tonight.

"How's college treating you Aurora?"uncle Fallon, dad's brother asked and I swallowed.

"It's going....fine I guess. At least I'm surviving"I replied focusing all my attention on my food. I seriously hate this kinda attention.

I could hear him nod and I almost sighed in relief when Dora suddenly snickered.

"If your doing fine means going round college and flirting,then I guess you're really fine"she spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What do you mean Dora?"my elder brother, Jaden asked the question on everyone's mind and I literally felt like vanishing.

What the hell was this sister of mine saying? Flirt? A whole introvert like me, flirt? I'm speechless right now.

"Y'all heard me right. Your little innocent fairy keeps on stealing the attention of the hot guys in school and she's obviously enjoying it"I turned sharply to look at her.

"I'm a victim of being bullied by them Dora and you know this"I tried bailing myself out.

"ENOUGH!!!"mum's voice sounded and there it was. Silence.

"I called you down here for a reason Aurora and I'm sure you know it"she started, majestically handling her cutleries without sparing me a glance.

I could feel my heart race so much as sweat gathered on my forehead and my hands ran cold. What awaits my future? Of course it's meant for my wealthy mother to decide.

"You, Aurora Tang,are getting married. Soon"she spoke after a long moment of silence and my heart stopped for a minute.

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