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Her Double Identity

Her Double Identity



"That's my deal, baby. If you leave me, you can't see me again." "Why are you asking me that?!" he snapped like he can't believe what he just heard from me. "Are you going to leave me? You look panicked." "I won't do that," he said and smiled at me once again. "I will never leave you alone again." Then, he left without saying a word. Phoebe Ivory Santos, a girl with a dual nature, grew up without any affection from her parents. She falls in love with Caelum Gray Scott, who will love her but later abandons her. Seven years later, they cross paths again-the man who walked away and the woman with many skeletons in her closets.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Seven years later...

I wondered for the entire seven years if I was ever good enough for you.... I thought that maybe if I had been better, he wouldn't have left me.

But he abandoned me.

"Hey, Phoebe," Olivia called out to me irritably, making me pouted. She kept unloading her worries on me when I was already busy on my own.

Do I look like her therapist for that?

"I told you I don't know what to do about your client problems," I said softly, and she just grunted at my response. "So just ask Minx." I pouted while playing with the pen in my hands.

"Minx is busy! I don't want to disturb her work because she has more to do than we do!" she yelled at me, scratching the back of her neck. She stopped when Meggay's secretary entered.

"Architect Avery and Architect Ivory, you are requested in the conference room," she announced and quickly left. I looked at Olivia, who seemed equally puzzled.

"What the hell is this about?!" she snapped as she left the office, and I followed her. I rolled my eyes because she was being so loud.

"Stop shouting."

When we stepped out, Savannah was already there, bothering Meggay, which made me laugh. Savannah loves to tease Meggay a lot, only to receive no response on Meggay.

"Wow, how important is this that you had to disturb me?!" Savannah snapped, so Meggay covered her ears to annoy Savannah, who just laughed.

"Hey, Savannah, your loud mouth is something else. It's so early and you're already squawking like a chicken. Look, the interns are laughing at you," Olivia said, laughing, so I walked over to Meggay and linked my arm with hers. She just smiled at me.

"Is your voice not like a chicken?! Don't be so judgmental. I heard you cursing earlier," Savannah shot back, making Meggay shake her head. When we reached the conference room, Meggay opened the door.

We were surprised by four black folders that were simultaneously laid out in front of us. My mouth dropped open when I saw him again. I bit my lower lip as my body froze in place while looking at him.

The one I didn't want to see, the one who ruined the world I built for myself.

Why did you have to show up now when I had finally accepted that you left me? Why now, when I'm ready to start over?

When I saw Meggay leave, I followed her because I didn't know how to face him.

The man I chose and got hurt by in the end, Caelum Gray Scott.

I sighed when I reached my office. I felt my heart sink and twist because of the pain surging inside of me.

I kept my face blank until my office door opened and Caelum walked in. I can't meet him again, not today, not tomorrow. The ghost of past can't come back right now.

"Architect Ivory, I'm your new engineer," he said, smiling, but I glared at him. He had the nerve to show up and smile at me?

"Why are you back?"

He looked away, seemingly reluctant to answer me. He knows what he did to me! He knows that and yet he's facing me like nothing.

"You really like playing, huh? Leaving and then coming back? What a joke," I laughed sarcastically. I didn't mean to let my other side show, but seeing him triggered me. "Stop showing your face to me and get out of here now!" I shouted, startling him.

"You dare come back after leaving me."

I don't want you to hurt me again. That's why I'm ending this right now.

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