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The Hiding Mafia's

The Hiding Mafia's



"Good day, everyone. My name is Meggan Minx Foreister, and I'm the twin of the late head architect Meggay Minx Foreister. I am the new Head Architect." Her eyes met ours. "Meggay is dead, and all of you are the reason why she died." She smirked as Phoebe burst into tears. "Are you ready to face the consequences?" she said, still smirking. Secrets by secret and will come out soon. Who is Meggay's killer? Who is the real killer? It's been six years, but the case was never solved. Meggay's death did not appear on TV, and the police did not hear about what happened on the wedding day of Patricio and Grethel. Did everyone forget Meggay? What if one of the reasons for Meggay's death was the person you care about? Are they ready to face hell?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Six years later...

"Patricio's P.O.V"

I placed a sunflower on Meggay's grave. I always visit and leave flowers here. Her death still weighs me down, and I still blame myself for what happened six years ago.

"I'm sorry again and again," I whispered, looking at the sky, hoping she could hear me.

Over the years, I've dreamed about her often. Some dreams are beautiful, while others are terrifying. Last night, I dreamed she stood right on her grave.

It was horrible.

"Did you know my daughter prefers you over her own mother?" I said, remembering what my daughter told me.

She hates her mom and likes Meggay.

I was startled when the wind picked up, as if embracing me.

I looked around and saw a woman standing beside the tree! She was staring directly at me, which terrified me. My hair stood on end as I gazed at her.

She was wearing a black dress and black shades, covering her eyes. She smirked at me, seeming happy to see me terrified. The dark aura around her was dangerous, and in a snap, she was gone. I blinked, and she disappeared.

What the hell?!

I blinked several more times, thinking I had seen wrong.

"G-goodbye for now, Meggay. I'll be back tomorrow," I said, grabbing my shoulder bag and leaving the cemetery.

When I arrived at Foreister's company, where I still work, I headed straight to my office and sat down. I couldn't forget my dream from last night. I clearly saw Meggay stand up from her grave and glare at us. It wasn't just me; I saw her friends, Grethel, and my friends, as if we were the ones who murdered her.

She was angry in my dream.

I shook my head and massaged my temples. For six years, there has been no new Head Architect. Even though Meggay died, no one has replaced her. Her position remains a special place for her. I closed my eyes and opened them again. The door to my office opened.

"Bro, we're called to the conference room," Kyle said, catching my attention. Savannah and Kyle are married. All of Meggay's friends are married, except her.

"What's going on?" I asked, puzzled. We've never had a meeting with everyone present before. Is it important?

"I don't know, Bro. We're supposed to wait for the CEO there," he said before walking away, leaving me alone.

I stretched before leaving my office and heading to the conference room. I was sure Meggay's friends would look at me with disdain. They were all there when I entered.

For years, they've treated me the same way. They still hate me because of what happened. They can hate me all they want because I know it's my fault.

They were all drinking coffee. Caelum handed me a cup and patted my shoulder.

"I wonder what's going on today?" Olivia asked, bored. I was surprised when River whispered something to Olivia. She smiled widely, and I heard the word, "later."

They have one child, a boy, whom River dotes on. I also found out that Olivia used to be River's secretary.

Phoebe and Caelum still don't want children, nor do Savannah and Kyle. Kyle's innocence was only removed because of Savannah. Savannah is quite different.

We looked up as the CEO and her husband entered. She smiled broadly at us! What is happening?

"Good day, everyone!" the CEO greeted cheerfully. We all greeted her back, my heart pounding.

"I called you all here because I want you to meet the new Head Architect. It's been six years since my daughter died." She let out a heavy sigh. "And now, I want you to meet the new Head Architect."

She smiled again, making my stomach churn with nervousness.

My eyes widened as a beautiful woman entered. Her hair was long and curly at the ends, and she wore the company uniform. Her face was as beautiful as ever. We were all wide-eyed and frozen.

Her presence made us all freeze.

She removed her expensive shades and gave us a large smile. It looked fake, not the same genuine smile.

Her eyes were dark blue like Meggay's, and all her facial features were also the same as Meggay's. I couldn't believe my eyes as I looked at her.

Meggay is alive.

"M-meggay?!" Phoebe shouted in shock, her eyes welling with tears at the sight of her best friend.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you, but anyway," she said, looking around the conference room and then fixing her gaze on me.

I shivered when she gave me a terrifying smile.

This is not Meggay because Meggay wasn't like this!

"Good day, everyone. My name is Meggan Minx Foreister, and I'm the twin of the late Head Architect Meggay Minx Foreister. I am the new Head Architect." Her eyes sharpened as she looked at us.

Our jaws dropped. Twin... she has a twin. Meggay had a twin without us knowing. We didn't even know she had a twin!

"No! You're Meggay!" Phoebe shouted, but Caelum tried to calm her. Phoebe seemed to be going crazy.

Olivia and Savannah's eyes were still wide with disbelief. Her eyes narrowed further as she looked at us.

"Meggay is fucking dead, and all of you are the reason she died." She smirked as Phoebe burst into tears.

She's indeed scary. She isn't like Meggay, who treated her friends well. This one is her twin.

"Are you ready to face the consequences?" she said and smirked dangerously.

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