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The hidden terms in my contract.

The hidden terms in my contract.

pinky pen


Title; The hidden terms in my contract "Am ready to take the contract" she said with tears dropping down her cheeks, she quickly clean with her palm. "Ok! That is the best decision you made ever,be my sex slave,I save your father!,so sign the contract" he smirked,handing the ink to her. Willa's life took a turn when her father was framed for money laundering by his employer. An unexpected challenge that will take a negative toll on Willa's life. Been charged with fifty six counts, he is sentence to jail without option of bail. After a hard decision to save her father, Willa had to sacrifice her happiness and Integrity by accepting to become Damain's mistress in order to hire his legal expertise. Seeing this, John, Willa's Father former employer felt resentful. To make life more miserable for Willa, John decided to plot a mission to destroy their relationship by bringing Vivian, Damain ex girlfriend into their lives, making it difficult for Damain to focus on helping Willa prove her father's innocence. John was afraid of getting caught by the authorities finding out about the ilegal business transaction which involves his company which he may end up losing. This prompts him to take any action and go as far as framing the most vulnerable in his company, Mr Thomas, Willa's Father.

Chapter 1 The hidden terms in my contract

Chapter One

"Dad, you need to rest," Anita's voice was high, her tone sounds furious. "You just got discharged from the hospital and you are already planning to get back to work!" She dropped the plate of served toss bread on the dining table while pouring some coffee for her dad.

"But I need to feed and take care of you," Mr. Thomas said with a sharp voice, smiling at his daughter. "Yes, but it is still early, you should call your boss and inform him." Said Anita, sitting on the dining table close to her dad. "Don't worry my dear," he said placing his hand on her shoulder with a comforting voice. "I am fine." He added.

Anita sighed and look at her father with a sad eyes. "Okay, if you say so. But..." Mr Thomas quickly interrupted her, "that's enough, eat my daughter."

Their breakfast was short and quick. Mr Thomas took his leave while Anita try to get herself prepared to leave for her working place.


"Hurry up, Anita." John's voice echoed through the walls of his office. His temple brow with furrow as he tries to destroy the white papers containing some important information. "We need to be fast before the they get here." He said, focusing on the machine that was destroying the documents.

"But Sir it will take at least 20 minutes to destroy any evidence," said Anita clicking through the keyboard. "And we need to move the money into a paper account if we are to cover any trace." She added, her gaze fixed on the computer screen as she tries to delete every folder on the system.

The FBI have been on John's neck for some months now, they must have been tip by someone about Marvin's money laundering activities.

"Sir, we have a problem!" Anita's voice pierce sharply through John's ear. He turns sharply, his eyes a bit white, evidence of his heart beating fast, "what is?" He asked walking towards Anita.

John stood behind her, staring at the screen over her shoulder, his eyes widen open, arching a brow in confusion.

"What do we do now?" He asked with a low voice. Anita kept her gaze on the screen before she finally spoke, "we have to make someone the culprit, Sir." Her voice tinged with confidence yet, not sure if what she said convinces her boss.

John placed his left arm on the table while placing his right arm on the chair Anita was sitting, "And who do you suggest?"

Suddenly, the door to John's office bang open with a quick interruption to their discussion. Anita looked at John and then, back to the man standing in front of them. John gave her a 'No way, like for real' look. Anita shrug her shoulder and nodded her head in agreement.

"S.. Sir," Mr Thomas came into the office trying to catch his breath. "They are here, Sir." John walked towards Mr. Thomas placing his right arm on his shoulder. "Mr, Thomas, you have been a loyal servant of this company and I truly appreciate your contribution to it growth." John spoke gently to Mr Thomas, but his voice is betraying his innocent face.

"It is my duty, Sir." Said Mr Thomas, smiling sarcastically at John. John turn around his head and signal to Anita to go ahead with what they had planned.

The FBI are now in the building, heading straight to John's office. "Search everywhere, every corner of the office," said the chief in charge

John and Mr. Thomas stood by each other looking as the officers trying to confiscate everything they could lay their hands on. "Over here Sir," one of the officer shouted as he stood by the computer where Anita was sitted. The chief in charge hurriedly walked towards him to see what it is about. What the h*ll,"

The chief in charge walk straight to John and spoke, "And who is Mr. Thomas Walker?" His brow furrow with seriousness.

Mr Thomas's face went confused instantly, what is happening? Why is the officer seeking to know who bears the name? John quickly point to Mr Thomas, "Here is he?"

"Sir, you are under arrest," the chief in charge spoke harshly trying to handcuff Mr Thomas. Mr Thomas was speechless, confused and couldn't find the right words to speak, "For what sir?" He finally found his voice and spoke.

The chief in charge look up to him with a straight face, "For money laundering." Mr Thomas suddenly went blank and confused, "Me, mo.. Money laundering, Sir..." Mr Thomas turn to his boss to get an answer but John just shrug his shoulders with 'I have no idea Mr Thomas's look.

"Let's go!" Said the officer holding Mr Thomas by his arm and dragging him out of the office. Mr Thomas try to resist but he was drag forcefully out of the office.


Fountain Chambers is one of the most visited place by different set of people with cases that are beyond redemption. Damain is an experience lawyer, who have helped top politicians and business owners win cases. His record speak for him.

Inside Damain's office, "Mr and Mrs Walter, do you still want to go ahead with signing the divorce paper?" He asked the couples in front of him. His hands interlock and placed on the table.

"Yes, Mr Damian, I damn sick of her.." Mr Walter spoke with furry. Mrs Walter quickly interrupted, "Ah, you what! How dare you."

Damain shock his head in disbelief, "It's okay, you don't have to do this here." He try to calm the tension in the room. Damain leaned back to his seat, "okay, here is what I will suggest, maybe you both should see a marriage counselor first to see if this will work out, Mm."

"I am going nowhere with this old s*g," said Mr Walter looking at his wife with a disgusting face. "How dare you call me that!" Mrs Walter stood up dragging her husband by his hair.

"Hey! Hey, not here!" Damain stood up from his seat quickly and try to separate them from over his table.


Willa was busy serving coffee and taking orders from customers in the restaurant where she was working part time.

"What are your orders Sir," Willa asked a customer sitting in one of the seat. "Yeah, just a cup of coffee will do," the customer replied gazing at his mobile phone. "Okay." Willa answered and walk away to get his order.

Couple of minutes later, Willa is back with the coffee. Few steps away from the customer's table, her phone rang. "Willa!" The manager yelled, pointing to the sticker on the wall by the counter which reads 'WORKERS ARE NOT ALLOW TO USE PHONE DURING WORKING HOURS'

"Sorry!" She gently said looking at her boss with a pitiful eyes, her voice barely audible. She picked the call, what she heard next broke her heart.

"Miss Thomas, We need you at the FBI office now, your father has been arrested for money laundering." Said the voice on the other end of the phone.

The cup of coffee from Willa's hand fell heavily on the tiled floor, spilling the content in it at the customer who was waiting for his order. Tears filled her eyes. She was lost and confused. And instantly, she walked towards the counter, trying to take off her apron. "And what do you think you are doing, Willa?" Her manager asked with a furious voice. Willa didn't answer him and walked out on him.

"If you walk out of the door, you are fired," he yelled, his voice echoed through the room but his words fell on a deaf ear. "You are fired, Willa!" He yelled once again at the top of his voice.

Willa step out of the restaurant and stop a cab. "Where to miss?" Asked the driver. Willa answered, wiping away her tears "FBI office." The driver turn and gave her a confused stare before turning front and drove away.

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