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The Mating Love me or Kill me!

The Mating Love me or Kill me!



Elsie is a werewolf and who had never wanted to marry out of love. Because she was an orphan, her alpha uncle wanted to marry her out to just anybody, in order to get rid of her. On the day of her arranged marriage, she ran away because she didn’t want to get married. While she was running through the woods, she accidentally tripped and fell into a river. Madriod, the wolf hunter, found her injured in the woods and because of the injury she sustained she lost her memory. He picked her up and took her to his place. Elsie became his responsibility but still he had no idea that she was a werewolf. What happens when Madriod finds out she was a hunter, will he push her away to the village to have her kill or he would fight his people for her to be with him? What happens when Elsie has to return to her pack as an arrogant witch who loves to see people in pain?

Chapter 1 The Forced Marriage

Elsie's Pov

As I knelt before my Uncle, Alpha Knight, the cold, unforgiving floor beneath me seemed not to show me mercy. My heart pounded loudly in my chest as I thought of why my uncle had requested my presence.

"Elsie," my uncle's deep voice rumbled through the silence, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I've arranged a marriage for you."

His words hung in the air like a heavy storm cloud, threatening to send me flying away. My mind raced as I tried to process what he had just said. Marriage? I wasn't ready for this, not now, not ever. I opened my mouth to protest, but the words caught in my throat.

My uncle, a stern and imposing man with a salt-and-pepper beard, leaned forward, his piercing eyes locking onto mine. "This is not a negotiation, Elsie," he growled. His face was a mask of authority, and I knew better than to challenge him. In our pack, defiance meant punishment, and I had seen enough to know the consequences.

"But Uncle…" I finally managed to whisper, my voice trembling, "I'm not ready for marriage. I want to explore the world, learn more about myself before settling down."

Before I could utter another word, the back of my uncle's hand connected with my cheek, sending me sprawling to the floor. Pain radiates through my face, and tears welled up in my eyes. I clutched my stinging cheek, disbelief and humiliation washing over me.

"Never speak to me in such an obnoxious way, Elsie!" he hissed, his anger simmering just below the surface. "I am your Alpha, and my decisions are final."

I struggled to regain my composure, pushing myself up from the floor. The room spun for a moment before settling into a blurry focus. I felt a mixture of anger, frustration, and helplessness, but I knew better than to let my emotions show. My uncle was a man of authority, and in our pack, his word was law.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded in submission, though my spirit remained unbroken. "I understand, Uncle," I said, my voice quivering slightly. "I will do as you say."

He gave me a curt nod, his expression relenting just a fraction. "Good. You will marry Ethan, the son of my friend from our neighboring pack. It is a prestigious match, Elsie, one that will strengthen our pack's alliances."

I didn't dare meet his eyes again. The thought of being married off to a stranger, someone I have not chosen for myself, was suffocating. I had always imagined love leading me down the path of matrimony, not a forced union.

My uncle's warning brought me back to reality. "You will behave, Elsie," he warned, his voice low and dangerous. "On the day of your marriage, you will be a symbol of our pack's unity. If you disgrace us in any way, I won't hesitate to kill you myself."

I nodded again, this time with a heavy heart. "I won't bring shame to the pack, Uncle."

With that, he dismissed me, and I rose to my feet. I couldn't help but wonder how my life had taken such a sudden and dark turn. As I walked away, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being pushed into a cage, my dreams and desires trapped into an unknown marriage.

My heart ached as I remembered how drastically my life had changed since the death of my parents, who had been the Alpha and Luna of the Enchanted pack. They had ruled with wisdom and compassion, and their loss had left a gaping void in my heart.

My parents' reign had come to a tragic end during a brutal war with a group of relentless werewolf hunters. I could still taste salty tears as I clung to my parents, knowing they couldn't protect me anymore. In the end, they had sacrificed themselves to save me, leaving me an orphan and at the mercy of my ruthless uncle.

I couldn't help but feel like a pawn in my uncle's game, a mere object to strengthen his alliances and secure his grip on power. I knew Ethan, the manipulative son of my uncle's friend, only too well. He was as cunning as a fox, and the prospect of being with him for the rest of my life filled me with dread.

|Two Weeks Later|

The day I had been dreading soon arrived. The sun was out already but all I saw in the pack's territory was nothing but darkness. My heart ached as I looked out at the sprawling forest that surrounded our pack, a place where I had once found solace and freedom.

I stood in front of the mirror, dressed in the elaborate wedding gown that had been chosen for me, its lace and pearls feeling like chains that threatened to suffocate me. My reflection revealed a girl who had lost her spark, her eyes dulled by resignation.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. It was my cousin, Mia, who had been my confidante and source of support since my parents' death. Her eyes held sympathy as she approached me.

"Elsie, are you sure about this?" Mia whispered and gave me a hug from the back.

I turned to her, my eyes welling up with tears. "What choice do I have, Mia? Uncle made it clear, I will marry Ethan or face the consequences."

Mia took my hand in hers, her touch a fleeting comfort. "We can find a way out of this. We can't let Uncle dictate our lives."

I shook my head, tears streaming down my cheeks. "You don't understand, Mia. I can't risk bringing shame to the pack. I've seen what Uncle is capable of."

Mia's expression hardened as she understood the weight of my predicament. "Then we'll make sure you're safe, no matter what it takes. I won't let you suffer in silence, Elsie."

Her words brought a flicker of hope to my heart, but I knew the decision was going to affect me. My uncle had spies everywhere, and he had eyes that saw and ears that heard in every corner of the pack. Was I ready to oblige his decision? But then, the time had come, and I couldn't delay any longer. I stepped out of the room, my heart heavy with the weight of my impending fate.

But as I made my way through the packhouse, I noticed a flicker of movement out of the corner of my eye. It was Mia, signaling me to follow her. With a sinking feeling in my gut, I understood her plan. I had one last chance to escape this cage, and I couldn't let it slip away.

Silently, we slipped out of the packhouse, moving through the shadows slowly and carefully. Mia led me to a hidden path that would take me beyond the pack's territory, to a place where I could start anew, free from the plans my uncle had for me.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, my heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. I was leaving behind the only life I had ever known, but I couldn't bear the thought of being trapped in a loveless marriage. With every step, I felt a glimmer of hope, a flicker of freedom, and the promise of a future where I could choose my own destiny. Soon, Mia turned to me. "I'll stop here, Elsie. Take good care of yourself please. Look for a way to survive and I promise not to tell uncle about you," she assured and I nodded as she retraced her steps and turned to leave. It then dawned on me, I was all alone by myself now. But then, where was I heading to?

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