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Rebirth from Ashes: Her comeback

Rebirth from Ashes: Her comeback

Serene Daisy


Sophia Bennett, betrayed by her husband and step-sister, faced a gruesome end—burned alive with her unborn child. But fate grants her a second chance. Reborn back to when it all began, Sophia now have the chance to rewrite her tragic story. Haunted by memories of the past life, She refuses to let death quench her hatred and regret. Instead, fueled by vengeance. Reborn at the most critical moment that will change her life, “the arranged marriage with the richest and handsome bachelor Alexander Brooks” which she escaped from in her previous life. Will Sophia get married and destroy Olivia's path to riches? Or finds herself entangled with Alexander Brooks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “ Are you that desperate to secure the position of “Mrs Brooks” that you'll shamelessly throw yourself at me”? Alexander asks, his voice laced with contempt, his deeps eyes looking at the woman squirming under him. His eyes trails her curvy body as his right hand squeeze the soft mound on her chest, he thought he'd find her touch disgusting but his body couldn't help but react to her and he can barely control his actions. “Ummmm” Sophia moans to his touch “ p-please” she murmurs trembling, her eyes clouded as she rubs her hot and soft body against him. She feels hot all over and couldn't help groping his body to find relief. Loosing all restraint, Alexander leans to her ear, biting it and whispers huskily “since you're so eager, then don't blame me for being unrestrained”. He sucks her neck, bites down, “ahhhh ummmm” Sophia squirms in bliss. His hand roams her soft body, his head leaves her neck as he kiss his way down to her collarbone and down to her twin peaks. He latches unto one of her breasts, sucks and swirls his tongue round her erect nipple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Rebirth from Ashes” weaves love, betrayal, redemption, and new beginnings into a captivating narrative.

Chapter 1 Flames of Agony

Parked in front of Bennet's Corporation, Sophia looked at the glamorous company, she had transferred 35% of the company's shares, given to her by her grandparents to Daniel after their marriage. Though she spends most of her time indoors, she has heard of how hardworking Daniel is in the company and the numerous contributions he has added to the growth of the company. even her father who once opposed her marriage with Daniel, now sees him as a valuable son-in-law.

"if only he gives me half the attention he gives the company" Sophia murmurs

Rubbing her bulging belly, Sophia thinks of their marriage, it's been five years and she spent more than half of it alone. Daniel rarely comes home and spends most of his time in the office. She's seven months gone and he's never followed her to the hospital, she couldn't help but wonder if he even cares about the baby. She missed the loving and caring man she fell in love with.

"I hope your arrival will bring your Dad back to the man he was, my love" she said to her baby bump.

Taking a deep breath and smothering her hair and dress, Sophia stepped out of the car, just in time to see Daniel, her husband, rushed out of the company and straight to his car. He drove off before Sophia even had the chance to call out to him.

Bringing down her hand from the supposed wave, Sophia droved after Daniel worried and curious about what happened that made him so anxious.

A few minutes later, they've driven out of the city to the suburbs and Daniel parked In Front of an old cottage. Sophia watched him rush to the house and a woman opened the door to let him in.

"Olivia?" Sophia whispered in confusion. Why did Daniel rush here to see her stepsister? She came down from her car after they had entered the house and walked lightly to the window, she heard their conversation in disbelief.

"How do you expect me to tell him I'm pregnant, he has never touched me, how do I explain the pregnancy" yelled Olivia with a hint of anger and frustration.

"Well, you have to make him touch you then, and make him accept the child. Though this is different from the original plan but it can still work. Let's hope it's a boy and he'll be raised as the sole heir to the Brooks Corporation?" replied Daniel with a blissful smile, reaching out to hug Olivia, the greed in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

" So you don't mind another man raising your son as his heir? " Olivia asked with a mocking smirk. Putting her arms around his neck

"gasp" Sophia's heart beats widely, she stands rooted to the ground in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief and heartbreak, Olivia is pregnant for Daniel? Daniel cheated on me with my step-sister? Is that why he never comes home? He's been sleeping with Olivia?

filled with immense anger and heartbreak, Sophia rushed into the building, tears streaming down her face as she pointed at Daniel and Olivia, who are still entangled and looking at her in shock.

"you guys are together?" Sophia whispered with a trembling voice.

"you impregnated my step sister? you cheated on me with my stepsister?" you slept with my husband" Sophia now hysterically yelled. Feeling a sharp pain in her stomach, Sophia gripped her bulging belly and grimaced in pain.

"Sophie" Daniel guiltily said reaching out to her, pushing aside Olivia who still had her arms around him.

"what on earth are you doing? so what if she finds out? I'm pregnant with your child remember, so you better choose wisely" shedding all pretense Olivia lashed out angrily at Daniel. Had she just been pushed aside for this bitch and the bastard she's carrying?

Turning to Sophia who's trembling and gripping her belly In pain, she smirked smugly

" So you found out finally, I was tired of pretending anyway. Don't you dare give me that victim look, Daniel has always been mine not yours, I made him approach you" laughing hysterically

"Do you think he was truly in love with you? you think too highly of yourself dear sister" she said walking towards Sophia

Sophia's heart raced and turned to Daniel for some sort of denial

"Olivia" Daniel calls out in warning

"You stay out of this Daniel, I think it's time we end all this once and for all. the shares are already in your name anyway, or don't tell me you've fallen in love with this trash" she turns to Daniel angrily. He better not take this bitch’s side

"Of course not," Daniel retorts. Sophia's heart clenched in pain, she pointed at Daniel with her trembling hands, her mouth opened in shock, words failing her.

laughing gleefully, Olivia pats Sophia's cheek and says "can you hear that sister?"

"s-shares, m-my s-shares" Sophia stammers with a sob, "that was your goal? Y-you married me f-for my shares?" she asked with an ashen face. She shakes her head in denial.

“ no, no, no, this is a dream Sophia, this is not true, you're going to wake up and realize none of this is happening “ she whispers to herself, her tears flowing uncontrollably as she reassures herself in a state of denial.

satisfied and finding joy in Sophia's reaction, Olivia said gleefully " I know your little brain can't comprehend all this sister, let me explain it all to you okay, hahaha" she laughingly said

" I've always hated you " her voice now laced with hatred, " you've always had everything, father gave you everything while I suffer outside before your useless mother died and we were brought back". Sophia reels back in shock and fear, her swollen eys wide in disbelief

"You've always lived like a princess, from the latest jewelries, cars, those old monsters also gave you the company shares, and also a marriage with the richest bachelor in town while I have nothing." She yells with hatred loosing her composure. She really wants to tear this bitch to pieces, don't know what's so special about her that makes her get all the good things.

Then she grins and walks over to Daniel, hugging his arm lovingly.

"so I planned with my boyfriend here, Daniel, to take everything from you, he will approach you and pretend to love you enough, for you to cancel your marriage alliance with Alexander Brooks, Marry you and make you transfer your shares to him, while I replace you and marry Alexander and give him an heir " she laughs heartily rubbing her stomach. Sophia looks at Daniel hoping to see him deny Olivia words, only to see his stoic face devoid of any emotion. Her heart clench in pain

"And just like a love-deprived spoiled brat, you didn't disappoint me sister " hahahaha laughs Olivia. it feels so good to see such a reaction on Sophia's face, now you know how it feels to have everything taken from you, now you're left with nothing. This is so satisfying.

"ahhhhhh" Sophia screams and pants in pain holding her belly. she's bleeding, anxious she turns to Daniel, he should at least care about his baby she thought

"the baby" she whispers with her hand outstretched towards him.

conflicted, Daniel turned to Olivia whose face is now grim "you said too much Olivia '' his voice laced with unconcealed anger.

" Then why not end things here once and for all" she looked at Sophia with an evil glint in her eyes.

Sophia's heart skipped a beat. Are they going to kill me? I need to get out of here, I need to save my child, she inched towards the door with her heart racing violently, momentarily forgetting the pain she's in.

"She came here alone, nobody knows she's here and won't associate it with us," turning to Daniel she said "or are you reluctant to part with your wife and unborn child?" she asked scornfully with raised eyebrows.

He looked at her grimly and turned to grab Sophia who's trying to reach for the door, her knee-length white floral dress stained and you can see the bright red blood flowing down her straight long legs. The bright red blood is a glaring contrast to her pale smooth skin.

Being grabbed and thrown roughly to the ground by her husband, Sophia screamed in pain.

" Please don't do this Daniel, ahhhh” clutching her stomach in pain. “please I'm begging you, I'm carrying your child" sob sob Sophia cried pleadingly

" y-you can have all the shares, I don't want them anymore, please just let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone, please" Stammers Sophia as she cried holding Daniel's leg tightly. Seeing Olivia leave, she knew she had to take the chance to make Daniel release her, she has to make him feel guilty and reluctant.

Looking down at the woman who has accompanied him for five years, even though he didn't spend a lot of time at home, Daniel couldn't help but feel guilty, his eyes went down to her bulging belly and reluctance flashed in his eyes. Sophia tightens her hands, holding his leg with hope.

She says “ for the sake of your child pls, please Daniel, let me go” she moves closer to him desperately, ignoring the intense pain she's feeling. “It's okay if you don't love me, but the child is innocent Daniel, pls don't kill our baby, please Daniel” Sophia cries.

Olivia coming back with a gallon of gasoline saw the reluctance in Daniel's eyes and lashed out angrily “ Do you think you can still salvage this? Do you think she really won't tell anyone? Don't you dare Daniel” her voice thick with anger and threat.

Snapping out of his daze, Daniel forced back his guilt and forcedly snatched his leg from Sophia's arms, the impact reeling her forward till she hit the floor with her belly.

“ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” she screams in excruciating pain. Seeing as there's no hope of survival, hatred, anger and bitterness filled Sophia's heart. Her body trembling with pain and rage.

“ You'll regret this, even if I die today my ghost will haunt you forever, you're animals, animals ahhhh” tears streamed down her eyes uncontrollably as she laughs self deprecatingly.

“ I curse the day I met you Daniel, I loved you, I gave you everything, I went against my family for you, I abandoned my dreams for you and this is how you repay me? I'm such a fool, I regret it ahhhh I really regret it” she sobs hysterically.

Olivia hands the gasoline to Daniel, taking it from her he felt reluctant. “Do we have to do it this way” isn't it a bit too ..”

“Cruel? You think it's too cruel? This is the only way to cover our tracks and make sure nothing traces back to us if they ever find her body” replied Olivia. Sophia's heart race wildly and her body trembles, she doesn't want to die, she definitely doesn't want to burn alive, she tried moving but she couldn't, she's in too much pain and bleeding heavily.

“ Is this how I'm going to die? I feel so unreconciled” Sophia murmurs to herself before the whole building ignites with a raging fire.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhh” Sophia screams wildly as the fire licks her skin and the smell of burnt flesh spreads, even her tears are licked dry.

Filled with an avalanche of emotions, Sophia murmurs “If I ever have another chance, I'll do things differently, and I'll make you all pay in blood”. her last thoughts “ MY BABY!!!!”

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