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Kendra, an 18-year-old girl, is being held captive by her father and grandfather in a small family house in San Diego Avenue. She is homeschooled and isolated from the outside world. Her father is a strict and abusive man who controls the neighborhood and is feared by everyone. Kendra longs to escape and explore the world outside. She is locked in a white room as punishment for rejecting her father's plans for her. She overhears her father and grandfather discussing their fear of the "river packs" and their plan to leave the area. Kendra decides to escape through the air vent and ends up in a colorful room. She tries to find a way out but is caught by someone who carries her back to the main house. She is prepared for departure and leaves with her family, unsure of where they are going.

Chapter 1 Locked šŸ”’

Kendra's pov

It is still pouring outside,this rain meant business today,my bruises are still fresh and painful..did I cut myself today..I don't think so.It is actually frustrating how I gave it all my all and yet the pain are there.When will you let me go?had I made it to the gate that day..I knew that I could have be free from you.It is just not okay how you will lock up someone 's daughter and not at least visit...it is so heartbreaking how my fate allowed this to happen...allow me to regret the day I responded to your greeting,the day my friend introduced us,the day I was happy and smiled ,do you remember I even laughed at your dry jokes?..allow me to curse those days, must especially allow me to curse the first day I step my foot at the school,the day I moved to this neighborhood will not be left behind.I curse everything that made our meeting happen..what even happened? We were happy,we were actually in love..or was just me?You claimed that we were soulmates,in your word you said we will be together forever,one without the other means death;now it is just me in this big house,does it mean that you are dead?I have some many questions...I don't even need answers to them..just let me go.. please.

My name is Kendra,I am currently 18 years,living with my dad and grandpa in a small family house in San Diego Avenue.My grandpa is a farmer,he likes his crops more anything one can think of ..he spend most his time at the farm,he wasn't really interested in my life.He never allowed me into his farmland,i had always thought that maybe he was growing poisonous plant,that he actually cared about me but,I wonder who gave that sunburnt hope but,i chose to stick to that..A girl gotta dream.. they said.My dad,on the other hand isn't always around, according to my grandpa,he said that my father's job was very delicate and important and that I should be grateful that he remembers to send money.We are comfortable thanks to my dad,who made it possible.Basically,I spend the days all myself,sometimes with my homeschool teacher..yes,I am a homeschooled student,my father never liked the idea of crowd,he made sure to remind me that and even made sure to isolate me from others.My homeschool teacher,Miss progress,she is a kind and nice woman,sometimes I even wonder what can make her angry..she is always happy,she would always tell me stories about werewolves,how they breed,mate and how they even find theirs mates anytime we have a spare time,the stories were interesting but I never wished for that kind of love.For me it is already enough that i am stuck here without any form of contact from anyone and i am been told that someone..somewhere will come and claim me and may possibly cage me..nope ..not me,I would always say,rejecting it for myself.Miss progress would always scold me,on some occasions she will report it to my father,"Why are you rejecting it?my father asked,I don't want to be caged,I can't even go out here,i don't even have any friends and you are expecting me to accept something that will hurt me"i said with tears in my eyes.Why was i crying?,it was just an imagination,it was just something that dad and miss teacher were just casually saying. I looked at my dad,he had this disappointed expression,i panicked,will he lock me up again?..I don't want to go that room...but he only looked at my teacher...that was enough for me know that I was in trouble,I started pleading,"i will go...I will go.. please don't lock me there...I beg you ...dad...dad.. grandpa!!!!Help me please..I won't reject it again..I beg of you...God!!!... please...but Miss progress calmly dragged me to a white coloured room and locked the door..I cried bitterly, knocking at the door..it was an iron door.knocking on it many times bruised my hands,but that didn't stop..maybe if I knock loudly enough..he will understand that I have repented and forgive me..after few hours..I gave up and cried myself to sleep...''just let me out.. whatever it is,I...accept..just let me out"I barely whispered and soon I slept off.

My dad is a very strict man,he always likes his words to be obeyed to the last..sometimes I wondered if everyone in my neighborhood are his servants.He commands every one and from the looks of it, they're happy to comply,he never gets questioned,to make the matters worse,he is the head of our neighborhood's committee.He was like an alpha.In our neighborhood, everybody fears my family especially my dad,and my grandpa.My Grandpa was the former head of the committee, before he passed it down to my father,it was an hereditary leadership.The population of the neighborhood is over 3k.I have always wondered why they always fear my dad but I just assumed that it was because they just wanted to..I was never curious about anything,I don't even have the privilege to look at anything twice,don't get me wrong,it wasn't because i was fragile or anything of that nature,my father just didn't like me neither does my grandpa.Beating, flogging or starving me wasn't an issue for my father,sometimes I wondered if they had wanted a son,how do one become a boy?I would do anything to become something or someone that they will like,and for some reasons I have never heard of my mom,my dad never talked about her,there was no pictures of her anywhere in house,i had always wanted to ask my dad but,fear always make me to keep the questions buried. Maybe one day,I will be able to know about her,but until then let me figure out a way to escape my family.

The next morning,I was still locked in the room,it was an all white coloured room,I must tell you,the all-white room felt suffocating, its starkness making my anxiety spike as I paced back and forth.".By this time,I was done crying,my eyes were swollen,my hands were bleeding."Father..let me out please..I have changed my mind please!!QUIET!!,we have guests"a voice said.We rarely have guests,they must be important enough to make my father tend to them.i wonder what they want,but want i really want to know is where the vent in this room leads to?I remember seeing a vent in this room for the first,I hope it leads to the gate,I will really appreciate that

"we need to leave this area,the river packs are coming,I don't want them meeting us here"I can hear my father telling my grandpa,"are you not tired of running,you are the alpha,you should behave like one"grandpa said.

"They are bigger than us,they have more warriors than us,and I don't even have an HEIR!!,do you hear me..I said no heir and you expect me to sit and watch them kill them my people...father,Incase you have forgotten,let me remind you,that are they are the ones who killed my wife..my mate..your daughter..that bastards mother.and you are telling me to sit and watch them hit us again ..No..we are leaving"my father said with a high tone.I can hear his footsteps from the room as he walked away angrily.

"Maybe we can negotiate peace with them,"grandpa said, running to meet up with my father.Who are these people that even my father was sacred of them,they must be powerful,I thought to my self,still looking around to remember where exactly i saw the air vent and finally I found it.I have some many questions,but first I need to get of this room first.The air vent in my room should fit me,I open the lid covering it and looked inside...it's was very dark,but I swallowed my spit and entered,thank God, it fits,clawing inside felt strange,the bruises on my hands are hurting but I kept going,I really hope this leads to somewhere better..I really hope so.

"What if she isn't his mate,are we going to force her on him,haven't you checked that?someone said..I looked down and saw my father with someone talking...what is a mate and who is this she they are talking about?

I decided not to mind them and focus on what was doing..I must tell you clawing inside a vent is not for the weak,I am trying hard not to make a sound,I didn't know that I was claustrophobic till today,I am So scared, the gods must really hate me because, I slipped and fell,I landed in room,not my room tho,i didn't know who owns this but I also didn't know that rooms can be colorful...I grew up in that all white room.."Kendra, focus"a voice said in my head.I started to look an exit,..I can't go through the door because ,I am very sure that i will meet one of our family maids or guards."The window",the voice said again,i turned immediately and reached for the window,I opened and looked down..God!!..Just how high is this house,turns out that i don't really know anything about my home.I need to jump,but what if i break my legs or something like that."jump,they are coming"the voice reached out,"love,if I jump from here,i will die,if I survive,I must have broken my some parts of my body,so i wish i would die from the jump but we both know that i won't die,let's find another way ,Okay"I replied.Anxiously,I started to look for another way to escape but, the only way now is using the door.I went closer to the door to listen to see if i can hear any breathings outside or footsteps,but I didn't so I opened the door and ran and ran and ran.I opened a lot of doors till i got to the big gate.i sighed a sigh of relief,still running towards the gate but my happiness was short lived.I clashed into someone...'is that one of the guards,maybe I can convince him to let me go"I thought, looking up I saw man looking at me with a weird expression.

"Umm..sir,can you let go of me,I need to be somewhere,I am already late, please"I said with tearful eyes.

He didn't say anything but let's go and I muttered a thank you,and I rushed towards the gate.I nearly touched the handle when someone jerked me up and carried me on their shoulders,"please.. please..I..I..I..need to leave ...please..let me go.My kidnapper didn't say anything,rather he carried and was heading towards the main house,I was scared and was literally shaking,what will my father do to me?,will he lock me up again?,will he ask the maids for his flogging tools?Let me tell,he had used his flogging tools on me once,when I tried to run away on my sixteenth birthday, that's was my first attempt at running away,i didnt even made it to the garden,when he found me and brought me to his training room as they called it.The room had a tiny rays of sunlight,nothing else.He tied me up,and brought out his equipments,some are wipes,some are made of iron,some has thorns in them but, that time he only used the wipe and the thorny thing on me,I cried a lot that day,and I was bleeding too,he never apologized for what he did, rather he kept the videos and pictures which he always forces me to watch.He was just a crazy man.But today looks different,my kidnapper brought me to my father and he only looked at me and signaled to maid to prepare me for departure,I wasn't punished because we were already leaving,"Who do i need to thank for this miracle"?The maid slowly dragged me to the bathroom,"do you know where we are going"i tried to start a conversation with her,but as usual,they always ignore me,i don't blame them.She washed me in silence,when we are done,I got my clothes and wore them while she packed my things,she didn't waste time as by the next minute,she carried my bags out and I followed her.

When we got the living room,everyone was there already,so we followed them to the car.

I wasn't talking nor was I making any eye contact without anyone but my father still chose to drug me and I slept off.

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