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Trapped in Love's Game; A Billionaire's Tale

Trapped in Love's Game; A Billionaire's Tale



Broken by his past, Billionaire Callum has sworn never to fall in love again but when a beautiful and mysterious woman, Allison enters his life, his defenses begin to crumble. Unknown to him, Allison is an ally of his ruthless rival who has set her as a trap to destroy him. As Allison gets closer to Callum, she finds herself drawn to his charm, Tor between her mission and her growing feelings for him As their love blooms, the danger grows higher Will she choose to complete her assignment or protect the man she loves? Will Callum overcome his dark past and fight against his rival demon or will their love be the very thing that destroys them?

Chapter 1 A New Job

Callum looked up from his laptop at the sound of the door opening. He was about to lash at whoever didn't deem it fit to knock before entering his office. He sighs at the sight of the intruder."Bravo! Bravo!" Lucas said, clapping. The corners of his lips turned down in mock amusement. "This is even more than I expected from you. Nice office though" He looked around to take in the interior of Callum's office.

He carried the glass pedestal that had 'Callum Blackwood, CEO' inscribed on it, smirked, and dropped it noisily on the large mahogany desk."You did not tell me you were coming" Callum said calmly."I think you have enjoyed this enough..." Lucas said he was striding across the office to the shelf where different award plaques awarded to Callum stood alongside a photo of him and Lucas. Lucas took out the photo. "How dare you place a picture of me in your fancy office after what you did?" Lucas was facing Callum who sat relaxed in his chair."Common Lucas, I don't think you should still be bitter about things from the past. We have a whole new life ahead""Exactly. Tables are about to turn and you're about to descend from all these..." He gestured around the office "to the bottomless pit where you originally belong" He laughed hysterically sending chills down Callum's spine. Callum shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It was evident that he had been through something similar in the recent past."Lucas... That we had a failed deal does not mean we have to become enemies""Not when you have a company thriving and I'm struggling to pay my employees. You even dared to reject a collaboration that could have helped me and you sit there and say it is nothing?" Lucas banged the desk."That's because it was a critical time and I could not meet the terms you stated in the contract". A knock came on the door and Callum asked the person in. It was his Human Resource Manager. He nodded slightly for her to speak."The new secretary is here sir. You asked me to inform you when she arrives"." Yes, you can send her in. Lucas, please spare me a moment?" He replied.Lucas does not reply. He stared at Callum with eyes that beheld so much hatred. He retrieves his hand from his pocket and runs it through his hair as the door opens for the secretary to come in. He looked at her as she walked graciously towards her boss. A small smile played on his lips."Hello sir. My name is Allison Mateo, and I've been newly appointed as your secretary". As Allison spoke, she stole a glance at Lucas and flinched as if he was having a sort of effect on her."Yes. You're welcome. I will send you a list of what and how I expect you to work. I expect nothing but perfection. Good luck" Callum replied and gestured toward the door."You are welcome" Lucas added, Allison looked at him but did not answer. She hurried out of the office." So Lucas, I...""Your new secretary looks like she will be a good worker by the way but I doubt you will need her long. Poor you. I'm out of here" Callum sighed as he watched Lucas stride out. He and Callum were friends from college. They shared the same goals and aspirations so after college, they decided to build a company together. They were doing just fine until they started incurring losses. Lucas proposed that they defraud their shareholders but Callum was not comfortable with the idea. This caused them to further disagree on a lot of issues." I don't think I can continue to do this with you" Lucas announced to Callum one day. He explained how he was no longer interested in working with him and wanted him to give up his shares. A bewildered Callum did not know what to say."What?! You want me to give up my shares? This is a company we built together and we have as much veto power""Well, I can't do this. It's either you sell your shares or we split the assets of this company" Lucas had replied, a stern look on his face. Callum made several efforts to plead with him but they were all futile so he had to give in, sell his shares, and start his own company from scratch while Lucas decided to do what he thought was right. That was how their joint venture solely became Lucas's company.After years of hard work on Callum's part, he was able to build his company which thrived more than that of Lucas. This triggered a sense of loss and hatred in Lucas. He began to nurture a desire to ruin Callum and his thriving company.Allison knocked softly on the slightly opened door. Lucas had not closed it when he left. Callum didn't respond to the knock. She could see him sitting at his desk, one hand supporting his jaw with his eyes focused on some invisible object. She walked in with a file in hand, her pleated skirt swaying from side to side. A few steps in, she stops and calls out to him "Mr Callum?" No response.She stood puzzled and cleared her throat. "Do you need anything sir?" Her gentle sonorous voice came again but Callum seemed lost in thought. Just as she was about to turn and leave the office, her eyes darted to a cabinet in a corner of the office. She glanced at Callum who had spaced out and made for the cabinet. "They must be important documents in there," She thought.The files in the cabinet came dropping to the floor immediately after she opened its door. She flinched and looked in the direction of Callum whom the noise had jolted from his reverie. His brows creased from surprise."What are you doing there?" Well... I just... I..." She stuttered. Callum's tired eyes were fixed on her, demanding an answer. His caramel-brown pupils made her heart skip a bit. She averted her gaze."Yes?" He prompted."I was trying to see if there was anything I could help you with. I'm sorry I disturbed you sir"His gaze lingered on her for a few more seconds. "I don't think you should come in here without my permission. Just focus on settling in today." He goes back to his laptop, a dismissive look on his face."Okay sir. I will arrange them back into the cabinet immediately" "Please leave my office." He said calmly.Allison walked out quietly.She settled into her new role as Callum's secretary pretty fast. She was quick to master how he wanted his morning tea and when she was to serve it. Callum was one of those bosses who required obsessive punctuality. He would tell her off if she served his tea late by even a minute and threaten to terminate her appointment as his secretary if she was late but she did not mind. She loved to hear how he sounded when he complained with faint lines of irritation etched on his forehead while his eyes narrowed at her."Allison!" She turned to see Callum behind her. She searched his face for what the problem might be but could not find any hints. She stood up hurriedly."Yes sir"."You are expected to focus at work. I've been calling the landline for God knows how long. Is this how you function?" He was not looking at her face, instead his eyes were beneath her face. Allison lowered her eyes to follow the direction of his gaze. They were on her chest. She instinctively covered it with her hands causing Callum to look away, an embarrassed look on his face."I'm sorry sir. I didn't hear the phone ring"."I need those documents on my table before lunch." He said and walked back in.Allison regretted covering her chest. She squeezed her face and sat down, wondering how uncomfortable it would be to go into his office to pick up the documents. The landline rang again causing her to jump on her feet and go into the office. "The company forbids certain dress codes, you know?" Callum said immediately as she came in without looking up."Yes sir. I will take note of that." She replied. Her hands were still on her chest, She wondered if Callum was aware of his creepy behavior, and how he made her embarrassed each time. "Now take this and work on it" He stretched forth the document without looking at her. As she collected the document, their fingers touched briefly and she felt a pang in her chest. Allison planned to go home and sleep immediately after work. She was more than tired but her plan was thwarted by Callum who wanted her to edit a proposal he needed to submit the next day."Do it fast, please" He said as he dropped the paperwork on her table. A sigh escaped her lips and she crossed her arms. The thought of how her colleagues had all left the office annoyed her. Callum ignored her and walked away. He emerged from his office moments later with his bag, ready to leave. "You can drop the proposal on my table before you leave," He said She stared angrily at him until he was out of sight. Once alone in the office and desperate to be on her bed, she looked through the proposal. It didn't need much editing so she did the needful and let out a sigh of relief as she was done.

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