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Twisted Desire

Twisted Desire



Malia is a 20-year-old girl born and brought up in Poland. After a few years, her family moved to Canada for a better life but was faced with unfortunate circumstances that led to her mother’s death and her father’s disappearance. Malia is sent to live with her Aunt. Malia later finds a job as a house help and babysitter in Manson and soon falls in love with the house owner Nicholas, a ruthless mafia boss who was recently betrayed by one of his employees which cost him a huge fortune. He focuses on catching the culprit, Dr. Matteo who seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth. In the process of investigating, he finds himself falling in love with Malia. He later discovers the relationship between Matteo and Malia. Dr. Matteo was the reason why his company suffered so much loss……..but the question is…. …is Dr. Matteo the real culprit?? Will Malia struggle with the pain of finding out Nicholas's connection to her family’s predicament? and most importantly. What’s going to happen between Malia and Nicholas?

Chapter 1 One

Malia Pov

As the sun peaks through the curtains the vibrant smell of delicious burgers flies through the air making a fresh morning smell. I took a deep breath, swinging myself off the bed. 6:20 am yawning a couple of times, I strolled down to the bathroom to take a quick shower. My phone rang just as I came back outside with a towel wrapped around my chest. “Hello”

“Have you had your breakfast yet ?” Asked the voice on the other end.

“Not yet Aunty, I just had my bath” I replied with the phone between my neck and jaw while trying to dry my hair.

“All right, I left some cupcakes on the table and please don’t be late your your interview” she stressed on the last part before cutting the call. I glanced over to the time making me gasp. 6:45 am wearing my yellow fled skirt and black top as I raced down the stairs.

How careless of me. I mentally scolded myself. My job interview starts at 7 and I’m not even out of the house yet. I took a cupcake in my mouth, swinging my cross bag around me before running outside. The bus drive took twenty minutes, on a Monday morning and luckily there was no traffic. I practically had to run down the road not minding the pair of eyes and odd looks I got from passersby. A brief pause as I arranged myself before breaking the doorbell.

If there was an award for not getting jobs, I’m pretty sure I’d be the top winner.


Walking down the road, just one job opportunity and over twenty people showed up for it. This has got to be the most wasted day of my life. Brushing my hair off my face when an elderly woman walked in standing right next to me while making a call. It was already getting late as I had wasted half of the day at the interview section, we both stood at the bus stop there waiting, the spirit of boredom just took over me and I couldn’t help but eavesdrop just a little.

“I’ll drop a notice for a cleaner and a babysitter once I get back”, the elderly woman said calmly. She kept the phone on her ear for some time listening to the person on the other end before replying. “You don’t have to worry” she finally replied before cutting the call. We both sat in the bus together which I might have purposely done. I’ve had a lot of misfortune with jobs lately and then an opportunity just presents itself right next to me. I smiled in my head, trying not to giggle out loud. the lady looked like she was in her early 40s and yet her composure and elegance made her look alluring. I tried to arrange myself stylishly before turning to her to advertise myself.

I got to my doorstep feeling tired and exhausted but whenever I think of the fact that I no longer have to look for another job.

“You’re to start work tomorrow, 6 am to 6 pm” the words sang in my ears like a melody making me giggle out loud. The warm feeling of home embraced me seeing Aunt Becky seated in the living room watching the news. She turned to me with a sad face gesturing for me to come sit beside her. I know what this conversation is about and I didn’t want to have it. It’s been six months since I started living with Aunt Becky and I’ve always tried my best to stay happy even with everything going on around me.

“I have bad news dear,” she said slowly and I braced myself mentally, guarding my heart against the incoming arrows, preparing to distract my mind in any possible way that meant I wouldn’t shed a tear for what I was about to hear. “After your mother’s death, the police still haven’t found the culprits and the case of finding your father has been closed because there’s been no lead for the past six months now”

I looked up to the ceiling preventing my tears from rolling down my cheeks as she took my hands in hers. “The bakery isn’t doing so well darling,” she said even sadly. I knew that hurt more to hear because the bakery business is the only reason why we haven’t lost the house… .. …… yet. It was a long silence as I tried to calm myself down. It kills faster when you keep emotional pains to yourself. That’s one thing I’ve learned over the months. I’ve promised myself to never stay sad, the last thing I want is to see my Aunt sad. She’s the closest I have to a family now, she’s the only thing standing in my falling world and I’d like to keep it that way.

“You don’t have to worry about the bakery,” I said pushing passed my sadness with a cheerful voice which made her look at me with a hint of surprise. “Ohh you did ?” She replied with a hint of sarcasm as expected based on my failed history, what else do I expect? I smiled standing up for her to take a full view of me. “I got a job on the other side of town as a babysitter and a cleaner,” I said and she raised a brow at me.

“Yeah yeah, it’s no much but the payment is worth it and more, I submitted my application form and I’ll be resuming work tomorrow” I finished knowing exactly what she was going to ask next.

“Concerning your application form…” she began but I cut her off.

“Yeah yeah, I used your name not mine, you don’t have to worry” I reassured her.

Ever since the incident six months ago, Aunt Becky has been convinced that the same people who were responsible for what happened would want to come after me too, maybe to use me as bait to get to my father so she insisted that I use her surname in everything I do and I have no issue doing that.

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