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A Nanny For The Mafia Lord

A Nanny For The Mafia Lord

Jay kings


Alessia Marino is a regular nanny until she is hired to care for the Mafia King's children. Enzo Rossi is the stunningly attractive King of Mafia, but his ex-wife cheated on him. He would have murdered her, but he does not want his children to know he killed their mother. He has no time for children, and every nanny that comes along tries to cling to him rather than the children; this is his final straw, and maybe his second love. What if they become entangled in a love that refuses to end?

Chapter 1 Episode 1

Alessia's POV

I ran to the kitchen and almost tripped.

I ate as though my life depended on it.

Don't be late, don't be late!

"Calm down girl, you gonna choke and end up in the hospital," Sydney emphasized whilst sitting on one of the kitchen island chairs.

"And lose the interview" Isabella finished Sydney's sentence, she took a mouth full of hot chocolate and a bite of coffee cake.

These girls could eat for a living

I rolled my eyes, I didn't even finish my quiche, "Bye guys, hope for the best" I said running to the door and cursing my high-heeled shoes on the way.

I mean, I love my heels, they're my life. But right now was not the moment I wanted them to fail.

"Good luck!" they both shouted in unison before I closed the door.

I tapped on the elevator button repeatedly, like a mad woman, I tapped my right foot in frustration.

Finally, the elevator opened, and I ran in, thankfully the elevator was empty, and I put on my earrings and my lipstick.

I ran outside my apartment building for a cab, I looked at my watch, 5:23 am.

I have 7 minutes!

I frantically waved for a cab, I probably looked crazy, but finally, a cab stopped.

I quickly went in and closed the door, "Morning, please go to Rossi Incorporation please" I requested catching my breath in the confines of the car.

"No problem," the old man replied and started driving.

I finally arrived and I stepped out of the car.

This building is...Ginormous

I know right

The picture of this building online gave no justice to it.

"Thank you so much," I said quickly paying the driver.

I ran into the giant building, "Good morning, I'm here for a Nanny interview" I smiled.

The receptionist behind the desk looked confused, but another woman walked up to us "Ah yes, please head to the top floor, good luck" she said pointing at the elevator.

I smiled at the woman who now stood by the receptionist.

She was beautiful, she had long chestnut hair dark hazel eyes, and amazing tanned skin.

I smiled "Thank you" as I ran to the elevator.

Damn, even the elevator reeked rich.

My eyes widened upon seeing the top floor was floor 105.

I quickly pressed the floor, thankfully no interruptions.

The elevator finally dinged and opened I walked out and saw one door written 'Boss' Office'.

I gulped even though I've been to over 10 of these. I calmed down and gently knocked on the door.

I heard "Come in" so I opened my door.

Oh heavens, this office is bigger than my room and kitchen combined!

Shut up, Lee!

Lee is my inside voice but sometimes she says unnecessary or unhelpful comments.

I looked at the man sitting across a big wooden table.

He had dark brown hair, lightly curled. He had marble-grey eyes, a sharp jawline—and if I may not add, the body of a Greek god.

Stop it, not the time Lee.

I cleared my throat, "Good morning."

He barely even looked up "You must be Miss Marino, am I right?" he said with no expression on his face.

Did he just ditch my 'good morning'?!

"Um...Yes, you must be Mr. Rossi" I said with a soft smile as I closed the door behind me.

"Have a seat" he typically demanded, I would've asked for some manners if I wasn't in an interview, so I kept my mouth shut.

I sat across from him, and he opened a file "So Ms Marino, you are interviewing for a nanny job?" he asked still expressionless.

Just his gaze sent a cold shiver down my spine, but I smiled either way.

I nodded "You were 36 seconds late by the way" he stated looking at me, I sheepishly smiled.

The man counts seconds?

"Sorry about that, it won't be repeated," I said, he sighed.

Surely disapproval, as far as I could guess.

"I'm going to start the interview, are you ready?" he asked, I wasn't gonna lose this opportunity.

"Yes," I answered.

Enzo's POV

I was already impressed by Ms Marino.

Once she entered she greeted, manners. She sat with poise effortlessly, and etiquette (believe me, I've seen worse). She wore decent clothing and apologized for coming late, with respect.

But I can't guarantee she'll be hired though, she has to keep this up.

I looked at her file.

"You're a certified child psychologist?" I asked looking back at her, "Yes, I am" she said confidently.

Confidence is good.

I nod my head "Why are you a child psychologist, it says here you were doing Neurology, but changed, why the sudden change?" I asked if I wanted to challenge her and see her limits.

"Well, we all suffer psychologically. We adults dwell with it, knowing life is life and we eventually get over it. Some don't, and end up needing therapy, but that's extreme cases. Adults like you and me know that struggles hurt but we can always fix cracks. But kids" she stopped as though thinking.

"Children don't know how to cope, it might look like they're fine but they really aren't, that memory will stay there breaking them to the last bone. By helping them while they are young I can prevent future broken people. And the reason I changed is personal if you don't mind, I prefer not talking about it" she ended.

What she said tugged my heart remembering what I went through as a kid, the thing is I don't have a crack to fix, I have a fucking hole.

I nodded "It's fine if it's personal" I cleared my throat as well as my thoughts.

"You're from Northern Italy, Parme?" I asked "Yes" and she answered "Your parent's jobs?" I asked raising my brow.

"My father owns a Cafe," she said shortly "Your mother?" I questioned.

"Well typically my mom is a botanist but she helps my dad at the cafe, they typically both own it. My father is also a retired Military captain but he's a great cook" she finished.

I gave a small nod. To be honest I have no idea why I'm still questioning her.

"You could be taking care of three kids, will you be able to do so?" I finally asked.

For a second she looked as though she was contemplating the words said to her. A smile crept to her face.

How does one smile so much? And she did it so effortlessly.

"Of course" she started, again, confidently.

"How long do you want to work for?" I asked calmly, "Uh...the time needed" she answered.

"Is 1 year enough?" I asked, "Yes, it can work" she replied, and I nodded.

Before I could speak, "But I ask one condition?" she asked.

I mentally face-palmed.

How could I think she was different from the rest? She wants to discuss her salary obviously.

"Yes" I sighed, " I want your cooperation and participation" she finished.

I raise both my brows "That's it?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Uh, well, You will get a response by email later today or by latest tomorrow," I said then cleared my throat.

She smiled once again "Thank you, Mr Rossi," she said, her smile not faltering.

How can one be so happy?

"You may leave," I said, she stood up "Have a good day," she said before turning around.

Before she could reach the door the door swung open revealing Andrews's face.

She gave a small nod to him in greeting before leaving, his eyes following her until the elevator closed.

I cleared my throat to get his attention, "Who is she?" he asked with lust on his face.

I rolled my eyes.

Why am I friends with him?

A question I've asked myself for over 18 years.

"I will not have you hitting on one of the kids' nannies again," I said opening my drawer to take out some important papers.

"She's hired?!" he sounded more excited than a question.

"I haven't put the final word on it," I said opening a file.

"Why not, she's the first one that came to an interview with clothes that cover everything. Makes me want to see more" he whispered the last bit but I heard it.

I shoot him a look "Watch your words Drew" I looked back at my papers.

"I don't want you faltering anything this time" I finished. "Or maybe Italy's top bachelor has lost his handsomeness and glamour that girls don't throw themselves at you anymore" he teased directing at me.

"You are a pain Andrew, and this one is different she's not that type," I said reading through some forms.

"Hmm, even more interesting" he mumbled. "Anyway, what did you come to bother me about?" I asked coldly.

"The new shipment route worked, you told me to tell you when it arrived," he said sitting down in front of me.

"How's the new warehouse?" I asked looking at him. "Great actually, you can visit tomorrow morning if you'd like?" he asked.

"Tonight" I stated, well, demanded.

"Sure thing Capo," he said [Italian translation: Boss]

I pressed the intercom button "Linda please cancel all other interviews for a nanny" I said.

I heard shuffling papers "Of course Enzo, consider it done," she said dropping the intercom.

"So she is hired?" Andrew asked. "I already told you, I'm still thinking," I said getting tired of this conversation.

Andrew left, I tried concentrating but my mind went to Alessia. My mind could not stop going to her no matter how much I'd scold myself.

Not in a weird way, but just thinking if she's the right kind of person I want to take care of my kids.

Something in my gut said she'd make me get into problems. But why?

I laid my head back on the chair and ran my hand through my head.

"Miss Alessia Marino" I breathed.


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