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A Contract With A Tycoon (Billionaire)

A Contract With A Tycoon (Billionaire)

Global Star


When it comes to love, is a second chance truly the charm? Victoria Brooks's contractual union with her billionaire employer came to an abrupt halt when the woman he'd long desired returned to New York City. Despite developing feelings for her charismatic boss, Victoria knew their marriage was strictly business. After receiving a substantial payout from Daniel Thompson, she left the city, heartbroken. Unbeknownst to Daniel, Victoria discovered she was pregnant shortly after their parting. Determined to forge ahead on her own terms, she raised their child and rebuilt her life from scratch. Just as she finds solace in a new relationship, Daniel resurfaces, asserting his rights not only to her but also to their child. To Victoria's dismay, he arrives armed with a marriage certificate, proving their union is legally intact.

Chapter 1 Prologue: A New Job

"Next," A sultry feminine voice called out from the office opposite the sitting area, with a shiny metal plate, bearing the words, "Conference Room", attached to the closed door.

Victoria Brooks's eyes darted to the end of the sitting area, to see a woman who appeared to be in her early twenties, rise up from the plush sofa, with her sleek leather bag hanging from her shoulder and a file in her grasp. Quickly, she sauntered towards the door, her seven inches stilettos clicking against the marbled floor, as though she was announcing her entrance. Victoria tried peeking into the conference room, but she was too far away to see anything besides a set of chairs before the door was closed once


Ducking back her head, she counted about seven more women before her. A hot breath expelled from her lips as she forced herself to settle into the sofa, in a bid to calm her erratically beating heart.

It was her first time applying for a job, after recently graduating from college. As a fresh college graduate with zero experience, she knew finding a well-paying job wasn't in the cards for her but the moment she stumbled upon a GEMCorp ad on the Internet, she decided to give it a try, after noting the job requirements. All that was expected for the position of an assistant to the CEO, Daniel Thompson, was basic education. As shocking as it was, the pay was even more shocking. The multi-billion dollar company was willing to pay more than a few thousand dollars for the position, with such basic minimum requirements. Also, she'd noticed the ad specified that only women between the ages of twenty to twenty-four were expected to apply for the position. While it was a

strange requirement, Victoria was glad she fit into it perfectly, at her ripe age of twenty-two. Without giving further thought to the strange job ad, she quickly filled in her information, and luckily for her, she got an email from the company the next day, inviting her for the interview.

Pressing her palms flat on her thighs, she attempted to straighten the crease on her black pencil skirt one of the few pieces of clothing she owned that she could wear to an official environment. Truly, she was intimidated by all of the women that showed up for the interview as they all appeared impeccably dressed in their simple yet expensive clothing. All she

could put together in the short period she was invited was just a white blouse and this black skirt that she had managed to iron at her neighbor's home, as her electricity had been cut off the previous day, due to the large bills she hadn't been able to cover for months.

While Victoria was battling with her raging anxiety and the inferiority complex threatening to choke her, the queue kept moving until it finally got to her turn.

"Is there anyone still out there?" the same feminine voice she'd heard earlier on called out, disrupting Victoria's thoughts.

"Yes," she called back immediately, before slamming a palm over her mouth and hastily rising to her feet. Slinging her small black bag over her shoulder, she held onto her files and approached the door, her beating heart dropping to her stomach.

Calm down. Calm down. It's just an interview.

She repeated these words in her head like a mantra, attempting to swallow

down her nerves and increasing anxiety.

With a slight knock on the door, opened and she stepped in to see a man seated at one end of the large glass table, his piercing gray eyes, directed at her in a cold calculating gaze. Victoria's anxiety increased by ten folds from the heat of his stare, and she felt her mouth suddenly dry up.

"H-hi... I-I mean good morning, Sir," she stuttered, still standing by the door, unsure of what to do, nor what was expected of her.

"Come forward and take your seat," the woman sitting beside the man spoke, without glancing at Victoria.

Victoria recognized the voice as it matched perfectly with the one she's been hearing. Quickly, she scurried towards one of the available chairs, a few chairs away from the man and the woman, and took her seat.

"You're the last applicant?" the woman questioned and Victoria proceeded to nod, still feeling slightly uncomfortable as she could still tell the man's gaze was still fixed on her. Inwardly, she wondered if the previous applicants had received the same treatment. "Tell us a little about yourself,"

Gulping, Victoria began;

"I'm Victoria Brooks, a Business Administration Graduate from Manhattan Heights College. I've just recently graduated, hence I have no previous working experience, but I recall from your job advert that I won't be weeding that?"

The woman gave a slight nod.

"It's nice to meet you, Victoria Brooks. I'm Bethel Williams, the secretary to the CEO, and here with me is Mr. Daniel Thompson, the CEO of GEMCorp."

For a moment, Victoria's mouth popped open, her eyes growing wide as her eyes strayed from the woman's eyes to that of the man who had been staring at her unblinkingly since she stepped into the room.

Truly, she hadn't expected to be interviewed by the CEO, and neither had she seen the man before. It has skipped her mind to do quick research on her proposed employer before showing up for the interview. Now sitting in the same room with him, she couldn't explain how she was feeling, with her heart racing, and a cold sweat breaking out of her skin, despite the chilling temperature of the room.

Her gaze locked on the man's, unable to look away, and neither did he. It was as if he was trying to play some form of mind came with her with the way he seized her up, his eyes crinkling at the edges with his thin pink lips set in a mean line. From the short moment Victoria had been in his presence, she could tell his glinting gray eyes weren't the only nice features he possessed. His clean-shaven square jaw and his jet black hair all slicked back, gave him a fierce, yet handsome appearance. She couldn't help but to liken him to a caged Lion, lying in wait for his prey. There was something about his eyes that screamed mischief.

"The role you've applied for is that of the personal assistant of Mr. Daniel," Bethel's words disrupted Victoria's inner monologue, causing her eyes to return to the woman, who was now scanning the files Victoria had dropped on the table. "While your job doesn't require many qualifications, we'd love for you to be well educated and I think I'm impressed with what I've seen in your documents."

"Thank you, Miss Bethel," Victoria

nodded in appreciation, offering her a small smile.

"Judging by your qualifications, you're one of the most qualified applicants for this job, but notwithstanding, we need to make sure you understand the role you're applying for." Bethel's eyes met hers and drifted to Daniel's eyes for a nanosecond before returning to hers. "As his personal assistant, you'll get as personal as he wishes," she emphasized each of the words as though driving a very important point home.

"I understand that, Miss Bethel," Victoria chimed in.

"And you will not be working for him here, in fact, your job is not to the company but to his home. And it's Mrs. Bethel," she corrected with a smile but Victoria's attention was lost on her first words.

"I'm sorry but could you explain what you mean by working in his home?

"I'm hiring you to act as my wife for a year, Miss Victoria,"Daniel spoke in a relaxed tone,her name slipping from his lips in a drawl.

Victoria's head whipped in his direction,eyes wide as saucers and mouth agape.This had never crossed her mind when she'd asked for an explanation. How could a man as good-looking as him be willing to pay a woman for such? If he wanted a wife, she was sure he had more than a fair amount of women that'd be willing to occupy the position, even if not for love but for his money and social status. While resorting to such a way in finding a wife?

"Excuse me?" she spat out before she could control herself.

"You heard me right,Miss Victoria.Your job as my assistant is to act as my wife for a year, and this arrangement will only be between the three of us in this room. You'll stay in my home for the duration of the contract, you'll escort me to social events, and bear my surname and in return, all of your financial needs will be met. By the end of twelve months, you'll be paid handsomely and our agreement shall become null."

"Why would I want to do that?" she questioned, still in shock.

"There are other candidates willing to take up this offer, Miss Victoria.I have no time to respond to incessant questions. I'm only choosing you because you’re educationally qualified and you appear to be off the social radar, compared to the rest of the women that have applied. If it's something you can not do, you may walk out."

Although his words came out harsh, Victoria decided to calm down and consider his offer and the situation living with a man she knew nothing about, to get paid a huge sum of money. Honestly speaking, it wasn't reasonable to agree to the terms of this job, but considering the financial state of things for her, could she truly give in to this offer?

Her thoughts were interrupted by his next words.

"Will you sign the contract?"

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