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Author Vickan


When his wife falls into a coma, Devan's life is turned upside down. As he goes through his new reality, he finds solace in his daughter's nanny, Eileen. But as their bond deepens, Devan uncovers dark secrets about his wife's past, including her suspected involvement in a murder with her Exboyfriend and a shocking revelation about his daughter's true parentage. Devan's world crumbles, Eileen disappears after his wife wakes from coma, leaving him heartbroken and bewildered. But when his wife was arrested, Devan seized a second chance to win Eileen back after he saw her at the hospital where his brother's wife delivered. However, he soon discovers Eileen's been hiding a life-changing secret of her own, a secret daughter for him. With his family in shambles and his heart on the line, Devan must confront the truth and fight for a future with the woman he loves. Will he be able to overcome the lies, betrayal, and secrets that have haunted him, or will the weight of his past crush his hopes for a new beginning?

Chapter 1 1

Eileen POV


"I can't take your place in your child's life."

The bond between a parent and child is unlike any other in the world—it's pure and unbreakable, a relationship where betrayal is never a concern.

A mother endures nine months of pain to bring her baby into the world. After giving birth, she undergoes numerous changes. Physically, her body transforms; her hormones shift, and her perspective on life and priorities are altered. Suddenly, her child becomes the center of her universe.

A man, too, must mature quickly when he becomes a father, whether he's 18 or 30. The moment a child enters his life, he must step up and take responsibility. He feels the duty to protect and care for his child, ensuring they grow up in a happy, healthy environment. The hard work a father puts in to provide comfort and stability for his child is deserving of great admiration.

Well, unless you are unlucky like me. Being raised by a single father, I know the importance of having two active parents in a child's life. Even after you become an adult, you need your parents to show you the right path in life when you don't know which one to choose. Sometimes I become so confused with everything in life that's when I miss my parents. I think I will be super happy if any of my parents start interfering in my life even now, I will be dancing if l could lean on my parents even

for a second.

Except I am not that blessed. My mom ran away with her lover when I was six months old. Later she came back. I was a year old at that time, but she was there for divorce, not for her daughter, who needed her mother most.

I never heard of my mother when I was growing up, there was not a single picture of her in our house, my grandmother burned all her belongings, removed all the pictures, and papa took the role of parenting. It was hard for him, he was a single father struggling to fill the gap of two parents at the same time of a little girl's life, it's laborious.

I saw his constant scuffle between his job and his fatherly duty, however, I can proudly say my papa outshine other men in this job brilliantly. He came to all the annual school function, had dinner with me all night, cooked for me, packed my lunch for school, dropped me in school, took me to the park on the weekends, ice cream date, stayed awake with at night when I was sick, loved me unconditionally, my papa is the best of all the father of this world.

However, I think this father is on the list of worst ones. I don't get this even after working 2 months for him, well, for his daughter. I told him before I took this job, I told him clearly and loudly, "I am the nanny. You are the parents, and I will not take your place in your child's life. You need to stay present in your kid's life."

That time this arrogant man nodded. He agreed to my terms before I started working for his little angel. Now l am at his daughter's school function when he is supposed to attend and cheer for his daughter. I texted him last night, this morning even twenty minutes earlier but there is no sign of him. He is not coming, damn, I shouldn't have promised Nora on behalf of his jackass father.

My little sunshine's heart will be broken again by her nescience father once again, he made it like a job for the past two months now. He is hurting his little girl immensely, I see her big diamond size tears, her black clouds fill sad face, the sadness in her eyes, it's too much for a four-year-old to bear. She should be happy, laughing, playing, enjoying her childhood, not crying and yearning for her father to come home, or love her.

And also, who the hell does start kindergarten at the age of four. My sunshine is bearing all the burden of her parents on her shoulder, at this young age, this is the worst thing that could happen to a child. Tonight I am going to talk seriously with her arrogant father. I am going to see how he saves himself after hurting my Nora so badly.

I clench my teeth in anger when he doesn't show up, now Nora is going to cry again. Last night, I stopped her tears making a promise, her dad will be here sitting in the front row, cheering for her, now my lies will hurt her more.

"Hey, baby." I picked her into my arms.

Nora looks around the small auditorium, she is searching for her father, who is not here.

"You were so cool on the stage," I try to avert her mind but l fail greatly.

"Where is dad?" she whispers.

Her big round blue eyes are looking at me in anticipation, hope is all can see in those beautiful eyes. I put her golden hair behind her eyes, and hug her tightly.

"He is busy," I whisper in her hair.

She says nothing, only hugs me tightly, and sheds her tears, she knows the rule, the meaning of busy, she is again ignored by her father. After Morgan's car accident, Nora does not only lose her mom but also her father. This is too l much, she doesn't deserve this, if I don't take any action now, then things will go worse. Maybe there will be a stain in this father-daughter relationship, even before Devan Boyle knows he will lose his daughter completely.

I put Nora in the bed, read a story to her, and when she was deeply asleep, I came down to the living room. Tonight I am going to stay awake all night if I need to do to talk to Mr. awful father. I make myself a cup of coffee before settling on the couch under the blanket, I take the remote and start roaming on Netflix. There will be something

that will keep me occupied until that monster comes home tonight.

I start watching Brooklyn nine-nine, Jake Peralta is the only one who can boost up my mood now. Also, I have a secret crush on his good looks and out-of-the-world sense of humor. I wish I could find my Jake like Amy.

I am in season two episode four when I hear the car engine, your royal highness in the house, I am ready to snap this man's neck tonight. I am going to make him pay for all the tears that my Nora shaded in the last two months, tonight is the payback time.

I turn off the tv and stand in the middle of the room as Devan steps into the house, he needs to cross the gigantic living room to go to his room, I cross my hand over my chest to look more intimidating. This man is over 6 feet 2 so, my 5 feet 4 does not stand a chance on him. I need to make my point, I need to do this for my sunshine, I can't tolerate any tears of that sweet girl.

"Ms. Cooper." He at least acknowledges my presence, I thought I was also, in his ignore book the same way he put his daughter on.

"Did you get my text?" I block his way.

He lifts his head and looks at me, he looks tired and pitiful, he is in pain, I can feel that just from his eyes, of course, his love of life, his lovely wife is still in a coma. It's been 2 months since the accident, Morgan is deep asleep.


"Then why didn't you come?" I demand answers, I don't care if he gets angry or he is too tired to have this discussion, I don't give a damn. I already excuse a lot of his absence to Nora, and I can't lie to her every day, not for someone like this man, who has no intention of getting his act correct.

"I was busy, and later I was with Morgan," he says tiredly.

His voice is heavy, so are his eyes. He needs sleep but he is not getting it, not until he makes some promises to me.

"She cried again."

"She will be fine." He passes me and tries to go to his room which is on the second floor of this lavish house.

"Hey, you Mr.ignorance, she is your daughter, and she is four. How do you expect her to understand everything when her forty years old father can't handle the damn situation?" I yell at him.

l am pretty straightforward when it comes to compliments and scolding. I don't take crap from other people or sugarcoat anything. I am honest as hell, and I know this trait of mine hurts a lot of people, so what, I am telling you your flaws, so you can work on that to become a better human being. I think this mankind should thank me for that, I wish they could see the brighter side of this great virtue.

Devan's eyes go so big that it will pop out of his eyes any time soon. He is shocked to see someone pointing out his flaws, maybe, I don't give a damn what he thinks, but after tonight this man will be the proper father that Nora needs right now, the one she deserves.

"Did you just.." I cut him in the middle and continued my monologue.

"You are the worst father I have ever seen. I told you before I am her nanny, not her parents. You need to be present in her life more than anything as her mom is here, do you know how lonely she is? She cries for you all the time, she doesn't smile, her teachers say she doesn't talk at all in the class. It was hard convincing her participating in this school program, and I promised her, her dad will be there cheering for her. She was so happy. But you ruined your own daughter's happiness. Does it feel good Dr, Boyle?"

Devan goes still hearing my long speech, his eyes stay in my face, I don't change my expression at all. I keep the straight face and frown more than before.

"Where were you?"

"With Morgan."

"Well, more than your wife, your little daughter needs you. She has her doctors who will do her treatment but no one is here for that sweet angle. She needs her father. And you, Mr. crap bag will be here for her. This is the last warning I am giving you. If you don't get your act together this time, or make my Nora cry one more time. I will make your life worse than hell. It's a promise."

With this last threat, I turn around and make my grand exit. I am a woman of promise, if he wants to use me then let it be. I will show him the real Eileen Cooper, the dangerous one.

The admonish behavior hits the ball in the right place, because the next morning I find Mr. Doctor on the table, for the time, I start working in this house. Today is the first time I see him on the dining table.

My little angel smiled for the first time in two months, my first victory I would say.

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