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Worshipping my Hot Alpha

Worshipping my Hot Alpha



He is drop-dead gorgeous and the Alpha of our pack. I love every inch of him, ready to worship his existence. But can the Alpha love me back?

Chapter 1 START


Are you Rowan? Are you a member of the committee that deals with werewolves?

Should I be surprised if I find that I share his jaw and eyes?

When I pressed my chest against my heart, it was thumping irregularly. Is it possible that he is my father? If he was, would it be possible for me to confront him? Am I prepared to go?

I am willing to wager that he doesn't want me and that he has left me with my mother, who also does not appear to desire me.

There was no way I could take another rejection. Not from my father, whom I have never had the opportunity to meet.

If my parents don't want me, why is that? Are you referring to the fact that I am a hybrid? What do you mean, it's not my fault? To a certain extent, it is theirs. If they did not want me, they ought to have terminated my pregnancy. Why are you tormenting me in such a manner?

According to what I've heard, werewolves can be extremely protective of their young. Considering that my father is a werewolf, it is reasonable to assume that he would want me and would be protective of me.

I am completely clueless about how I ought to respond or how I ought to feel. What could possibly be the motive for him to leave me behind if he was my biological father? What if it's not even a good reason? Is he even aware that I am a certain person?

It wasn't until Kairo helped me wipe my wet cheeks that I realized I was crying.

“No harm intended, but I would like for you to depart, Dad and Mom. Right now!” He let out a low roar.

A sorrowful smile appeared on Meridith's face as she clasped my hand in hers. "I am very sorry. It was not our intention to do that.”

I gave a slight nod. "It's fine." After turning around, I made my way upstairs and went directly to our room because I did not want to continue talking to anyone else.

Everything is making it difficult to cope. In my whole life, I have never laid eyes on my father, and I have no idea how to behave when I am in his presence. I have no doubt that he has a great family and that he does not even remember me.

In a stealthy manner, Kairo entered the room and approached me. After sitting down next to me, he drew me onto his lap and encircled me in his warm arms. Immediately, I felt a sense of relaxation from his sandalwood and earthy forest aroma. My arms were wrapped around his neck, and I positioned my nose in the crook of his neck so that I could take in his incredible aroma.

“If you are Prim, you are aware of how fortunate I am to have you, right? It would be a tragedy for them if they did not want such a remarkable daughter." I felt a gentle kiss from him on the top of my head.

"You are no longer one of the only people on this earth. Yes, you have me. Before I take my last breath, I solemnly swear that I will never, ever abandon you.” He kissed me on the nasal bridge. I was made to feel appreciated by the gesture, which was so personal.

"But-" I was about to begin speaking, but he interrupted me.

“We are not certain that he is your father, but there are no buts. Don't put undue pressure on yourself. In the event that he is your father, be certain that I will support you in any choice that you make. My presence will never leave your side.” I gave a slight nod, feeling much better now that my mate was here with me.

He brought his lips to mine and tilted my chin in his direction. When I saw his warm and gentle lips, I let out a quiet groan. I shifted my body so that it was angled towards him, and I positioned myself such that I was comfy on his thighs. When he accidentally put his tongue in my mouth, he let out a groan.

After we had a passionate kiss, I retreated since I was out of breath and panting. The skin on my neck was subjected to a severe nipping and sucking by him. During the time that he was kissing me behind my ear and on my neck with his mouth open, I shook and moaned deeply.

At the point where my neck and shoulder met, he lightly touched his teeth, which caused me to let out a loud groan on account of the pleasure.


"This is where I mark you when I am deep inside you and when you come all over my hard cock." It was a whisper. The direct manner in which he expressed it caused me to sweat between my legs.

During our conversation, he took my t-shirt off of me, unclasped my bra, and threw it away in a different part of the room.

"I can smell your sweet arousal." The man moaned.

His tongue explored my mouth while his hands kneaded my breasts as he planted a passionate kiss on me. He gripped my breasts in his hands and kissed me in a hard but forceful manner. As I grind my ass on his erect shaft while wearing jeans, I let out a groan against his mouth. He let out a deep growl before pulling away while smiling.

"Playing dirty now, are we?" In a hushed tone, Kairo spoke with a malicious glitter in his eyes.

We were both naked, sweaty, and dirty as we hugged on the bed for approximately an hour after going through two strong orgasms, one with his fingers and the other with his tongue, which he possessed an incredible amount of ability. Pheromones and sex were both present in the room's aroma.

Subsequently, we shared a shower together. I was seduced by his propped-up dick, and I gave him a blow job while I was in the shower. There is a possibility that I am addicted to him. I am unable to cease touching him. I do not wish to do so.

What would happen if he marked me? I am curious about the outcome. It's possible that I'll behave like a horny teenager. It doesn't seem like such a terrible idea after all.

When we had finished getting dressed, we made the decision to go see the Rogue, who was hiding in the dungeons.

I was once again assaulted by Reese with a hug as we were on our way to the dungeon. It had not occurred to me that she missed me that much. I was unaware that anyone wanted to see me.

Nash may have missed me as well. It was really upsetting to him to see Kairo in such a melancholy and downcast state while I was away. He looks up to me as his Sigma. For some reason, that gave me a lift to my ego, and I couldn't help but feel a little excited that Kairo had missed me.

I am aware of your sadistic nature.

I was also told that Reese was a little bit frightened by the fact that Kairo was acting like a horny beast due to the presence of mermaid blood in his system. He also claimed that Kairo almost attacked Reese after the witch bitch left and that he apologized numerous times when he returned to his regular state.

I am not the type of person who is easily disrespectful or insulting, but she is the kind of person who probably deserves it. She made a mess of what belonged to me. What is mine should not be messed with by anyone. Exactly what happens when you mess with me is going to be demonstrated to her by me. It's true that I'm a sensitive kind of person, but that's only until you try to injure my partner. After I have gone and rescued her from whatever hole she was hiding in, I will torture her to the point where she will beg for her own death.

Kairo and I entered the dungeon after Reese had returned to her duties. We then dispatched the guards to leave the dungeon so that we could conduct an interrogation without interruption. The dungeon's interior is stinking with odor. A great deal. The smell is a combination of blood, pee, and vomit. I made an effort to avoid throwing up or gagging. When it comes to situations like this, having heightened senses of smell is a disadvantage!

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