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Breaking The Facade

Breaking The Facade

Author Vickan


Lyra's life seems perfect. She has stellar grades, a loving family, great friends, and the best boyfriend she could ever hope for. But when the dark, brooding Liam invades her seemingly idyllic world, he reveals a truth she's been blind to: her life is far from perfect. As Liam exposes the cracks in her flawless facade, Lyra is forced to confront hidden truths and uncomfortable realities. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, Liam offers her a chance to rebuild and redefine her life. Will LyraE embrace the shadows he brings, or will she cling to her crumbling perfection?

Chapter 1 1

The best kind of music for school mornings played through my earbuds as I hummed along, arranging items on my reading table. Once everything was in place, I checked the room one last time to ensure I hadn't forgotten anything. Satisfied, I turned to the full-length mirror on my wall to inspect my outfit one more time. Perfect. I was rocking a soft, schoolgirl look today: plaid cardigan, short pleated skirt, and long socks. Liam loved this look, which was why he suggested it.

Liam was my boyfriend. He was friends with the popular crowd at school, making him one of them by default. His parents were wealthy and fancy, living on the upper-class side of town, and they were... nice to me. I felt incredibly lucky to have Liam as my boyfriend. He was always looking out for me and being so kind. Many girls would kill to be in my shoes, but he chose me.

Smiling at the thought, I hurried downstairs past my cat, Tilly. She meowed in protest when I didn't pet her, so I turned around. "Gosh, you're so demanding," I sighed playfully, reaching out to pet her. She nearly sliced my hand with her claws.

"Well, make up your mind!" I said, pulling my hand back. Then I noticed the Country Club pin on my sweater. Tilly hated it. Once I removed it, I could pet her to my heart's content—well, until my ringtone interrupted the music.

It was Liam, and my heart skipped a beat as I realized I was running late. "Hi, Liam!" I said, hurrying to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

"Babe, Lyra, tell me you're halfway here," Liam said. He was already at school with his friends.

"Sorry, I'm still making your coffee."

"Well, hurry up! I want to drink it before class begins," he snapped. I rolled my eyes. "Also, there's someone I want you to meet."

I frowned but didn't ask. "Okay, I'll see you in a few."

"Okay, love you."

I smiled, packed my things, and rushed out of the house. Dad was in the front yard, watering plants and talking to the neighbor over the low fence. "Running late?" he asked.

"Yeah, feed Tilly, please!" I replied, nearly sprinting past him. I dumped my stuff in the passenger seat and placed the coffee in the cup holder before getting into the driver's seat.

"Movie night?" Dad called after me.

"Sorry, Mom invited me to the estate. I'll be going there after school."

"She's back from Egypt? Cool, I want a souvenir!" he called. I smiled as I drove off.

I remembered Liam didn't have any first-period classes only when I got to the school parking lot. "Seriously?" I sighed, spotting him and his friends hanging around his big car. I parked next to them. Even though I was late, being Liam Frances's girlfriend had its perks.

"Finally, what took you so long?" Liam asked, taking my hand to help me out of the car.

"Traffic," I said, waving at his friends.

"Hey, Lyra!" they chorused with grins.

"I'll take that," Liam said, smirking as he took the cup from my hand. I folded my arms, frowning.

"What? What's with the funny face?" he asked.

"You made me hurry like you had a first-period class."

After a sip, he frowned and handed the cup back. "You didn't add enough cream. You know how I like my coffee."

"I was in a hurry because of you," I said. "Now you're not even going to drink it?"

Liam rolled his eyes. "It's just coffee, no need to be so sassy and uptight, Lyra. What's with the attitude?"

I blinked and calmed my expression. "It's not like I skipped breakfast or anything," I mumbled.

"Speak up. I hate when you do that," Liam said.

"It's nothing," I sighed, adjusting my bag. Liam was right; it was just coffee. I smiled at him, and his brown eyes brightened.

"If you're not having it, I will," one of the guys said, taking the cup before I could protest. I froze as I realized I didn't recognize him. Was he wearing eyeliner?

"Remember I said I wanted you to meet someone?" Liam said, patting the guy on the back. "This is my cousin, Owen, from New York. He'll be staying with us for the rest of the school year." Liam introduced him with a proud grin, and I waved at Owen, unable to find my voice. He was intimidating, staring at me while sipping my only hope for breakfast.

"Hello, Lyra. Liam talks a lot about you."

"All good things, I hope?" I muttered.

"I didn't catch that," Owen said.

"I have class!" I blurted, louder than intended, causing the other guys to pause their conversation.

"See you later, babe," Liam said, kissing my cheek. "Can you show my cousin to Mrs. Ellis's classroom on your way?"

I glanced at Owen and nodded. "Sure."

"Great, see you at lunch," Liam said, giving Owen a fist bump before letting him follow me.

The hallways were nearly empty since the warning bell had already rung. I kept glancing at the cup of coffee in Owen's hand, regretting not getting breakfast when he pulled out a bagel and took a big bite. The awkward silence was broken by my stomach growling loudly.

"Um... worms," I blurted the worst excuse ever, holding my stomach.

Owen, unfazed, handed me the coffee. "Take this, kiddo."

"Kiddo?" I shook my head. "No thanks, it's yours."

He deadpanned at me, and I gave in. "On second thought..." I took the cup and had a big gulp.

"Hey, don't finish it. It's still mine," Owen said, looking slightly offended.

"Sorry," I giggled, wiping my upper lip.

When he split his bagel and offered me the bigger half, I gratefully accepted. "Thanks," I said with my mouth full.

"So, girlfriend to Liam," Owen said lazily, "what's a girl like you doing with a guy like him?"

"What do you mean?" I frowned, remembering my long-time crush on Liam. He was the guy of my dreams.

"Clueless little thing, aren't you?" Owen hummed, offering no further explanation.

"Mrs. Ellis's class," I said, stopping at a classroom door. "Thanks for sharing."

His grey eyes fixed on me as he stepped closer, almost making me step back into a trashcan. "I don't like sharing my food. So for the love of God, kid, make sure you get your own breakfast every day. Clear?"

I nodded quickly, watching as he brushed golden locks from his face with his ring-covered hand. "All I said was thank you," I murmured.

He rolled his eyes. "You really need to speak up, Squeaky." Then he pushed the door open and stepped into the class.

"Squeaky?!" I exclaimed before spinning around and marching to my own class.

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