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Nanny to the billionaire's heart

Nanny to the billionaire's heart

judith graham


Olivia is a spirited young woman with dreams of becoming an actor. When her mother falls ill and needs surgery, Olivia finds herself in desperate need of money. She reluctantly takes on an acting job, but a misunderstanding leads to her dismissal and a confrontation that results in her accidentally damaging someone's car. Fleeing from the scene, Olivia remains in dire need of funds. In a twist of fate, she finds herself introduced to a nanny position, caring for children who believe they are mature enough not to need supervision. To her surprise and dismay, her new employer turns out to be none other than the person involved in her earlier troubles. Now faced with the challenge of earning a living while managing the rebellious children and navigating her complicated relationship with her boss, Olivia must find a way to make it work. Will she be able to win over the children and earn their respect? And can she reconcile her past mistakes while forging a new path forward in her life?


Olivia stood in the sterile hospital corridor, her heart pounding in sync with the distant hum of machinery. She had been pacing for what felt like an eternity, anxiously awaiting any scrap of news about her mother. This was the fourth doctor she had approached, and frustration clawed at her as each one evaded her questions.

"Doctor, what's happening? What's wrong with my mom?" Her voice quivered with desperation as she stepped closer, clutching at the doctor's white-coated arm.

The doctor, busy and preoccupied, glanced briefly at Olivia before resuming his path down the corridor. His silence grated on her nerves, but Olivia refused to relent. With a firm grip, she caught hold of his wrist, her fingers trembling.

"Please, tell me what's wrong with my mom!" Her voice cracked, tears welling up in her eyes and streaming down her cheeks unchecked.

The doctor paused, sighing softly as he gently withdrew his arm from her grasp. "I'm sorry, ma'am," he began in a rehearsed tone, "the attending physician will update you shortly. Please be patient."

Olivia bit her lip to stifle a frustrated retort. She turned to see her younger sister, Clara, standing a few paces away, her eyes wide with worry.

"Will Mom be alright?" Clara's voice was small and hesitant, barely audible above the ambient hospital noises.

Olivia moved swiftly to her sister's side, wrapping her in a tight embrace. "She'll be okay," she murmured, trying to inject confidence into her voice despite her own mounting fear and uncertainty.

Hours passed like minutes in the antiseptic hallways, the tension thickening with each passing moment. Finally, the doors to the room where their mother lay hooked up to monitors and IV drips swung open, and a cluster of doctors emerged, their faces impassive and unreadable.

Olivia's heart sank. All but one of the doctors dispersed without a word, leaving a solitary figure in a white coat standing before her.

"I need to speak with you," the doctor said gently, finally acknowledging Olivia's presence.

"Clara, go to Angel's I'll meet you there. If I don't come home tonight, use this for yourself," Olivia instructed, pressing a wad of crumpled bills into her sister's trembling hand.

Clara hesitated, her eyes wide with fear and confusion, but Olivia's firm gaze brooked no argument. Nodding silently, Clara turned and hurried away, disappearing down the hallway.

Alone now with the doctor, Olivia followed him in silence to a small, cramped office tucked away from the bustle of the hospital corridors.

"You may sit," the doctor offered politely, gesturing towards a worn chair opposite his cluttered desk.

"No, thank you," Olivia replied tersely, her voice strained with worry. "Please, what's wrong with my mom?"

The doctor took a deep breath, his eyes meeting Olivia's with a mixture of sympathy and professional detachment. "Your mother requires immediate surgery within the next ten days," he began slowly, "or her condition may deteriorate fatally."

Olivia's breath caught in her throat, her mind racing to comprehend the gravity of his words. "And how much will the surgery cost?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, betraying the mounting panic she felt.

"One billion," the doctor replied matter-of-factly, his tone unwavering despite the bombshell he had just dropped.

"One billion?" Olivia repeated, her mind reeling. "How on earth am I supposed to afford that? Please, you have to help save my mom!"

The doctor leaned forward, his expression softening marginally. "We can proceed once your outstanding dues are settled," he insisted calmly.

Olivia's frustration boiled over. "Outstanding dues? Is that all you care about?" she cried, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and fear. "My mother's life is at stake here!"

"Leave my office immediately!" The doctor's tone hardened, his professional demeanor slipping slightly under Olivia's intense emotional onslaught.

Distraught and overwhelmed, Olivia stumbled out of the doctor's office, her thoughts spinning with fear and desperation. She leaned against the cool wall of the hospital corridor, clutching at her chest as if to quell the rising panic within her.

"What do I do now?" she muttered to herself, her voice wavering. "How am I supposed to come up with one billion?"

As Olivia's mind raced with desperation for money, she received a call about a shoot.


Alex lounged in the chair, his posture regal and imposing.

"Fetch that," he commanded the maid, pointing to the watch. Without hesitation, she presented it to him, and Alex extended his wrist expectantly.

She bowed low, trembling slightly as she offered him the watch.

Alex's gaze turned steely. "Who hired this incompetent fool?" His voice was sharp, and the maid instinctively dropped to the floor in a trembling heap.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please forgive me!" Her voice wavered with fear, tears welling up in her eyes.

The commotion summoned Mrs. Jones, who hurried into the room. "What's happening? I hired her. What did she do wrong?" Mrs. Jones's concern was evident as she addressed Alex, who, known for his terse manner, remained silent. He rose abruptly, adjusting his impeccable black suit and grabbing the watch.

His eyes bore into the maid's, his brow furrowed in disapproval. "Dismiss her," he ordered coldly, then turned to leave. The maid's tears flowed freely as Mrs. Jones tried to make sense of the situation, chasing after Alex.

"Alex, please tell me what happened. I'll make sure she understands," Mrs. Jones pleaded desperately, her voice tinged with worry.

Mrs. Jones had cared for Alex like a mother since his birth, her concern deep and maternal.

"She didn't even know what she did wrong," Alex muttered cryptically, leaving Mrs. Jones stunned by his words.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Jones asked, but Alex remained silent as he strode swiftly towards the mansion's exit. Mrs. Jones hurried to catch up, her steps quickening to match his long strides.

"The children need a new nanny," she ventured, trying to change the subject to something she hoped might calm him.

"Deal with it. It's of no concern to me," Alex replied brusquely, his face already showing signs of irritation.

"Please, when will you visit them? They need you," Mrs. Jones implored, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Enough!" Alex snapped, his tone cutting through the air like a knife. "Don't push me, and never mention them again," he warned sharply, heading towards the garage. Sam, his loyal driver, opened the car door, and Alex climbed in without another word. The car pulled away from the mansion, leaving Mrs. Jones standing there, her heart heavy with concern for Alex and the children.

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