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Andi Williams,The one and only daughter of Mr and Mrs Williams. Beautiful, elegant and curvy andi has everything it takes to make a man drool. Well, You cannot have it all. And unfortunately, the unexpected happened. Her boyfriend whom she had been dating for three years cheated on her with her childhood friend whom she relied on. Tony Martin, the handsome CEO of M&B Company. Handsome, wealthy and cold hearted rules the business world. He doesn’t believe in love. He somehow found himself entwined with Andi and it turned out to be a one night stand. Unfortunately, Andi didn’t recognize the strange man who slept with her because she was drunk. But can Tony recognize her? A once heartbroken girl and a cold hearted CEO who doesn’t believes in love…… Can Andi ever fall in love again? Will Tony fall in love with her? Well….how about you find out yourself?🌚 Read through and see how the story unfolds Love 💕 , Fashina Omolade 🖤

Chapter 1 The Betrayal

Andi's POV)

As she walked swiftly through the park, on her long slim legs, Andi knew that all male eyes were upon her. She did not need to glance up, for ever since she was sixteen, she had suffered from what she called, " too much unwanted attention from the opposite sex".

"I don't know how you can complain about that", her childhood friend and also best friend , Tina had told her one day, when they were reading in the library at school. "I wish I suffered from the same complaint", and Tina sighed, for she was a plain girl and she knew it. Not for her the easy conquest; a boy really had to like her personality before he became attracted to her.

"If only you knew, Tina, how I wished I were like you. Don't you see that you only attract boys who really like you, the real, inside you? Whereas with me, they take one look at my face and don't care about the real me". Andi too sighed and returned to her studying.

By now, she was quick at avoiding most of the straying hands that tried to touch her as she passed. She was in a hurry today and little beads of sweat had broken out on her smooth forehead as she hurried along the narrow path. She was wishing that she had not put on her really good pair of shoes, for now they were soaked with water and she was sure the leather on the heads would be scuffed up. But she had so wanted to look her very smartest this afternoon.

She had taken great care of her hair, and it was lying across her head, ending in little curls at the waistline of her lovely slim waist. She had put on her best pair of gold earrings, which her mother and father had given her on her twenty-third birthday. The bodice of her pale purple dress clung to the soft, full rounds of her breasts while the skirt fanned out in knife-edged pleats which swung as she walked. Her shoes were of a darker shade of purple and the matching love bag hung from her shoulder on a slender strap.

It started to rain again, and Andi cursed her folly in not bringing her umbrella because it did not match her dress and would have spoiled her outfit. " oh well, I have only myself to blame ", she muttered to herself as she broke into a run. " Now, I shall arrive wet and hot instead of looking cool and sophisticated as I wished ".

She glanced at the neat and pretty watch on her slim wrist, another present from her parents. Andi knew how lucky she was to have such good and loving parents. They had brought her up lovingly and always with care. She didn't inform Tina before she left home. " I would just explain to her when I get home ", she said to herself. Her watch told her that she should be at the DM Hotel just at the right time. Her racing heart slowed a little and she patted her hair gently with her delicate hands, their well-kept, tapered nails void of all varnish.


(Tony's POV)

He sat at the back of the car with his knee crossed over the other, resting his head on the car seat with his eyes closed and he was like that for a while. It was silent in the car and the driver was contemplating whether to ask him where they were headed to or not. And fortunately for him, the ringing tone of his boss's phone broke the silence. He took out his phone from his pocket swiftly without opening his eyes or changing his sitting position as if he had been expecting the call all along. "Speak!", he commanded in his deep baritone voice. He was silent for a moment and finally muttered what seemed like "okay".

He hung up and dropped the phone beside him. He finally opened his mesmerizing eyes, one could easily get lost staring at his sea rover-blue eyes. He raised his head and gestured to the driver to start the car. The driver finally heaved a sigh of relief and wiped away the cold sweats on his forehead before starting the car. "Let's head to the hospital first", he said and rested his head again. This time, he didn't close his eyes.

He had the aura of a wealthy CEO. He wasn't a male model but he should have been. The lush, mother lode-black hair he groomed so carefully had a rippling quality, a sign of his good health .The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power and always walked with purpose and authority.

People had always remarked that his best feature was his entrancing, sea rover-blue eyes. Sloe shaped, they could shine as bright as the evening stars when they were a-light with joy. At other times, they could resemble two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire. Flamboyant of character, the room always filled with his sonorous, rumbling voice. His ritzy clothes were a source of amusement to all, not least because they emanated an earthy scent .

This time he was dressed in a dark grey suit and one could easily tell that he was coming from the office. He furrowed his brows slightly and glared at his driver in the rear view mirror. The driver choked on his spit and coughed in the process. "Is anything the problem?",Tony asked his driver, his brows still furrowed. "No sir", Richard replied, his voice shaky and focused on the road.

Tony chuckled and rested his head back on the car seat and closed his eyes again. He knew everyone was scared of him because of his ruthless demeanor and his mother was not an exception. He was used to it and he somewhat liked it.

Richard sighed and continued driving. He wondered what kind of human being his boss was. One could not read or decipher his expressions. His boss's mother had been in the the hospital for some days now and his boss was so relaxed and all. He could recall when Tony was called from the hospital and was told that his mother had collapsed while strolling in the garden some days back.

His face showed no emotion and he didn't even panic a bit. That way, no one dare step on his toes both in the business world and the real world. Oh well, ladies won't let him be because he's gotten everything a lady wants in a man but this ruthless and arrogant CEO doesn't even believe in love. He would request for a one night stand almost every night, pay them off and warm them never to show up in his face again.

However, there were plenty of girls more than willing to oblige with their bodies and of course, they did get what they deserved because he had warned them beforehand.


(Andi's POV)

Andi arrived at the hotel and headed straight to Damien's office. He is the owner of DM Hotel and it wasn't her first time at the place. She greeted the receptionist cheerfully and the receptionist greeted her back reluctantly.

"Miss Williams?", she called fidgeting with her pen. Andi turned back and smiled sweetly at her. "What is it?", Andi asked impatiently.

"I'm afraid you can't go in at the moment ma'am", she answered. "Is he busy?,don't bother, I just need to see him briefly", she replied without waiting for an answer and immediately headed towards the elevator to the top floor which led to Damien's office.

"Sh*t", the receptionist muttered and hurried after her, trying to stop her but before she could get to her, Andi had already got on the elevator to the top floor. The receptionist cursed inwardly and went back to her section of the office breathing heavily.

Andi got out of the elevator and headed straight to the office door, smiling from ear to ear. She was so eager to meet Damien because she had promised him she would allow him deflower her the day before but she was so busy and she was going to make up for it today. She wanted to know what it's like to be a woman.

She sighed and opened the door gently peeping inside the office before she entered. She stood still for what seemed like ages. She couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief. She was disgusted and disappointed at the scene before her. Andi rushed out towards the elevator in tears. She had just witnessed the biggest betrayal of her life.

Her boyfriend whom she trusted and had been dating for good three years and her childhood friend whom she relied on having sex!

She rushed out of the building in tears and flagged down a cab. She brought out her phone and felt the urge to talk to someone but don't know who to trust at the moment.

Without giving it much thought she told the driver to drop her off at a nearby bar to clear her head.


(Damien's POV)

"Damn it!", he shouted, his face contorted with rage. "I thought you were someone I could trust, so this was your scheme all along?. You have the nerve to set me up, you bitch!", he said fuming with anger and rushed towards Tina grabbing her hair.

"Let me go, I wasn't planning anything. And moreover, she didn't tell me she was going to show her ugly face here today",Tina fired back struggling with him and trying to free herself from him. He pushed her away and she landed on her butt. She gritted her teeth in pain, stood up and slapped him across his face. Damien's face widened in horror as if he had just been stabbed in the heart.

He landed her a punch on her tummy and gave her a hostile glare. " so you think you can lay your filthy hands on me because I've been having sex with you?, I was just fooling around with you. I can never date or marry someone like you, you whore!", he retorted and spat on her face.

" I was going to deflower that innocent sweet girl and you just ruined it all. You had better get lost and don't you dare show up in my face ever again!".

Tina laughed out loudly like someone who had just heard the most funniest joke ever. " what?, so you didn't love her all along?. Oh well, I'm not a fool not to realize that and let's see if she would forgive you after finding out that you are just after her body",Tina said and winked at him.

" I doubt she'd listen to whatever shit you want to cook up for her as explanation. I know her better than you do. Now dress up and get out of my office!", he said and wore his trouser.

"You just wait and see", she said and faked a smile.


(Tony's POV)

They finally arrived at the hospital. He got out of the car and he moved towards the entrance of the hospital with a leopard-like grace. The nurses gawked at him and wouldn't stop murmuring among themselves.

He stopped abruptly and turned around glaring at the nurses, and they all immediately went back to their work and dare not raise their heads or say a single word. Not as if this was their first time of seeing him in their hospital but they couldn't just help it.

He had once gotten ten nurses fired at a time because they said he looked like a god. The other nurses had wondered what was wrong with what they said because he did look like a god but no one dare confront him and ask him why. They'd rather keep their mouth shut and do their work instead of losing their job.

He turned back and continued walking to the ward where his mother was admitted. The nurses all heaved a sigh of relief and started gossiping about him again.

He got to the ward and entered. His mother was sitting on the bed with her back resting on a pillow and she was being fed by her maid. The test result the doctor gave him the day before showed that his mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer and she needed a surgery as soon as possible.

She had undergone the surgery and she's look hale and hearty as if she was not the same person that was rushed to the hospital few days ago. His mother's face lit up with joy as if she had just seen a precious stone. "Dear Son, you finally showed up", she said and gazed at him lovingly. He didn't reply and just sat down on one of the chairs in the ward, his face emotionless.

"The doctor told me you've undergone the surgery and you will be discharged after two weeks. The butler will be the one to prepare your food from now on. You should eat well and use your drugs too", he said and stood up about to leave.

"Tony?",his mother called and he stopped. "When will you bring your girlfriend home?, I won't be happy with you if I don't see my grandchildren before I die. And if you want me to eat and use my drugs, you should bring her home first and let me meet her", his mother complained and sat upright on the bed.

"Soon", he replied without looking back and left the ward. His mother sighed and continued eating.

(Outside the hospital)

"Let's head to the nearby hotel", Tony instructed his driver. "Yes boss", Richard nodded and started the car.

As the sleek black car pulled up to the hotel entrance, the driver, Richard , opened the door for his boss and stepped aside. Tony stepped out, his tall, broad frame commanding attention. His chiseled features and piercing blue eyes seemed to radiate an aura of power and sophistication.

Richard handed him his phone and briefcase. "Shall I wait, sir?"

Ryder nodded. "No, I'd call you when I need you, I'm spending the night here."

Richard nodded, got back into the car and drove off.

As Tony walked into the hotel lobby, the receptionist couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine. She had heard rumors about the billionaire's cold and arrogant demeanor, how no one dared to look him in the eye. She tried to compose herself, but her hands trembled slightly as she greeted him.

"Welcome, Mr. Martin. It's... an honor to have you stay with us."

Tony's piercing blue eyes narrowed slightly as he approached the desk. "I require a room for the night. Your best suite. Now."

The receptionist's eyes dropped, unable to meet his gaze. "Y-yes, of course, Mr. Martin. Our penthouse suite is available."

As she worked on the computer, Sophia kept her head down, avoiding eye contact. She knew better than to cross Tony Martin. His reputation preceded him - ruthless in business, unforgiving in his dealings. No one dared to challenge him.

When she handed him his key card, her hand brushed against his, and she felt a jolt of electricity. But Tony didn't flinch, his expression unyielding.

"See that my privacy is respected," he growled, his voice low and commanding. "I don't want to be disturbed."

The receptionist nodded, her eyes still cast down. "Of course, Mr. Martin. Your privacy is assured."

Tony turned and walked towards the elevators, his presence commanding the space around him. The receptionist breathed a sigh of relief as the doors closed behind him, feeling a sense of reprieve. She knew that she had just glimpsed the tip of the iceberg that was Tony Martin's formidable persona.


(Tina's POV)

"Argh!," Tina screamed and stormed out of the elevator heading out of the hotel. She brought out her phone and dialed Andi's contact but she wouldn't pick up.

She hung up in frustration and flagged down a cab heading home hoping to find Andi at home.

"That bitch!, why did she have to show up here today of all days?," she said to herself in anger and got into the waiting cab. " I just need to fool her as I always did."


(Andi's POV)

Andi stumbled out onto the sidewalk, her arms waving wildly as she tried to hail a cab. "Taxiii! _hiccup_... Oh, taxi! _giggle_... Over here!"

She staggered forward, her high heels wobbling on the pavement. "Hey, you! _pointing_... Yeah, you with the yellow car! _slurring_... Come on, buddy! Take me home!"

As a cab pulled up, she lurched forward, almost falling into the street. "Whoa... _giggle_... Sorry about that!"

The cabbie looked at her warily. "You okay to get in the cab, miss?"

Andi nodded enthusiastically. "Yessss... _hiccup_... I'm fiine... _giggle_... Just take me to... _burp_... Um... Where am I going again?," she blurted out and got into the cab.

The cabbie raised an eyebrow. "You sure you're okay, miss?"

Andi's face scrunched up in concentration. "Yeah... _hiccup_... I'm... _giggle_... Andi! And I need to go... _burp_... Home!"

"Home where?," The cabbie asked again.

"An... _hotel!,"she said immediately. The cabbie sighed and drove off.

Few minutes later, he sighted an hotel and dropped her off there. "We are here, ma'am," the cabbie announced.

Andi fumbled through her purse, spilling money and makeup onto the sidewalk. "Oh dear... _giggle_... Where's my wallet?"

The cabbie sighed, his eyes fixed on the meter. "Miss, you need to pay the fare."

Andi held up a handful of change. "Here! _hiccup_... Take it!"

The cabbie shook his head. "That's not enough, miss. You owe me twenty bucks."

Lexi's eyes widened in confusion. "Twenty? _gasp_... That's... _burp_... Too much!"

She rummaged through her purse again, producing a crumpled up receipt and a lipstick. "Oops... _giggle_... Wrong pocket!"

The cabbie's expression turned from annoyance to concern. "Miss, maybe you should pay me next time?"

Andi's face lit up with a goofy grin. "Yeah! _hiccup_... That's a great idea!"

The cabbie sighed again and drove off. Andi waved happily at the long gone cab. She stopped all of a sudden and remembered that she had spilled her makeup on the sidewalk. She hurriedly bent down to pack it.

She spent a while packing the make up into her bag. She finally finished packing it and headed towards the hotel entrance drunkenly .

Andi staggered up to the front desk, her eyes struggling to focus on the clerk. "Hiiiii... _hiccup_... Need a room... _giggle_..."

The clerk looked up from his computer, a mixture of confusion and concern on his face. "Uh, okay... Let me just check availability. Can I have your name and credit card, please?"

Andi fumbled through her purse, spilling contents onto the floor. "Oops... _giggle_... Sorry about that!"

She finally produced a credit card, which she handed to the clerk with a flourish. "Ta-da! _hiccup_..."

The clerk took the card, his eyes scanning it before handing it back. "I'm sorry, miss, but this card has expired."

Lexi's face scrunched up in confusion. "What? _burp_... No way! I just got it... _hiccup_... Yesterday!"

The clerk patiently explained, "I'm afraid it expired last month, miss. Do you have another form of payment?"

Andi's eyes widened as she stared at her purse, her mind struggling to comprehend. "Uh... _giggle_... I think I have some cash... _hiccup_... Somewhere..."

She finally handed another card to the clerk and the clerk returned her card and gave her the key to her room.

She thanked the clerk and headed to her room, her eyes fixed on the room key in her hand. "Yessss... _hiccup_... Got my room... _giggle_..."

She made her way to the elevator, pressing the button repeatedly until the doors finally opened. "Whoa... _giggle_... Made it!"

As she stepped out into the hallway, she squinted at the room numbers. "Hmm... _hiccup_... Which one is mine again?"

She staggered down the hall, stopping at a room that looked vaguely familiar. "Ah... _giggle_... This one!"

She inserted her key and pushed open the door, stumbling inside. "Woohoo... _hiccup_... Made it to my room!"

As she stumbled into the room, she realized something was off. The decor was too luxurious, too opulent. And then she saw him, a man with piercing blue eyes and a chiseled jawline, sitting on the couch, sipping a glass of scotch.

"Who are you?" she slurred, trying to stand up straight.

The man raised an eyebrow. "And you are...?"

Lexi's eyes widened as she took in the sight of the room. "Oh no... I think I got the wrong room..."

The man chuckled. "I think you did. But since you're here, why don't you join me for a drink?"

Lexi hesitated, but her alcohol-addled brain couldn't resist the charming smile and piercing eyes. She stumbled over to the couch and collapsed beside him.

The next thing she knew, they were kissing, and then... well, Andi wasn't quite sure what happened next.


(Tony's POV)

Tony woke up to the sound of gentle breathing beside him. He turned to see the lady from the night before , her beauty sleep undone, her hair tangled, and her makeup smudged. For a moment, he gazed at her, his expression unreadable.

Then, he sat up, his movements fluid and calculated. He gazed at Andi with a hint of disdain, as if she was a mere inconvenience. He reached for his phone and dialed a number.

"Richard, come to my suite. Now."

Tony got out of bed, his eyes never leaving Andi's face. He walked to the bathroom, his strides long and purposeful. As he freshened up, he instructed Richard , his driver, to take care of Andi.

"Make sure she gets whatever she needs. Food, drinks, clothes... whatever. And keep an eye on her. I don't want her leaving the hotel until I'm ready to deal with her." Tony's voice was cold, detached, as if she was a mere pawn in his game.

Richard was taken aback and looked at his boss just to be sure he heard him right but Tony didn't say anything else. He wondered what relationship the lady sleeping peacefully on the king sized bed has got to do with his boss. His boss had never instructed him to take care of a girl before but he dare not ask any questions further.

He didn't bother to look at her as he left the suite, his mind already focused on the next deal, the next conquest.

But as he walked away, a hint of curiosity lingered in his eyes. Who was this woman, really? And why did he find himself drawn to her, despite his better judgment?

As he got into his car, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Andi was different from the usual women he encountered. Her vulnerability and tears had struck a chord within him, and he found himself wondering what had driven her to his bed.

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