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Entwined Fates

Entwined Fates


Chapter 1 The Betrayal

Word Count: 3870    |    Released on: 01/07/2024


eyes were upon her. She did not need to glance up, for ever since she was sixteen, she

ey were reading in the library at school. "I wish I suffered from the same complaint", and Tina sighed, for she was a plain gi

ct boys who really like you, the real, inside you? Whereas with me, they take one look a

d broken out on her smooth forehead as she hurried along the narrow path. She was wishing that she had not put on her really good pair of shoes, for now

earrings, which her mother and father had given her on her twenty-third birthday. The bodice of her pale purple dress clung to the soft, full rounds of her breasts while the s

dress and would have spoiled her outfit. " oh well, I have only myself to blame ", she muttered to herself as

p lovingly and always with care. She didn't inform Tina before she left home. " I would just explain to her when I get home ", she said to herself. Her watch told her that she should



ating whether to ask him where they were headed to or not. And fortunately for him, the ringing tone of his boss's phone broke the silence. He took out his phone from his pocket swiftly without opening his ey

s. He raised his head and gestured to the driver to start the car. The driver finally heaved a sigh of relief and wiped away the cold sweats on

a rippling quality, a sign of his good health .The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated

rs when they were a-light with joy. At other times, they could resemble two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire. Flamboyant of character, the room al

lightly and glared at his driver in the rear view mirror. The driver choked on his spit and coughed in the process. "Is anything t

gain. He knew everyone was scared of him because of his ruthless demeanor an

ressions. His boss's mother had been in the the hospital for some days now and his boss was so relaxed and all. He could recall

orld. Oh well, ladies won't let him be because he's gotten everything a lady wants in a man but this ruthless and arrogant CEO doesn't even

o oblige with their bodies and of course, they did get



owner of DM Hotel and it wasn't her first time at the place. She greeted t

er pen. Andi turned back and smiled sweetly a

ther, I just need to see him briefly", she replied without waiting for an answer and

she could get to her, Andi had already got on the elevator to the top floor. The rece

eager to meet Damien because she had promised him she would allow him deflower her the day before but she

e couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief. She was disgusted and disappointe

n dating for good three years and her chil

a cab. She brought out her phone and felt the urge to t

e told the driver to drop her off



I could trust, so this was your scheme all along?. You have the nerve to set me up

d back struggling with him and trying to free herself from him. He pushed her away and she landed on her butt. She gritted her tee

ur filthy hands on me because I've been having sex with you?, I was just fooling around with y

and you just ruined it all. You had better get lost

you didn't love her all along?. Oh well, I'm not a fool not to realize that and let's see if she

r her as explanation. I know her better than you do. Now dress

d see", she said



ved towards the entrance of the hospital with a leopard-like grace. T

ent back to their work and dare not raise their heads or say a single word. Not as if t

had wondered what was wrong with what they said because he did look like a god but no one dare confront

re his mother was admitted. The nurses all heaved a

ow and she was being fed by her maid. The test result the doctor gave him the day before showed t

few days ago. His mother's face lit up with joy as if she had just seen a precious stone. "Dear Son, you finally showed up",

ter two weeks. The butler will be the one to prepare your food from now on. Yo

y with you if I don't see my grandchildren before I die. And if you want me to eat and use my drugs, y

ng back and left the ward. His m

e the h

ny instructed his driver. "Yes boss"

or his boss and stepped aside. Tony stepped out, his tall, broad frame commanding attention. Hi

s phone and briefcase

l you when I need you, I'm

ot back into the

pine. She had heard rumors about the billionaire's cold and arrogant demeanor, how no one dared to l

It's... an honor to

y as he approached the desk. "I require a

o meet his gaze. "Y-yes, of course, Mr. M

. She knew better than to cross Tony Martin. His reputation preceded him - rut

against his, and she felt a jolt of electricity.

he growled, his voice low and comman

still cast down. "Of course, Mr.

eptionist breathed a sigh of relief as the doors closed behind him, feeling a sense of reprieve. Sh



or heading out of the hotel. She brought out her pho

flagged down a cab heading ho

all days?," she said to herself in anger and got into th



aving wildly as she tried to hail a cab. "Taxii

pavement. "Hey, you! _pointing_... Yeah, you with the

rd, almost falling into the street. "

er warily. "You okay t

iine... _giggle_... Just take me to... _burp_... Um... Whe

n eyebrow. "You sur

. "Yeah... _hiccup_... I'm... _giggle_...

," The cabbi

d immediately. The cabb

el and dropped her off there. "We ar

money and makeup onto the sidewalk. "Oh

fixed on the meter. "Miss,

ul of change. "Here!

"That's not enough, miss.

usion. "Twenty? _gasp_... T

oducing a crumpled up receipt and a lips

om annoyance to concern. "Miss, m

goofy grin. "Yeah! _hiccup

gone cab. She stopped all of a sudden and remembered that she had sp

er bag. She finally finished packing it and

yes struggling to focus on the clerk. "Hiii

on and concern on his face. "Uh, okay... Let me just check

lling contents onto the floor. "Oop

, which she handed to the clerk wi

ning it before handing it back. "I'm s

ion. "What? _burp_... No way! I ju

afraid it expired last month, miss.

mind struggling to comprehend. "Uh... _giggle_...

he clerk and the clerk returned her

her eyes fixed on the room key in her hand. "Y

the button repeatedly until the doors fin

he squinted at the room numbers. "Hmm.

ng at a room that looked vaguely fa

the door, stumbling inside. "Woohoo

too luxurious, too opulent. And then she saw him, a man with piercing blue

slurred, trying t

an eyebrow. "

n the sight of the room. "Oh no..

did. But since you're here, why

't resist the charming smile and piercing eyes. She

kissing, and then... well, Andi w



e lady from the night before , her beauty sleep undone, her hair tangled, and

zed at Andi with a hint of disdain, as if she was a mere i

ome to my s

ed to the bathroom, his strides long and purposeful. As he fresh

eep an eye on her. I don't want her leaving the hotel until I'm ready to deal wi

else. He wondered what relationship the lady sleeping peacefully on the king sized bed has got to do with his b

left the suite, his mind already focus

his eyes. Who was this woman, really? And why did he

t from the usual women he encountered. Her vulnerability and tears had struck a

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