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Love and Larceny

Love and Larceny

UO Alice


Heart Thief She is one of the most infamous thieves of the 21st century. In the underworld, she’s a legendary wheelman, an icon of the black market. A woman as swift as the wind, living life on her own terms. He is one of the top crime lords, a kingpin with a reputation for ruthlessness and a heart of stone. But when someone dared to steal from him, they crossed a line. They took what was his, and now he’s coming for her. In a world where loyalty is fleeting and love is a dangerous game, will their story be one of passion or betrayal, love or vengeance?

Chapter 1 0001 The Heist of the Century

Chapter 1: The Heist of the Century

Tick, tock, ding dong. As the clock struck 9 AM, a soft chime echoed through the Metropolitan Museum of Art. With a barely audible hiss, a bulletproof glass case slowly opened.

A delicate hand reached in, plucking an ancient Native American artifact from its display. Holding it up to the light, a voice murmured, "Hmm... an authentic Mississippian sun circle, circa 1200 AD. Shell carved, traces of pigment still visible... exquisite."

"That little trinket's worth $30 million?" A skeptical voice called from the doorway.

The woman at the display case smiled without turning. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed the artifact towards the voice. "Pre-Columbian. What do you think?"

A tall blonde deftly caught it, raising an eyebrow as she examined the treasure.

The woman at the display wore a crisp white Chanel suit, a pale green Hermès scarf knotted at her throat. Her face bore a serene smile, bright eyes sparkling with mischief and intelligence. She exuded an aura of effortless cool, elegant yet carefree. Her unique presence often overshadowed her striking beauty, drawing attention to her remarkable charisma instead.

"Gold has a price, history is priceless," the blonde said, tucking the artifact into her jacket. "Too bad for them, it's only worth $30 million to us."

The woman in white chuckled, wagging her finger. "No, darling. Meeting us makes it worthless. It's only valuable because someone's willing to pay. For us? It's free."

They shared a knowing smile. As master thieves, why pay when you can take?

The woman in white surveyed the room full of priceless treasures, shrugging. "Lucky for them we have professional ethics. You're safe this time."

The renowned New York gallery housed artifacts from around the world, with a total value that could probably buy Delaware. Hence the state-of-the-art security system and ubiquitous cameras. But they'd forgotten: over-reliance on technology is often the easiest weakness to exploit.

"Skye, ten seconds," the blonde by the door checked her watch.

"Please, Lily. That's practically an eternity." Skye sauntered towards the exit.

The pair, one in white, one in red, strolled out as casually as if leaving a department store. Skye glanced back at the silent gallery, a radiant smile playing on her lips. She tapped the touch panel by the door. Instantly, alarms blared through the building, voices raised in panic, footsteps thundering.

"How rude. Not even a farewell ceremony," Skye laughed, fixing her hair.

Moments later, they sped away in a cherry-red Ferrari convertible, their priceless prize safely stowed.

"Some 'ultimate security,'" Lily scoffed, toying with the artifact. "Barely a challenge."

Skye laughed, letting the wind tousle her hair. "Darling, is there anything in this world we can't steal?"

"Ha! We could swipe the Liberty Bell if we wanted!"

As their laughter faded, Lily grew serious. "Since we're retiring, what's next for you?"

Skye smiled enigmatically. "Whatever I want, I suppose."

They parted ways soon after, Lily gracefully dismounting with a promise to keep in touch. Skye watched her go, contemplating the unknown freedom ahead.

A sudden gust snatched Skye's scarf, sending it flying through the window of a passing black Cadillac. For a moment, Skye's eyes met a pair of cold ones inside before they drove away.

Days later, in a Manhattan penthouse, two well-dressed men examined their latest acquisition.

"Skye and Lily never disappoint," the older man grinned. "Our little protégés did well."

His companion nodded. "Top five on Interpol's most wanted. They've made us a fortune."

Predatory smiles spread across their faces as they discussed how to "clip the wings" of their assets to maintain control.

A knock interrupted them. "Sir, a package from Skye."

The older man eagerly opened it, admiring the contents. "Excellent. Perhaps it's time to ensure our assets are... permanently in our employ."

Their sinister laughter was cut short as the man found a note in the package. His face contorted with rage as he read:

"$100 million wired to Cayman account. Consider all debts paid in full. Skye and Lily bid you farewell."

"Those ungrateful little—" he snarled, crumpling the note. "They think they can just walk away? Contact our people. Now!"

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