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Vengeance Of The Mafia Heiress

Vengeance Of The Mafia Heiress



"What's going on?" Nikolai asked pensively. "I think it's a break-in" she replied. "Why didn't the alarms go off then?" "I don't know" Kamila shut the door behind them. "Papa?" Faina asked "He'll be here soon, kroshka" she whispered hugging her daughter to her chest. When siblings, Faina and Nikolai, find themselves estranged from home after the death of their parents, they must do everything to avenge their loss. Including, taking on new identities. But what happens when they're both caught up in the deepest of betrayals?

Chapter 1 September 11, 2004. San Diego, USA.

September 11, 2004. San Diego, USA.

Coronado's streets were bathed in serene silence, the only sound being the gentle lullaby of the ocean waves. The city's inhabitants, a mix of weary tourists and families, had succumbed to the day's exhaustion, their dreams no doubt filled with visions of sun-kissed beaches and endless summer fun. But amidst the slumbering homes, a few windows still glowed like beacons, shining bright with the promise of late-night laughter and adventure. And in one of these illuminated havens, the Kuznetsov family's story was just beginning to unfold.

"It's past your bedtime Faina. Don't make me chase after you every night" Kamila called after her daughter, her voice laced with exhaustion and playful sternness as the little girl darted to the living room and straight into her father's lap.

"We're on vacation mama! I want to stay up for longer this night"

Dominik smiled down at the eight-year-old clinging to him before beseeching his wife "Just let her be for an hour more, Mila" and the girl squealed in delight at her victory while Kamila shook her head.

"You spoil her too much, Dominik" The woman folded her arms across her chest "And you can put her to bed. I'm done for the day" she huffed before retreating to the bedroom, leaving her husband to handle the bedtime battle.

Faina pouted, "Why does Nicky get to stay up and not me?"

Nikolai entering the room replied bluntly, "Because I'm a teenager" and Faina scowled, her brows furrowed in discontent.

"That's not fair. I want to be a teenager too"

"And you will be, eventually" Dominik patted her head while he raised a questioning brow at his fifteen-year-old son who barely ever left his room.

"Just came to grab this" Nikolai says reaching for his headphones on the dining room table "Go to bed Fay" he addressed his baby sister.

"Papa says I can stay" she huffs and Nikolai shoots a blank stare at his father before returning to his room without a word.

Dominik indulged his daughter in her endless nonsense chatter until she passed out in his arms.

"Finally," he whispered scooping her up and transporting her to the room to tuck her in.


As Dominik entered the room, the soft creak of the door broke the silence. Kamila lay in bed, her eyes closed and her chest rising and falling with slow deliberate breaths. He approached the bathroom, the sound of running water and gentle humming filling the room. After freshening up, he slid into bed beside her.

"I know you're still awake" he whispered. Kamila often feigned sleep when upset, avoiding conversation.

When she didn't respond, he drew her close, his arms wrapping around her "I'm sorry, miliy" he said softly brushing his lips on her shoulder.

Kamila rolled over facing him, her eyes flashing with frustration. "You always indulge her and she never listens to me"

Dominik's boyish smile flashed, his eyes crinkling at the corners "She's my little girl"

Kamila corrected "Our little girl" her voice firm but gentle "I don't want to raise a spoiled child"

He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and his gaze locked on hers. "You're an amazing mother. Our children are perfect" Kamila smiled, her eyes softening as Dominik's voice dropped to barely a whisper in the dim light. "You have me wrapped around your finger, just like she does. You're all my weaknesses".

"You're all my strength" she whispered and their lips met in a tender kiss.

He peppered kisses down her neck to the swell of her breasts as his hands disappeared beneath her silk nightgown, exploring her thighs. Kamila's breath quickened, her hands tangling in his hair.

"Dom-" she sighed when his hands wandered deeper between her legs-

A sudden jarring crash shattered the brief euphoric moment, startling them both.

"What was that?" Kamila asked, her voice laced with worry as she clutched her husband's arm.

Dominik's face masked seriousness as his instincts ran on high alert. "I don't know" he replied.

Before they could process the noise, a louder bang resonated through the house, enough to stir unsettlement in the couple. Dominik's expression turned grim with his mind already breeding the worst-case scenarios. The noise was enough to wake their neighbors if they didn't have soundproof homes.

He sprang into action, his voice firm and commanding. "Get the kids, Mila, and lock yourselves in the basement" he reached under the hidden compartment of the bed to grab a gun and shove it behind his pants.

She gave him a firm nod and raced to the door with him following close behind.

"Be safe, Dom" she whispered and he gave he a reassuring nod in response.

"Don't come out unless I come and fetch you" he added. "Mila-" he warned when she didn't heed.

"I'll try"

As Kamila hastened to the children's rooms, she found Nikolai already carrying Faina. "This way" she instructed, taking Faina from him and leading them to the basement.

"What's going on?" Nikolai asked pensively.

"I think it's a break-in" she replied.

"Why didn't the alarms go off then?"

"I don't know" Kamila shut the door behind them.

"Papa?" Faina asked

"He'll be here soon, kroshka" she whispered hugging her daughter to her chest.

Meanwhile, Dominik made his way to the living room in tentative steps to figure out the cause of the noise.

"I told you to be fucking careful" a man hissed angrily in an almost inaudible voice.

"Felix" A cold voice cut through the atmosphere, drawing the attention of the two men in his living room to him.

The man named Felix whipped around to the sound of the voice, temporarily startled. "Dammit," Felix cursed before putting on an eerie smile. "Dominik. A pleasure to see your face again after so long"

"What the fuck are you doing breaking into my home?"

"Visiting my brother?" Felix replied, voice dripping in sarcasm.

"My brother was dead to me over a decade ago" Dominik narrowed his eyes at him, the tension between them was palpable.

"Tsk, still so bitter. And here I thought finding another true love would've softened you" Felix chuckled.

"Enough games, Felix. Why are you here?"

Felix retrieved his gun from his suit pocket as Dominik did the same. Their movements swift and practiced that one would've missed it if they blinked.

Felix's eyes glinted with malice "I've decided your time is up"

Dominik's expression turned fierce, his eyes blazing with anger and the initial surprise of seeing his brother again and years, washed away "The audacity of you" Felix scoffed "I'm on vacation Felix, and I'd like to keep it that way. So, I suggest you take you and your dog-" he said referring to the man with Felix who hadn't attempted to move an inch "-out of my fucking house".

Felix tilted his gun to the side and pulled on the trigger, releasing a bullet an inch away from Dominik's head and straight into the wall. "I'm not here to fuck around with you" he sneered.

"And I'm not finding your intrusion particularly amusing either. I can do away with you both right now but for old times’ sake, I'm giving you the option to leave. The offer is open for a limited time"

"You're fucking surrounded and outnumbered dumdum" Felix laughed

"Who sent you?"

"I'm nobody's servant!" Felix scowled.

"Yeah right"

In the basement, Kamila heard the faint sound of a gun going off and her heart pounded inside her ribcage

"Nicky, take your sister" she whispered urgently to her son.

"And where are you going?" Nikolai asked her worriedly.

Kamila pinned her son with a resolute stare "If I'm not back in five minutes, take your sister and use the escape door"


"Now's not the time to rebel against me Nikolai. I don't feel good about your father being up there by himself". She opened a safe in the basement taking out a gun "Lock the door behind me" And with that, she left.

Dominik had stepped on a nerve and Felix had tackled him head-on. Two more men marched into the living room observing the two brothers in a fight.

"This is out of script" the first man who came in with Felix muttered. He was a tall broody man with sharp cheekbones.

"Do you think Felix knows what he's doing? We were given direct orders to assassinate the family quietly and leave, not start unnecessary hand combat" The second man replied already pissed. He was an inch shorter than Tall-broody with a lean physique.

"He's stalling on purpose" the third bulky man added with realization and pulled out his gun aiming it at Dominik as the brothers tackled each other on the ground and another gunshot was fired.

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