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Mï Râ Çłé


Blurb: "In a world of wealth and power, billionaire Gabriel miles thought he could buy anything, including love. He entered into a contract marriage with the pretty and intelligent Isadora, but instead of cherishing her, he cruelly controlled and manipulated her, using his wealth and influence to keep her trapped. But when Isadora’s courage and resilience inspire him, Gabriel begins to realize the true depth of his feelings for her. He's struck by the harsh reality of his own mistakes and the harm he's caused. Desperate to make amends, he sets out to win her back, but Sophia is no longer the vulnerable woman he once knew. As they engage in a battle of wills, Isadora must confront the darkness of their past and the fears that still haunt her. Gabriel must confront the true nature of his own heart and the price he's willing to pay for redemption. Will their love be redeemed, or will the scars of their toxic past forever define their future? Can Isadora ever trust Gabriel again? Can Gabriel ever make up for the pain he's caused? Or will their love story become a cautionary tale of the devastating consequences of wealth, power, and the pursuit of love at any cost?

Chapter 1 ISADORA

If you’re ever brought back here again because of this your ignorant and nonchalant attitude. I swear on my life I'm sending off the streets to continue your miserable life.

Were your parents left you to live Madam Wright owner of Wright's brothel warned me with a stern look and glared hatefully at me. tsk, I sighed inwardly.

I was standing at the back of the stage deep in thought.

while back on the stage Madam Wright's voice was heard saying she was 22 with slender

yet curvy shape.

Beauty personified above all innocent and charming. Huh? I drift out of my deep thought immediately after someone behind me pushes me to step out to the stage

Madam Wright glared once again at me ohh Jesus how long have been lost in thought?

Cause madam Wright glare has effect on me, I was trembling in fear looking downwards, fear enveloped me. Hmmm, I calmed. Then slowly but graciously walked majestically to the stage.

100 yuan the bidding began 1000 yuan another man raised his bidding card. I was surprised how I was being bargain for that much today. Cause the least I was sold for was for 50 yuan

It now dawned on me that maybe wealthy men were never in the previous auction were i was sold out or today my lucky day, yeah lucky day indeed I giggled.

My once moody face brightened up hearing how much I was to be sold. 1.5 million yuan another man raised his bidding card

Wow, do I cost this much? That these, men want to buy me at such a rate. I asked no one in particular.

Everything started getting hotter when two men starting contesting on who would take me home as his.200 million yuan the first man raised his bidding card

His revival not wanting him to win raised his bidding card 500 million yuan. Ahhh!!! Madam Wright's exclaimed in happiness seeing the kind of profit she would generate in a night.

The latter raised his bidding card again one billion yuan. Everyone in the auction except his revival jammed their hands together for such amount being mentioned.

Just for a sex slave, 1 billion yuan going one! Going two!! Almost to going three when the revival of the latter raised his bidding card 40 billion yuan.

The auction was teared apart when everyone stood up and gave a clapping ovation to the last man standing soon enough the hall quitted down. 40 billion yuan going one! Going two!! Going three!!! andddddd sold!!!

Madam Wright sold me off as usual .They people clapped and cheered once again.

Amidst the noise generated from the people I could barely hear my colleague speaking to me all this while, until she gave me slight pinch ahhh! I exclaimed only to her hearing giving her my full attention.

Your such a lucky girl, my dear I do pray you won't be brought back here ever again. Hopefully I replied with a faint smile.

Don't you step your foots here again if your owner rejects you and your pathetic life. With a stern look madam Wright spat on me.

At this very moment, I just wished death took me alongside my parents, I could have been better than this life of misery I'm living now. Looking up to the skies I sob inwardly.

God, are you really up there watching me suffer this way? Ma’am this way please a man in his mid-forties tapped me back to reality i fellowed him immediately to God knows where.

Standing in front of a the car still sobbing inwardly, a masked man emerged from nowhere. Hey you look ill and malnourished when last did you have a good meal?

Get into the car bitch, Gosh can't believe I spent so much on such a skinny, ugly bitch. Gabriel murmured to himself as he exited.

Miss, didn't you hear what the master said? Enter the car!! I jotted back to reality when the chauffeur thundered at me. Not wanting to believe that arrogant and rude fellow was my master.

Sluggishly I entered the car and my tears began to flow like living water. As I imagine what my life has become within these few months of my parent’s death, and what I was gonna face in the hands of these arrogant fowl.

OMG this car is well built, luxurious and smelt fucking nice. I let the nice scent intrude me. Feeling good though, we're here ma'am the chauffeur announced arriving out destination. I sluggishly got of out the car.

Are you this sluggish to everything? The chauffeur jammed the door, locked it and left.

Looking forward ward to behold a gigantic mansion. Although it is night, I still see how beautiful the mansion looked. The outside alone screamed luxury looking like Paradise.

Mesmerized by the looks of the mansion, if here looked this good at night how about day time I wondered.

Are u going to get yourself inside or will stand there staring like a lost hen. Ohh this mean chauffeur again, brought me out of my world of admiration. Mtchewww I sighed and fellowed him in.

Stay in this room till the master decides what to with you. Sir calling the chauffeur, aside these I’m putting on I have nothing else to wear. Don’t worry everything u need is in here.

Holy waters!!! this room is beautiful everything in it was to my taste, how did they figure out I love dull colors.

Oh my phone I brought it out from beneath my skirt. The only remaining property I have left in this world. Dialing Elana’s number. She didn’t pick on the first ring so I tried again, the same thing

Where does she normally keep her phone, i almost gave up on her when she called back I picked up on the first ring.

Hi, single periwinkles ‘Isadora’!! Elena shouted from the other end of the phone.

How are you doing dear, I missed you the whole day sobs, why are u sobbing bear? Promise not to ever go a whole day without speaking to me. I promise. Smiling genuinely for the first time today.

How is life with you dear Dora? Bear I got sold again today for 30 billion yuan, 30 billion what!!! Yeah Bby u heard me right

It's two minutes now and I haven't heard anything from Elena. Elena, Elena no response Elena!!!!!******

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