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Bound by Agreement

Bound by Agreement



Liam Anderson leaned back in his leather office chair, staring at the ceiling as his parents' words echoed in his mind. The pressure to marry had become unbearable, a constant reminder of their expectations and the legacy he was supposed to uphold. The prestigious Anderson family couldn't afford a bachelor son, especially one as successful as Liam. But the thought of marrying his ex-girlfriend, Jessica Miller, filled him with dread. Their relationship had ended for a reason, and he wasn't about to rekindle a flame that had long since extinguished. Meanwhile, across town, Hannah Bennett sat in her small, cluttered apartment, surrounded by half-finished paintings and unpaid bills. Her dreams of becoming a successful artist seemed further away with each passing day. Desperation gnawed at her, the weight of her financial struggles almost too much to bear. When her phone buzzed with a notification, she glanced at it, hoping for some good news but finding none. Their worlds couldn't have been more different, yet fate had a strange way of bringing people together. A chance meeting at a charity event, a brief conversation that left an impression, and suddenly, an idea sparked in Liam's mind. A contract marriage-temporary, convenient, and beneficial for both of them. He needed a wife to satisfy his family's demands, and she needed money to pay off her debts and fund her art career.

Chapter 1 The contract

Liam Anderson's office exuded sophistication, a reflection of his success as a young entrepreneur. The floor-to-ceiling windows offered a panoramic view of the city, but Liam's mind was elsewhere. He leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as he replayed his parents' ultimatum. "Liam, you need to settle down," his mother had insisted over dinner last night. "It's time you found a suitable wife." Liam sighed. The Anderson family was a pillar of high society, and with that came certain expectations.

His parents were relentless, pushing him towards Jessica Miller, his ex-girlfriend. But Jessica was part of his past, a chapter he didn't want to revisit. His thoughts were interrupted by the buzz of his intercom. "Mr. Anderson, your 3 o'clock is here," his assistant, Clara, announced. "Send her in," Liam replied, straightening his tie. He had arranged this meeting on a whim, driven by desperation. Hannah Bennett walked in, her nervousness evident. Her simple attire contrasted sharply with the opulence of Liam's office. She clutched her portfolio tightly, her eyes wide as she took in her surroundings. "Miss Bennett, thank you for coming," Liam greeted, extending his hand. "Mr. Anderson," she replied, shaking his hand with a firm grip. "You mentioned a business proposition?" "Yes, please have a seat," Liam gestured to the chair opposite his desk. As she settled in, he continued, "I'll get straight to the point. I need a wife. Temporarily." Hannah blinked, taken aback. "Excuse me?" "It's not what you think," Liam clarified quickly. "My parents are pressuring me to get married, and I need someone to play the part. In return, I'll compensate you generously." Hannah's mind raced. She had been expecting a commission for a painting, not this. "Why me?" she asked, her voice cautious. "We met at the charity event last month," Liam explained. "I remember you mentioned your financial struggles. This arrangement could benefit both of us." Hannah's heart pounded. She was indeed struggling, her dream of becoming a successful artist slipping further away each day. The offer was tempting, but it felt surreal. "What exactly are you proposing?" Liam pulled out a document from his desk drawer and handed it to her. "A contract marriage. It will last one year. During that time, you'll live with me and attend social events as my wife. In return, I'll pay you a substantial amount and cover all your expenses." Hannah skimmed the contract, her eyes widening at the figures. It was more money than she had ever imagined. But there were other concerns. "What about... personal boundaries?" Liam nodded, anticipating her question. "We'll set clear boundaries. This is strictly a business arrangement. No expectations beyond what's necessary to convince my family and the public." Hannah's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. The money could change her life, but the idea of pretending to be someone's wife was daunting. "I need time to think about it," she said finally. "Of course," Liam replied. "Take as much time as you need. But please understand, I'm in a bit of a bind. I'll need your decision soon." Hannah nodded, tucking the contract into her bag. "Thank you, Mr. Anderson. I'll get back to you." As she left his office, Liam leaned back in his chair, feeling a mixture of hope and anxiety. This was a risky move, but it was the only solution he could see. --- Hannah walked down the bustling city streets, her mind preoccupied. The offer was tempting, but she had to consider the implications. She found herself at her favorite coffee shop, a quiet place where she often went to think. Settling into a corner booth, she pulled out the contract and began reading it more thoroughly. The terms were clear: one year of marriage, public appearances, living together. But it also included clauses for privacy and personal space. Liam had been thorough. As she sipped her coffee, she weighed the pros and cons. The money could pay off her debts, secure a better studio, and give her the freedom to focus on her art. But the idea of a fake marriage was still unsettling. Her phone buzzed, a message from her best friend, Claire. *How's it going? Any luck with commissions?* Hannah hesitated, then typed a reply. *Not exactly. Got an unusual offer though. Can we talk?* *Sure, meet me at our usual spot in an hour?* Claire responded. Hannah agreed, feeling a bit relieved. Claire always had a way of putting things into perspective. She needed to talk this through before making a decision. An hour later, Hannah found herself sitting across from Claire at a small café. She explained Liam's proposition, watching as Claire's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's insane!" Claire exclaimed. "A contract marriage? Are you seriously considering it?" "I don't know," Hannah admitted. "The money would solve so many problems, but it feels... wrong." Claire nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It's a lot to think about. But if you decide to do it, just make sure you protect yourself. Set clear boundaries and don't let it get too personal." Hannah smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Claire. I needed to hear that." As she walked home, Hannah felt a bit more resolved. She would think it over carefully, but the idea was beginning to seem less outlandish. She had faced challenges before, and this could be another one to overcome.

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