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Compelled To Be A Substitute Bride

Compelled To Be A Substitute Bride

faniv sbrnaa


The death of Debora's older sister, Riska, truly saddened the entire family. Riska died while giving birth to her first child. His body was weak, making him unable to survive. Due to circumstances, the whole family wanted Deborah, to take her place the position of his deceased brother, becoming his brother-in-law's wife. Deborah was forced to accept the marriage, because her baby nephew needed a mother.

Chapter 1 Onee

Debora had to resign from her job because she had to marry her brother-in-law, replacing her late sister's position. The twenty-one-year-old girl was forced to become a young mother to her two-month-old nephew.

And now, Debora has officially become her brother-in-law's wife. Debora has just finished her wedding. The wedding was desired by all family members, the groom's side, and her family.

Her body was so tired, following her wedding party all day, from the ceremony held at ten in the morning to the reception that took place after the ceremony until the evening. The many invited guests at the party made Debora's legs so tired.

Debora just nodded along, following the arrangements made by the groom's and bride's sides.

Now, she is here, in the bridal suite, in her brother-in-law's super big and luxurious mansion, the Victor Stephanus Mansion.

Debora tossed her tired body onto the bed, then gazed at the ceiling of the room, lost in thought. For a few seconds, she stayed like that, then Debora lifted her hand and looked at her ring finger, which now had a very expensive diamond ring on it.

She still remembered how firm her brother-in-law's hand was when he put the ring on her finger. Her brother-in-law was still mourning, but both families had discussed his widowhood.

They didn't want their grandchild to have a stepmother they didn't know. Ultimately, Debora's mother suggested that Debora be the one to be the mother of their grandchild.

Both families strongly agreed with Debora's mother's proposal. Debora was then called from the neighboring city because she was an independent woman. She had always preferred to be distant from her parents.

Since graduating from college, she had been living in that small town. Debora remembered the first time she met her brother-in-law was when he married her sister-in-law.

After that, she returned to the small town that was her home. Debora was a reserved girl, she preferred to solve any problems she faced on her own.

Debora is different from her sister; she is not a crybaby girl and has a strong physique compared to her sister who has a weak physique.

While in university, many young men were attracted to Debora, both in her university environment and her workplace.

However, none managed to tempt Debora. The men were forced to have their hearts broken as Debora did not respond to any of them.

Slowly, Debora lowered her raised hand, placing it back on the bed.

The clock on the nightstand already showed nine in the evening, and Debora was too lazy to take off her wedding dress.

The dress was so heavy, a luxurious wedding dress with a long train, a design by a famous wedding dress designer from a renowned boutique in their city.

Debora closed her eyes, so tired that even getting up seemed like a chore.

Still lying down, Debora's eyes slowly closed due to fatigue making her very sleepy.

In a matter of seconds, Debora fell asleep, and a soft snoring sound could be heard from her throat.

Debora no longer heard anything around her; five minutes passed, and Debora entered the dream world.

Ten minutes passed after Debora fell asleep, already deep in her dreams.

The bedroom door opened, and a man still wearing a groom's suit entered the room.

The man suddenly stopped in his tracks, looking at the bridal bed.

A figure of a woman still in her wedding dress, soundly asleep on the bed, lying casually on her back.

For a few seconds, the man stood still, looking at the girl peacefully sleeping in bed.

The soft sound of snoring could be heard coming from her throat.

The man then turned around, opened the bedroom door, and walked out of the room.

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