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The Rejected Omega

The Rejected Omega



"Was I going insane? What is this? The Alpha is my mate?" Terror choked my breath, refusing to let out the scream trapped in my throat. My body locked in place, every vein thrumming with a panicked pulse. The Alpha? My mate? The word echoed in my mind, a mockery of reality. His gaze, hard and impassive, flickered away, oblivious to the storm raging within me. Did he not feel the pull? No, he knew. But how could he accept me, an insignificant speck in his world? The music's deafening return shattered the trance, leaving me teetering on the edge. Me? The Alpha's mate? The ground seemed to tilt, mocking my disbelief. ~~~~ Outcast. Wolfless. Omega. For Aurora, belonging was a distant dream amidst a pack that felt more like a cage. Each day was a battle against scornful whispers and her own crippling weakness. Yet, beneath the pain, a fire flickered - a will to live fueled by the love of a few precious friends. She carried the burden of a forgotten past. Her almost non-existent parents were mere whispers in the cruel taunts that echoed in her ears. Her eighteenth birthday, a day etched with hope and trepidation, dawned with a truth as unexpected as it was unsettling: the aloof, seemingly indifferent Alpha was her destined mate.

Chapter 1 Aurora

I was frantically trying to clean the large stain on the tiles with the rag in my hand. I certainly could not risk another round of insults from the pack members. I stood up from the ground as the stain vanished, letting out a sigh of relief. My relief was short-lived as I saw brown liquid being poured onto the floor, I felt my heart clench as I kept my gaze down. I didn't dare raise my head to see who it was. My eyes landed on the red high heels that I knew belonged to Vicky.

This was my daily routine, a routine of taunting, torture, and disdain from the pack members who were supposed to be my family and source of peace. I was nothing but a shunned, weak omega and a bastard who hadn't even gotten her wolf yet. It was as if I wasn't even part of the Moonshadow pack. I would be turning eighteen in two days, and I was desperately praying to the moon goddess that I finally get my wolf then, even though I already knew my wolf would be weak like I already was, at least I would have someone to talk to, at least I would have my wolf for solace. "What are you waiting for? You fool! Clean it up!" Vicky snapped at me, resulting in me instantly getting to my knees as I began to clean the brown puddle. Vicky was the worst of them all. She never ceased to wreak absolute havoc in my life. I didn't dare retaliate as it was believed she would be our future Luna, due to the fact she was always stuck to our alpha, Nathaniel. He didn't bug me as much as the rest of the pack members, heck, i could probably count the nimber of times I've seen him, probably because he didn't have the time to waste on that. I squeezed the rag over the bucket next to me as I finished cleaning the puddle. I quickly stood, still looking down as I picked up the bucket. I seriously couldn't wait to get away from her, at least before she began her numerous taunts. She threw me a dirty look before dusting off her short black dress as if being next to me had gotten it dirty or infected. "Finish whatever rubbish you currently have going on and go wash my clothes. I want them ironed by tomorrow." She sneered before walking away, her heels clicking on the tiles. She would rather see me suffering while hand-washing her clothes than have them washed by a laundress. I watched as she left the hall, I couldn't help but mock her as I mimicked her voice. "I want them ironed by tomorrow" I taunted under my breath as I turned around and began walking out of the hall through the back door. __ I finally walked into my tiny room in the middle of the night, I was finally done with all the chores I had on my list, I wasn't the only maid or helper in the pack, there were thousands. But for some reason, I was below them. They would stack up all their chores on my back and I would get punished for not completing them in a day. Well, except for the few wolves that saw me as an actual being. Without wasting another second I got on my trustee bed, which was in fact just a deflated mattress on the cemented floor, but I still loved it anyway, it was definitely an upgrade from all the years I slept on the cold floor. I bought it on my 16th birthday after saving up all the coins I managed to pick from the training grounds. My stomach was rumbling from hunger but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind knowing I was only allowed one meal a day by the pack chefs. I began to close my eyes to get some sleep. As I began to drift off I heard a low knock on my door. I jolted up from my position and began to fix my hair. I walked over to the door and opened it revealing Ash, the gamma of the Moonshadow pack. He was one of the few wolves in the whole pack who actually cared about whether I was fine or not. I cracked a small smile upon seeing him. I've always had a small crush on him but I knew I was only feeding into my delusions. He was just a really nice guy, to everyone around him. Of course, I wouldn't be stupid enough to mistake his kindness for something else. I looked down, and I noticed he was holding a small container filled with food. My smile unconsciously got bigger. As if on cue, my stomach growled once more, making Ash laugh. "I'm here to save the day once again." He said with a laugh and a small wink at the end. I laughed along with a nod as he handed over the container over to me. I accepted it with a small smile as I felt my heart flutter from the kind gesture. He always managed to help me at the most random times, even with how busy he was. I would wonder why he would waste his time doing such for me. "You always do.." I began as I looked up at him. "Ash, thank you," I said with a smile. He would always feign anger whenever I thanked him for his kindness. He would usually say, 'For what? I'm simply acting as the friend that I am.' This time, he simply rolled his eyes and said, "Your birthday is in two days, aren't you excited?" I nodded my head enthusiastically at the question. I was getting impatient by the day as my birthday got closer. I would finally be turning eighteen, and I would meet my mate. But at the same time, I was dreading the moment. What if my mate is disgusted by me and the fact that I'm a lowly bastard? What if he thinks of me as a taboo instead of a mate? I pushed the thought to the back of my mind before replying to Ash. "I am! I simply can't wait, I'm just hoping I finally get my wolf by then." I said, crossing my fingers. He let out a low chuckle, "I'm sure you will, Aurora. There is no doubt about it whatsoever." I was about to reply when I noticed his mind was somewhere else for a second before I realized he was probably having another conversation through the mind link. He then turned to me with a smile. "I should get going now, Nate is waiting." He said, referring to the Alpha. I noticed he always referred to Alpha Nathaniel as Nate instead of his full name. Well, they are quite close after all. I nodded, giving a small wave before I closed my door and sat on my mattress. My earlier exhausted mood suddenly lifted as I began eating the meal Ash just gave me.

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