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A Fortune In Love

A Fortune In Love

Amaka Chi


After her late husband's debts leave her poverty-stricken, Sarah Jenkins finds herself with no choice but to agree to her in-laws arranging her marriage to billionaire developer Lachlan Reid. Thrust from her struggling existence into his world of opulence and luxury, Sarah is overwhelmed by the drastic change in her circumstances. As she navigates high society events and lavish vacations, she discovers a side of Lachlan hidden beneath his cold exterior. Against all odds, an unexpected affection blossoms between them. But can Sarah truly trust her growing feelings, or is she merely swept up in the allure of wealth and security? Just as she begins to embrace her new life, a shocking revelation threatens to unravel everything...

Chapter 1 The Debt Collector

I jolted awake to the sound of fists pounding on my front door. My heart raced as I glanced at the clock-6:30 AM. Who could it be at this ungodly hour?

"Sarah Jenkins! Open up! We know you're in there!"

The gruff voice sent a chill down my spine. I recognized it immediately-Jack Thornton, the debt collector who'd been hounding me for weeks. I pulled the covers over my head, wishing I could disappear into the threadbare fabric.

But the knocking persisted, each thud a relentless reminder of the mess my life had become. With a groan, I dragged myself out of bed, my bare feet hitting the cold hardwood floor. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror-disheveled brown hair, dark circles under my hazel eyes. I barely recognized the woman staring back at me.

"I'm coming!" I croaked, my voice hoarse from disuse. I threw on a ratty bathrobe and shuffled to the door, steeling myself for the confrontation.

I opened the door a crack, the chain still in place. Jack Thornton's bulldog face glared at me through the gap, his partner looming behind him.

"Mrs. Jenkins," he growled, "you've been avoiding us."

I swallowed hard. "I-I've been busy. Look, I told you, I need more time-"

"Time's up, sweetheart," he sneered. "Your husband left quite a mess behind, and it's time to pay up."

My late husband, David. My chest tightened at the thought of him. He'd been gone for six months, but the pain was still raw. And now, I was drowning in the debt he'd left behind.

"Please," I begged, hating the desperation in my voice. "I'm trying to sell the house. I'll have the money soon, I promise."

Jack's partner, a weaselly man named Frank, piped up. "We've heard that before. Either you pay up now, or we start taking collateral."

My eyes widened in panic. "You can't do that! That's illegal!"

Jack's laugh was cold. "You'd be surprised what we can do, Mrs. Jenkins. Your husband borrowed from some... let's say, unorthodox lenders. They're not known for their patience."

I felt the blood drain from my face. What had David gotten himself into?

"I-I need to make some calls," I stammered. "Can you give me until the end of the day?"

The two men exchanged glances. Finally, Jack nodded. "You've got until 5 PM. Not a minute later. And if you try to run..." His unfinished threat hung in the air.

I nodded quickly and shut the door, sliding down to the floor as soon as the lock clicked into place. My whole body was shaking. How had it come to this?

I allowed myself a moment of weakness, hot tears streaming down my cheeks. But only a moment. I couldn't afford to fall apart now.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself up and walked to the kitchen. The house felt cavernous and empty without David. Every corner held a memory, now tainted by the revelation of his secrets.

I put on a pot of coffee, my one remaining luxury. As the rich aroma filled the air, I tried to think. Who could I turn to? My friends had their own financial struggles, and I'd already borrowed more than I could repay. My parents were retired, living on a fixed income. And David's family...

I shuddered at the thought of asking them for help. They'd made it clear at the funeral that they blamed me for David's death. As if I could have prevented his heart attack.

The coffee maker beeped, startling me out of my thoughts. I poured a cup, the warmth seeping into my cold hands. Think, Sarah, think.

I walked to the living room, my eyes landing on the photos on the mantel. David and I on our wedding day, both of us beaming with hope for the future. How naive we'd been.

Next to it, a photo of David with his parents and sister. My in-laws had never approved of me, the struggling artist who'd stolen their son's heart. But maybe...

No. I couldn't ask them. The humiliation would be unbearable.

I sipped my coffee, pacing the room. There had to be a way out of this mess. I could sell my car, but that wouldn't even make a dent in what I owed. My jewelry? Already pawned, except for my wedding ring.

The sudden trill of the phone made me jump, coffee sloshing over the rim of my mug. Who could be calling this early?

I hesitated, then picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Sarah? It's Eleanor."

My mother-in-law's crisp voice sent a wave of anxiety through me. Speak of the devil.

"Eleanor," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "It's... unexpected to hear from you."

"Yes, well," she sniffed, "this isn't a social call. Robert and I need to speak with you. It's urgent. Can you come to the house this afternoon?"

I glanced at the clock. 7:15 AM. I had less than ten hours to come up with an impossible sum of money.

"I... I'm not sure if I can make it," I hedged. "I have some pressing matters to attend to."

"More pressing than your future?" Eleanor's tone was sharp. "Sarah, this is important. Be here at 2 PM sharp."

Before I could protest, she hung up. I stared at the phone in disbelief. What could be so urgent? And how dare she demand my presence after months of silence?

But as the initial irritation faded, a glimmer of hope sparked in my chest. Maybe, just maybe, they'd heard about my financial troubles. Maybe they were finally reaching out to help.

It was a long shot, but what choice did I have?

I glanced at the clock again. 7:20 AM. I had just under seven hours to make myself presentable and find a way to get across town to the Reid estate. My car had been repossessed weeks ago, and I could barely afford bus fare.

With a sigh, I headed to the bathroom. The face in the mirror looked haggard, a far cry from the vibrant woman I'd once been. Dark circles shadowed my eyes, and stress had etched fine lines around my mouth. I splashed cold water on my face, trying to wash away the fear and exhaustion.

As I dried my face, my wedding ring caught the light. The modest diamond had once represented so much hope and love. Now it felt like a shackle, binding me to debts I couldn't possibly repay.

I twisted it off my finger, weighing it in my palm. It wasn't worth much, but it might be enough for bus fare and a decent outfit from the thrift store. The thought of pawning it made my stomach churn, but I was out of options.

With trembling hands, I placed the ring in a small velvet pouch. One last piece of my old life, sacrificed to the debt collector's altar.

I dressed quickly in the best clothes I had left-a faded black skirt and a white blouse with a small stain on the cuff. I tried to style my hair, but gave up and pulled it into a simple ponytail. There was no hiding the worry lines or the pallor of my skin.

As I prepared to leave, a flash of movement outside the window caught my eye. A black car was parked across the street, its tinted windows concealing the occupants. My pulse quickened. Were Jack and Frank watching the house?

I peered out, trying to get a better look, but the car suddenly roared to life and sped away. A coincidence, or something more sinister?

With shaking hands, I locked the front door behind me. The weight of the velvet pouch in my pocket felt like an anchor, dragging me down with every step. But I forced myself to keep moving. Seven hours until I had to face my in-laws. Ten hours until Jack and Frank returned.

Ten hours to save myself from financial ruin or worse.

As I walked down the cracked sidewalk, away from the home I would soon lose, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I glanced over my shoulder, half-expecting to see the black car following me.

But the street was empty, bathed in the soft glow of early morning sunlight. It was a beautiful day, the kind David and I used to spend in the park, planning our future.

Now, I walked alone, each step taking me further from the life I'd known and toward an uncertain future. Whatever Eleanor and Robert wanted, whatever Jack and Frank had planned, I knew one thing for certain:

By the end of the day, my life would never be the same.

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A Fortune In Love

Chapter 1 The Debt Collector



Chapter 2 The Proposal



Chapter 3 The Decision



Chapter 4 The Billionaire



Chapter 5 The Engagement



Chapter 6 The Warning



Chapter 7 The Ceremony



Chapter 8 The Escape



Chapter 9 New Horizons



Chapter 10 Whispers in the Dark



Chapter 11 Whispers in the Dark



Chapter 12 Shadows of the Past



Chapter 13 Whispering in the Darkness



Chapter 14 14



Chapter 15 15



Chapter 16 16



Chapter 17 Secrets in the Shadows



Chapter 18 Shadows of the Past



Chapter 19 Shadows



Chapter 20 20



Chapter 21 Unexpected News



Chapter 22 Echoes of the Past



Chapter 23 Unexpected News



Chapter 24 The Ex-Factor



Chapter 25 Paternity Doubts



Chapter 26 Corporate Whispers



Chapter 27 The Letter's Secret



Chapter 28 Tangled Fates



Chapter 29 Shattered Illusions



Chapter 30 The Game Unfolds



Chapter 31 The Edge of Truth



Chapter 32 Race Against Time



Chapter 33 The Calm Before the Storm



Chapter 34 The Web Tightens



Chapter 35 Crossfire



Chapter 36 The Final Stand



Chapter 37 Confrontation



Chapter 38 The Reckoning



Chapter 39 The Tipping Point



Chapter 40 The Edge of Chaos
