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After a Night with a Hot Nightclub Owner [Completed]

After a Night with a Hot Nightclub Owner [Completed]



"Not here, precious. Not like this." His other hand wrapped around my neck and he pressed his forehead against mine. "I will have you beneath me. In a bed. Where I can adore you properly." His statement was a promise. A sensual threat that had me itching to make it come to pass. But I had to get to work. And he was right. A fast fuck in the bubble room would not nearly be enough for what I wanted with Hudson. No, needed. Hudson was far from what I wanted. But I'd gone beyond that now. I had to have him, bad for me though he may be. *** Stalking and restraining orders are a thing of Alayna Wither's past. With her MBA newly in hand, she has her future figured out --move up at the nightclub she works at and stay away from any guy who might trigger her obsessive love disorder. A perfect plan. But what Alayna didn't figure on is Hudson Pierce, the new owner of the nightclub. He's smart, rich, and gorgeous --the kind of guy Alayna knows to stay away from if she wants to keep her past tendencies in check. Except, Hudson's fixed his sights on her. He wants her in his bed and makes no secret of it. Avoiding him isn't an option after he offers a business proposition she can't turn down and she's drawn further into his universe, unable to resist his gravitational pull. When she learns Hudson has a dark history of his own, she realizes too late that she's fallen for the worst man she could possibly get involved with. Or maybe their less than ideal pasts give them an opportunity to heal each other and finally find the love their lives have been missing.

Chapter 1 1



The alternating flashes of dark and soft lights, the throbbing pulse from

an Ellie Goulding club mix, the movement of sweaty bodies dancing,

grinding, enjoying each other-The Sky Launch Nightclub got into my

blood and turned me on in a way that I hadn't let anyone or anything else do

in quite some time. When I was there-working the bar, assisting the wait

staff, attending to the DJs-I felt more free than at any other time of my

day. The club held magic.

And, for me, healing.

For all its vibrancy and life, the club was a safe haven for me. It was a

place I could attach myself without worry of going overboard. No one was

going to sue me for focusing too hard or long on my job. But rumor was

The Sky Launch, which had been up for sale for quite some time, was about

to be sold. A new owner could change everything.

"Laynie." Sasha, the waitress working the upper floor, pulled me from

my thoughts and back to my job. "I need a vodka tonic, a White Russian,

and two Butterballs."

"Got it." I pulled the vodka from the shelf behind me.

"I can't believe how busy we are for a Thursday," she said as I worked

on her order.

"It's the summer crowd. Give it a week, and the place will explode." I

couldn't wait. Summer at the club was a total blast.

"That's when things around here get fun." David Lindt, the general

manager of the club, joined our conversation, a sparkle showing in his eyes

as the bright white light that lit the bar illuminated his face.

"Real fun." I gave David a wide smile and winked while I placed the

drinks on Sasha's tray, my stomach tensing with a flicker of desire.

He answered my wink with one of his own, stirring the flicker in my

belly to a low flame.

David wasn't the love of my life-not even the love of the moment-

but his shared passion for the club sparked something in me. My interest in

learning more and moving up from bartending had seemed to interest him

as well. More than one late night of showing me the ropes had ended in

heavy make-out sessions. Though I hadn't been instantly attracted to him,

his small stature, curly blonde hair and blue eyes had grown on me. Also,

his keen business sense and exceptional management style were qualities I

required in a man. And, truthfully, the lack of effect he had on my emotions

provided half the draw. We had decent chemistry, but he didn't have me

freaking out all over him like I had over other guys. He was safe and solid

and that was my definition of the perfect man.

I rang up Sasha's order while David filled shot glasses-Todd's order, I

suspected, another waiter standing next to Sasha. David rarely stepped

behind the bar anymore, but we were short-staffed for the night and I

welcomed his help. Especially with the way we were picking up. A regular

and his friends had leaned against the bar waiting for my attention, and out

of the corner of my eye, I saw a suit taking a spot at the far end of the


I handed Sasha her ticket, but David stopped her before she could take

off. "Hold on. While there's at least a few of us here, I think we should toast

to Laynie." He passed around the shots he'd been filling. Tequila-my

liquor of choice.

I peered at him suspiciously. While it wasn't unusual to have a shot or

two while working a shift, it was always kept on the down-low, never in

front of our manager and certainly not at his encouragement.

"No worries," David said, bumping my shoulder with his. "It's a special


With a shrug, I smiled and took the shot he offered me. "You're the


"We're too busy for a proper toast, so let's just say this is to Laynie.

We're proud of you, girl."

I blushed and clinked glasses as everyone around, including the regular

customer and his friends, shouted out "hear, hear" and "cheers."

"Woo hoo!" I screamed my own excitement. I'd worked hard to get my

degree. I was proud of myself too. I slammed the shot back, enjoying the

burn as it lined my throat and spread through my veins. "Goddamn, that's


Aware that the crowd was getting antsy, Sasha took off with her order

while David filled Todd's. I turned my attention first to the regular, a guy

whose name deserted me. He leaned in to give me a hug, which I returned. I

might not remember him, but I knew how to earn my tips.

"Four of whatever's on tap," he said, raising his voice over the music

which seemed to have gotten louder in the last few minutes. "Where's


I handed him his first two mugs and began work on the next two. "Since

she's covering all my shifts next week she has tonight off." That's right-

this was the guy that usually flirted with Liesl, another bartender.

"That's cool. So what are you doing on your vacation?" With Liesl not

around, Regular turned his charm on me. His eyes travelled to my breasts

that were admittedly hard to miss. Especially with my low-cut neckline. I

had some nice girls, who could blame me for showing them off?

"Absolutely nothing." I hoped my delivery sounded like I was looking

forward to my vacation. Truth was I'd taken the time off so I could go home

and spend time with my older brother. But only that morning, Brian had

called the trip off, saying that he was too swamped with work. He wouldn't

even be able to make it to my graduation.

I swallowed the emotions that threatened to show on my face. On top of

being disappointed, I was terrified. Me with nothing to occupy my time was

not an attractive me. I'd almost told David several times to go ahead and

put me on the schedule, but every time I started, I felt like a total loser.

Maybe a week off would be good for me. I could handle it. Right?

Now wasn't the time to fret about the week to come. I finished the

transaction with Regular and slid down the bar to take care of the suit at the

end of the counter.

"Now what can I get...you...?" My words trailed off as my eyes met

the suit's, the air leaving my lungs, suddenly sucked out by the sight that

met me. The man...he was...gorgeous.

Incredibly gorgeous.

I couldn't look away, his appearance magnetizing. Which meant he was

exactly the type of man I should avoid.

After the numerous heartaches that had dotted my past, I'd discovered

that I could divide the men I was attracted to into two categories. The first

category could be described as fuck and forget. These were the men that got

me going in the bedroom, but were easy to leave behind if necessary. It was

the only group I bothered with anymore.

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