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My wedding night was the last night of happiness in my life. I never imagined it would be the beginning of a lifetime filled with hidden truths and deceit. The man I believed to be Adriel Bruce admitted to actually be Wilson Jonner; he had married me in his brother's name. He blackmailed me to play the part of his dead brother's wife, pretending that we got married in secret a few days before his death. I had loved Wilson with all my heart, couldn't believe he got married to me just to use me as a pawn in a sick game to force the family into handing over Adriel's property to his wife- me, and when I disagreed, he threatened to dig up my father's dirty past. I stood there, my world crumbling between protecting my father and keeping the lie alive. The presumed-dead Adriel Bruce survived and returned with amnesia, setting Wilson off for his planned-over fortune and vowing revenge on the woman pretending to be his wife-me. Adriel was forced to believe that he got married to me. I sensed he didn't believe it, but he had not much of a choice, knowing he couldn't remember all his past. Living under the same roof with Adriel, I was meant to follow Wilson's orders, but an unexpected bond began to form between us. Which leaves me in need of a decision: do I carry on with Wilson's crazy plan, or follow my heart to Adriel? Join me in this intense and unexpected romance filled with secrets, deception, and the possibility of true love.


The journey from Vermont to South Carolina felt like an endless road trip to Mariana, each passing hour felt like eternity.

It was 8 hours already in the car and she felt she would die of suffocation. She clung to the door of the vehicle, her gaze fixated on the window like her life depends on it.

Wilson on the other hand had a cold expression on his face, he stole a glance at Mariana almost sixty times every two minutes, but he didn't say a word to her.

The eerie silence was broken when Wilson's phone rang, it was his mother calling.

"Hello Victoria!" Wilson always referred to his mother by her name and would only call her mum only when he needed a favour from her.

"Wilson, were you able to convince Mariana to come back with you?" Victoria inquired

"Yes!" Wilson said. His cold expression still not changing

"Excellent. There will be a family dinner tonight at the mansion. I'll be expecting both of you." Victoria said and ended the call.

"AHEM!" Wilson echoed whilst trying to clear his throat "Victoria said there will be a family dinner today at the mansion, you need to be in your best behaviour, I don't need you messing up things for me, I don't need to tell you what is at stake!"

He said with a stern voice giving her an icy look, but she didn't bat an eyelid, her gaze still fixed on the window.

"Got it?!" he asked with a cold whisper

Marina nodded, not taking her gaze away from the window.

She heaved a sigh of relief when she sighted the Bruce Estate gate. She had wanted to run as far as she could from the Estate this morning, but right now what she wanted was to not be in the same space with the man sitting next to her, his presence irritated her.

Wilson couldn't help but notice Mariana's relief expression on seeing the estate gate.

"Do I repulse her this much?" he thought to himself "Few months ago, she was all over me, it was as though I had cast a love spell on her, how can her feelings change so easily" Wilson thought to himself stealing a glance at her. "I know I caused it, but it was worth it' he consoled himself.

He drove into the estate and headed straight to the family mansion, it was past 8pm and he was tired from driving all day. He parked his car close to the garden in front of the mansion, ruining some of the flowers in the process.

Immediately the car came to a halt, Mariana creaked the hand of the vehicle, but Wilson pressed the door lock button at the same time. He had suspected she would do that.

She turned her gazed to him, widening her eyes. They were so wide it felt like they would pop out. "What now?" she said with a hinge of frustration in her voice.

"Mariana!" Wilson cold expression softened as he called her name.

She starred at him, her expression not changing "what do you want, what do you want this time? Should I get married to your late dad? Because I can do that also" she asked bitterly as tears tickle down her cheeks.

He tilted his head, studying her face "Damn she look so cute when she cries" he thought to himself. His fingers reached towards her face attempting to brush the tears flowing down her cheek, but her shoved him away immediately hitting his hand with her elbow.

He gave her a questioning look and then cleared his throat "AHEM!, on a second thought there is no need wiping the tears, "Victoria needs to see you crying, but then you might need to replace those angry look on your face with a sad one" he said sarcastically, pressing the car unlock button, "try acting like a widow, because you are one now Mariana!"

Mariana stormed out of the car and ran straight to the front door, She pushed the door with every strength she had in her in an attempt to shut it, but the gigantic metallic structure stood still, not moving an inch, engrossed with 1001 thoughts on how to keep Wilson locked out of the mansion she forgot that it was an electronic door and it wouldn't shut else it was controlled by a remote.

She sigh in frustration and ran towards the stair, but she was stopped by Victoria's sweet voice.

"Mariana dear" the woman in her mid-50's called out.

She was smiling as though she had won a lottery, Mariana had never seen her smile since she started staying in the mansion.

"Why was she smiling?" Mariana thought, but just when she was about to fake a smile back in response, a voice came roaring

"Victoria, what's this dinner all about" Wilson yelled standing at the entrance of the front door."

"I have good news and I'll share it over dinner" she said turning her gaze to him. "Now come, the table is set, we have been waiting for you two" she said as she headed towards the dinning area.

The dining table was arranged with varieties of dishes, wines and desserts leaving little space for plate to be placed.

"Wow Victoria! Now I am curious to know what this dinner is all about, please don't tell me you are getting married to husband number four" Wilson blurred out sarcastically after seeing the arrangements on the table.

Victoria's three children were from three different men, and Wilson never missed an opportunity to remind her of this.

She had Wilson and Rachael from two different men, before she got married to Antonio Bruce – Adriel's father.

"I won't allow you speak to mother like that Wilson" Rachael, Wilson's sister said from the opposite end of the table.

"Stop!" Victoria's voice rang in the room, cutting them. "Can we all be matured tonight?" Victoria concluded still smiling

"Well the only good news I'll like to hear is that, Adriel's property has been transferred to her" Wilson retorted pointing at Mariana.

The room became silence and everyone starred awkwardly at Wilson.

He knew what he just said came out wrongly, immediately he looked for excuses to back up his statement.

"Wha...what I mean is that, Mariana doesn't want to stay here anymore because this placed reminded her so much of her late husband; Adriel, and that's why she ran away today. It will only be fair if we give her what rightfully belongs to her, so she can leave already" Wilson stuttered. He stepped on Marian's feet under the table as though urging her to back him up.

Mariana didn't say a word she only starred at him infuriated, and moved her fingers to reach for her cup of wine on the table.

How could he say that so casually, his brother just died and here he was taking about inheritance transfer!

Victoria looked at Wilson, still smiling radiantly "Well that won't be necessary Wilson because........"

She was interrupted by the creaking sound of the store door, which was very close to the dining area, everyone's attention turned towards it and suddenly it flew open.

The Figure that stood at the entrance of the store door, left everyone in dismay except Victoria who was still smiling.

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