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Billionaire Redemption

Billionaire Redemption

Viveeyan Raymond


A BILLIONAIRE'S REDEMPTION: BLURB. "You think a contract can control me?" Lila said, her voice trembling. "Papers might tie me to you legally, but you'll never possess my body." Damien's eyes hardened, his expression as cold as ever. "Your body? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? If beauty was a crime you'd be innocent, my dear." He turned to meet her gaze, giving her a scrutinizing look. "You are nothing compared to the ladies I fuck. Now, get out". Forced into marriage by their parents, a ruthless business tycoon and a struggling fashion house owner are stuck together. Damien Kingston, known for his harsh business tactics, shows no interest in his new wife, Lila Thompson, who is equally repulsed by him. With Lila fashion business on the edge of collapse, they must face their new life together. As secrets are revealed and unexpected feelings start to grow. Can they find a way to make their marriage work, or will it fall apart under the pressure of lies and ambition? In a world where power and love clash, will they find redemption in each other, or will their marriage become a battlefield of broken dreams?

Chapter 1 The Unthinkable Proposal

Magnus Thompson angrily exclaimed, "Lila, can you not be selfish for once in your life?! Stop thinking about yourself alone and think about your mother! You're marrying Damien Kingston, and that's final. This isn't a suggestion, it's an order!" as she ascended the stairs. His remarks echoed through the corridor.

Lila closed the door with a bang immediately she stepped into her room, her mind racing with emotions. She leaned against the door, trying to steady her breath.

"This isn't how I imagined my life," Lila thought. "I can't marry Damien Kingston! I don't love him. How can Dad force me into marrying someone like Damien Kingston, that ruthless business tycoon?"

Tears rolled down her eyes as she sank to the floor, clutching her knees to her chest. The reality of her situation was suffocating.

She lay on the cold floor hugging her knee so close to her chest and fell asleep.


Meanwhile, at the Kingston Mansion, Damien and his father were locked in a heated argument.

"You can't force me to get married, Father!" Damien declared, his voice calm but resolute. "I am not prepared for that, and when I am, I will marry someone of my own choosing, not someone you've picked for me. My final answer is no."

Earlier that day, Richard Kingston sat in his study, waiting for his old friend, Magnus Thompson. When Magnus arrived, the two men greeted each other warmly.

"Magnus, I've been thinking," Richard began, offering his friend a drink. "Your daughter Lila would be the perfect woman for Damien. My friend! You see?! I think it's high time you pay all your debt before asking for another. You're a significant part of my success story and I appreciate you a whole lot. It's a pity your business had to fold, and I know with the current situation of things and your daughter's fashion house going bankrupt, it's almost impossible to pay back, so I'll make you an offer instead. Richard said as he stood up from his chair and paced around the chair.

"Give Lila's hand in marriage to Damien. I am getting old, and we don't know how long I'll live. With my wife gone, I am afraid that when I am gone Damien will make the wrong choice in marriage. Damien is my only seed on earth. I won't let him suffer the wrong choice".

Magnus looked at his friend with shock. "Are you asking me to marry Lila off to your son? They don't even know each other! My daughter has a boyfriend, and I'm not sure she will consent to this. Besides, everyone knows how mean your son can be! He doesn't even have the ability to love, for pity's sake!."

Richard smiled, tracing the tip of his wine glass with his thumb. "Magnus, Magnus, Magnus, I see you haven't learned much from your downfall. Let me enlighten you. I trained Damien to be ruthless and cold because that's what it takes to maintain and grow an empire like Kingston Enterprises. Unlike you, who raised a daughter with a good heart but can't handle a small fashion house, I made sure my son was prepared to handle the harsh realities of business".

"He took a small sip from his glass and continued, "You see, life is business. Only the poor think people should marry for love... You of all people know what my love for my wife turned me into, you saw how vulnerable I became, didn't you?! And that weakness cost me dearly. I cannot afford to let Damien experience the same downfall. I need him to be with someone strong and independent, someone who won't be easily manipulated or controlled."

He sat comfortably in his chair, crossing his leg before continuing "Lila possesses those qualities. She's resilient and not gullible, traits that will make her a suitable match for Damien. Her strength and independence are exactly what he needs. And while it may not seem fair to you now, this marriage is about ensuring our legacy continues unblemished, not about romantic ideals."

Richard leaned in, his voice low and serious. "Now old friend let's not bring sentiment into this, this will be a business between us, and you know how business is! Zero sentiments, I'm only agreeing to help with the money for your wife's hospital bills if Lila marries Damien, not after. This way, both our families benefit. You get the financial support you need, and I get a suitable wife for my son."

Magnus sighed deeply, knowing the weight of Richard's words. "I understand, Richard. Lila will marry Damien. It's the least I can do after all you've done for me."


Damien sat with his legs crossed, speaking with an air of indifference. His father stood towering over him, face flushed with anger, shouting at the top of his lungs. The older man's fury only grew as his son maintained his nonchalant demeanor.

"It's either you get married to Lila or you give up the CEO position to your cousin Liam" Richard Kingston ordered.

"What!" Damien spoke sharply, uncrossing his legs. "You can't do that, Father. I have worked so hard for this company, you can't just toss it off to Liam because I am not ready to marry. Besides Liam isn't married and he isn't his son" Damien said coldly.

"Liam is my elder brother's son-your cousin-so he is, in a way, my son. And he is engaged to be married soon. If my son won't give me a grandson, then my nephew will," Richard shouted before storming upstairs.

Grandson?! Since when did he care about a grandson Damien said to himself in shock


Lila woke up immediately she heard her phone ring. She couldn't believe she had slept the entire night on the floor.

"Ouch..." she groaned as she stretched, placing her right hand on the back of her neck as she winced from the pain. "Hello, Doctor," she said, her voice still thick with sleep. "Wha...what?!" she exclaimed, immediately sitting up. "No! Doctor, you can't do that! I'm on my way, please wait for me!"

Lila raced to her feet, pulse racing. She grabbed her keys and ran out the door, not caring to brush or have a change of outfit. Her mind raced with concern and fear as she drove to the hospital, which seemed to take forever. When she arrived, she burst through the doors and walked hurriedly to the reception desk.

"Where is Dr. Stevens?" she asked, her voice trembling.

The receptionist looked up before replying. "He's in Room 203. I'll let him know you're...."

Lila didn't wait for the receptionist to finish her sentence before walking down the hallway. As she approached, she saw Dr. Stevens standing outside.

"Dr. Stevens, please, you can't stop my mother from receiving treatment. Lila pleaded immediately, her eyes were hot from the tears boiling in them. "I just need a little more time to get the money."

Dr. Stevens sighed, his expression softening. "Lila, that's what you have been saying for a week now. We've done everything we can without the funds; I'll give you till the end of the week to finish things up; beyond that, there won't be much else I can do."

Lila nodded, tears rolling down her eyes. "Thank you, Doctor. I'll find a way."

As she left the hospital, her phone buzzed again. It was a message from her father: "We need to talk. It's about the hospital bills and your future. Come home as soon as you can."

Lila's heart sank. She knew the topic of the discussion would be her marriage with Damien, she wished she had other options, she wished she could raise the money for her mother's hospital bill But time was running out.

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