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Pregnant for a billionaire

Pregnant for a billionaire

Juliet flames


Devastated by a brutal breakup, Emma's life spirals out of control. After a reckless night, she discovers she is pregnant by the infamous playboy, Ethan Blackwood. Ethan vehemently denies any connection to her, but when Emma's stepmother confronts him with the pregnancy news and threatens to ruin his reputation, he reluctantly agrees to marry Emma. "You're just a contractual wife to me. I can sleep with whoever I want, and you have no right to question me," he coldly declares. Will Ethan open his heart to love again? Will Emma keep the baby despite his rejection? And will she agree to the harsh terms of being Ethan's contract wife?

Chapter 1 The mistake

I heaved a heavy sigh of relief, dropping the makeup brush on my vanity, my eyes fixed on my now-made-up face in the mirror. Ethan was finally back, and I was going to see him after his six-month trip to the Madeiras. Even though I planned to confront him about the rumors, I was still happy to be seeing him.

My heart sank as I descended the stairs and saw my wicked stepmother, Mrs. Tamela, seated in the living room, fully absorbed in the blaring TV. I slowed my steps and tried to tiptoe, but she turned her head, and her gaze immediately met mine. I stopped in my tracks.

"Where do you think you're going at this time of day in that dress?" she blurted, my pulse racing.

"Out, as you can clearly see," I replied, feigning confidence while trembling inside.

She always acted this way. The sight of her questioning me always got on my nerves. I wondered how my dad put up with her nonsense.

"Look, whatever and wherever I go is none of your business. Leave me be, you wicked witch," I bellowed. She didn't take it lightly.

She stormed up and neared me very fast.

"Watch your tone, you repulsive swine. Are you nuts? Who do you think you're talking to?"

The resounding slap reverberated through my cheek. I tried to ignore her and leave, but she gripped my hair.

"Where do you think you're going?" she repeated.

Even though it would hurt, I didn't mind. If I needed to see Ethan, I needed to escape from this home wrecker. With an aggressive pull, I escaped her hold, her fingers grazing my strands badly, and it stung. I ran as fast as I could and hailed a taxi.

Inside Ethan's mansion, I dialed his number multiple times, but he didn't answer. I went in without knocking, heading straight for his bedroom. Ethan always brought me to his house, so I was familiar with it.

"Babes?" I called out three times, still striding, but got no answer. As I neared his room, I noticed the door was slightly ajar, confirming he was probably in there, as mumbles accompanied it. Maybe he was on a phone call or something. I mused and opened the door, my eyes immediately piercing directly to the bathroom entrance.

There stood a lady, leaned in very close to him, whispering in his ear. I assumed it was nothing, trying to ease the tension gripping my spine. As I drew closer, he kissed her pouted lips. My heart sank, and my legs felt like jelly. Ethan opened his eyes and they met mine, which were wide with shock. She turned to face me, and my heart sank even further. I couldn't believe what I was seeing - it felt like a nightmare. The girl he had been cheating on me with was my own stepsister, Taylor.

"Ethan, tell me this is just a hallucination," I said, my voice low and laced with hurt and exhaustion, as I approached them.

He had walked out of the bathroom entrance and was now seated on his bed.

"Tell me it's not real," I pleaded.

He glared into my eyes with disdain, his expression twisted in anger, before exhaling a frustrated sigh.

"Do you hear that sound, Ethan? It sounds like a rat choking," Taylor mocked my sobbing, glancing around the room, pretending I was invisible.

"Ah, found it!" she exclaimed, her eyes locking onto mine as she folded her arms, a smirk still plastered on her face.

I ignored her and faced Ethan, my voice trembling with hurt. "How could you, Ethan? After all these years, after everything I've done for you, is this how you repay me? Is this how you say thank you?" I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back tears.

Ethan remained silent, and I continued, my emotions pouring out. "Is this how you decide to dump me? Come on, Ethan, you know I love you."

But he cut me off, his voice cold and detached. "Enough! If only you had called, you wouldn't have broken your own heart."

"Really? Was that all he could say? What happened to 'I'm sorry' or 'I got bored because you weren't with me all the time'?"

I could understand that, but with my stepsister? It was too much.

"Didn't you see the clues all this while? Are you dumb, Emma? Goddamn it, I even made fake accounts just to trip you up."

His words hurt me; I never knew Ethan could be this cruel. He even fabricated those cheating texts and pictures against himself. I couldn't breathe properly.

He pulled Taylor closer and added, "I've found my match, Emma. Move on already. We're done; get that into your head."

Taylor, with a smirk playing on her lips, kissed him right in front of me, "Go to hell." She spat emphatically.

And I couldn't take it anymore.

I fled the house, running from the scene. I ran and cried so much that I didn't even realize I was sprinting down the middle of the freeway, oblivious to the blaring horns and screeching tires as cars swerved to avoid me. I turned around, and my heart sank at the sight of the countless cars speeding towards me.

Just as I thought all was lost, I heard a loud bang on a taxi door and someone came running towards me. I looked back, and my eyes locked onto a familiar face.

"Emma?" she called out, running towards me. It was Cassie, my childhood friend. Tears stung my eyes as I turned and gave her a hug. My mind was racing, and I didn't know where to go. I just needed to get away. I told her what Ethan did to me.

"That's men for you, Emma!" she briskly replied. "Calm down and let's take a walk to my apartment. Night will soon fall."

I followed her, her apartment well-furnished and properly organized, really attractive to the eyes.

"So what do you feel like taking?" Cassie asked me calmly.

"I don't think I can eat anything right now. I'm too disappointed," I said pathetically.

"But I know somewhere that will purge your sorrow," she encouraged me. "Follow my lead."

We ended up at a hotel club, a bit far from Cassie's street. It was the only place I felt I could clear my sorrow away and lose myself for a while. We ordered drink after drink, trying to drown out the pain.

The bar was dimly lit, with a cozy atmosphere that did little to lift my spirits. I sipped on my third cocktail, feeling the alcohol start to numb the pain. As I sat there, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I glanced around and noticed a man at the far end of the bar staring intently.

"Why is he staring at me?" I muttered to Cassie.

"Maybe he finds you attractive," she replied, trying to lighten my mood.

"Attractive? In this state?" I scoffed, taking another sip of my drink.

The man finally made his move, walking over with a confident stride. He was tall, with a muscular build and a handsome face that exuded charm. His eyes were sharp, and his presence commanded attention.

"Hi," he said, his voice smooth and deep. "Mind if I join you?"

"Actually, yes," I replied curtly, not in the mood for company, especially from a stranger.

Cassie nudged me. "Come on, Emma, maybe he just wants to chat."

I sighed, conceding. "Fine, but make it quick."

The man smiled, pulling up a chair. "I'm Ethan," he introduced himself. "And you are?"

"Emma," I replied flatly, not interested in small talk.

"Nice to meet you, Emma," Ethan said, his gaze lingering on me. "You look like you could use some cheering up."

"Not really," I replied, trying to dismiss him.

Before he could say anything else, Cassie's phone rang. She glanced at the screen and her face turned pale.

"I have to go," she said, standing up abruptly. "My parents were in a car accident."

My heart sank. "Do you need me to come with you?"

"No, no, it's fine. Stay here and relax. I'll call you later," she assured me, rushing out of the bar.

I was now alone with Ethan. The alcohol was hitting me harder, making my head spin with the loud hotel music. Ethan took advantage of the situation, his charm becoming more apparent.

"Looks like it's just us now," he said, moving closer. "How about we get out of here and find somewhere quieter?"

I was too drunk to resist, and before I knew it, Ethan was leading me to a private suite in the club. The room was luxurious, with a large bed and dim lighting. He poured me another drink, and I downed it without thinking.

Everything became a blur. I remembered Ethan's hands on me, his lips, and then darkness.

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