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I Found Him

I Found Him



After a heart shattering break up Ruby decides to give up on love and pick up the pieces of her life, now focusing on her career she encounters Kevin Young the youngest son of the famous Young family; the richest and most influential family in Millsburg. Driven by revenge and want for a place in society they both sign a contract marriage that binds them only for eyes to see, they both begin to experience same feeling like never before but things from the past seems to get in there way. Will Ruby find love again or will her past consume her? Read now to find out!!

Chapter 1 Encounter

Under the falling rain in the cold and dark street of Millsburg, Ruby sat on a street bench drenched in her own thoughts not considering the time and place. Still confused and heartbroken from what occurred between she and Samuel, she dragged herself home still wondering, pondering "What went wrong, what did I do wrong, am I not enough, did I not do enough, why did he leave me" Ruby kept thinking

"Hey lady, hey lady get out of the way" a random driver screamed at Ruby. Hurriedly she ran to the sidewalks," I'm sorry " she said." I must put myself together, and get home", she pulled out her have been calling, texting, and sending mails but you did not respond what is the problem, are you okay". Unable to hold it back Ruby burst out in tears" he left me, he said I was not enough, and he was tired of trying to fill in for both of us" Ruby said while in Lisa's arms," what do you mean, who did what" still in tears Ruby couldn't answer "is it Samuel " Lisa asked

"yes, he said he wasn't happy with our relationship anymore" ruby continued still in tears "oh my God how could he" Lisa asked in shock " I thought you guys where happy together, You guys looked peaceful" Lisa continued " I don't know Lisa, he doesn't need love me anymore" Ruby said shaking and still sobbing " well first let's get you changed and in better clothes your shivering" Lisa said taking Ruby into the house and into her " get changed and ready I'll make a cup of coffee for you" Lisa said and closed the door behind.

Left behind and alone in her room Ruby cried even more, reminiscing over the memories with Samuel trying to find what went wrong or what she did wrong to make him breakup with her. After a few hours Ruby got up and went straight to bathroom and took a long and cold bath, after what felt like hours

Ruby went downstairs to Lisa who was preparing rice and chicken sauce. "How are you feeling now" Lisa asked in a low tone " I'm good I guess" Ruby responded not sure of how she was feeling at the moment, "are you going to call in sick at the hospital" Lisa asked "No I can't, I have taken a lot of breaks and the director won't be happy about it" Ruby replied "and what am I supposed to tell them, that I can't come in again! Because my boyfriend broke up with me?" Ruby replied with a sigh "well I got to go I have a party to attend, and I am already late, see you in the morning" Lisa said as she got up and left leaving Ruby alone to her thoughts.

Morning came and Ruby was already on her way to the hospital, she was a nurse at the

renowned specialist hospital THE DELTA HOSPITAL which took a lot of demanding work to get. "Hey

Ruby what is with the long face" Allison; Ruby's co-worker asked as she walked into the children's ward "oh I'm fine just lost in thought" Ruby replied, "but you seem off today and you have not filled in the medication report for today". "I must have forgotten I'll do that now" Ruby answered picking up the assessment book "I know it must be hard to get over a ten-year relationship, but you have to try so it doesn't affect your work" Allison advised "I know I will try my best" Ruby replied still recording the medications she administered earlier.

"You know what I know exactly what will get you in a good mood, food and drinks always do the job" Allison said with a bright smile on her face "I don't think I'll be able to join you, I'm sorry Ruby declined without thinking about it. "Oh, come on, the best way to get over a breakup too chill and find new scenery, I know a place that just opened recently you would love it; they have the best chicken" Allison said trying to convince Ruby to go out with her, after much deliberation Ruby finally agreed.

Later that evening Ruby and Allison got dressed and headed for the restaurant. "This is chicken 'n' drinks, the place I told you about, they have the best chicken meals and other meals too" Allison said excitedly "if you say so" Ruby replied "am I ever wrong about food?" Allison asked grinning "unfortunately no" Ruby responded with a sly smile on her face "then let's get a table, shall we?" Allison said trying to lift the mood. On entering the restaurant, the aroma of freshly grilled chicken filled the room and danced into their nostrils "hmmm" they both exclaimed, "see! its breath taking, you will love it" Allison said as they took their sits at the table next to the window, "I'll go make the order, what do you want to have?" Allison asked, "I'll just have whatever you're having" Ruby replied unable to decide what she wanted "okay I'll go place the order, be right back and please cheer up take in the scenery and enjoy the view".

Ruby sat by the window trying to enjoying the view until she spotted someone getting beat up by a man in a suit it looked like the man was pleading for his life from the man beating him but it fell on deaf ears, Ruby shrieked at the sight she was seeing, "what kind of human treats another like human like that" Ruby said whilst getting on her feet to go help the man. "Where are you going" Allison asked as she returned to see Ruby leaving "look over there that man is getting beat up, we need to help him or call the police, or that man will kill him" Ruby replied worriedly "hold on if you go there how will you help him, that man will also beat you, let's do this instead we'll call the police to come help him" Allison replied trying to calm her down "okay" she replied hesitantly, Allison pulled out her phone and called police ,she gave them details of the location and what they both saw.

Two minutes later the police arrived at the scene, on hearing the sirens the guy beating up the man left hurriedly but before he could escape lights from an approaching truck flashed on his, allowing Ruby to see his face, covered by an eye mask, she spotted his pale blue eyes, bruised lip and his perfect jawline; he was handsome, she could tell. 'But why would such a handsome man beat up an innocent person' she thought silently while staring at the scene, "I'm leaving I can't eat after witnessing that" Ruby said grabbing her bag and getting up to leave "hold on let get take outs and then we will leave together" Allison said "okay" Ruby replied trying to take her mind off the incident. They both took separate rides home.

On the way home Ruby could not help but think about the face of the man 'who was he' she thought. "Hey boo where have you been, didn't your shift end a long time ago" Lisa asked as Ruby stepped into their apartment "I went for food and drinks with Allison but something crazy happened, I saw a guy getting beat up by another man in a narrow street across the restaurant we were at, can you imagine" Ruby said in disbelief as she reached out for a glass of water at the dining table " "This is Millsburg city what do you expect things like this happen every day, your just couped up in your little ward to notice it" Lisa replied as she put a banana chips in her mouth, "well we called the police and they came over to help the man, but I can't his face of my mind" Ruby replied as dug her hand into the bag of chips Lisa offered "who? The guy who was beat up.

" How did you see his face" Lisa asked curious to know "no, I mean the guy that beat up the man, he's face was so enchanting he looked handsome" she replied as she continued to much on the chips "are you falling for a bad guy" Lisa grinned staring into Ruby's eyes curiously "no, am not" she said with a disgusting looking her face "I'm just saying that he looked handsome plus I was wondering how such a good looking guy could do such a bad thing" she added, "handsome guys can do bad things Ruby, it's life" Lisa said as she shrugged her shoulders "I'm going to bed"," there's mac and cheese in the freezer if you want" she continued as she picked up her phone and headed upstairs "see you in the morning" Ruby screamed as she walked into the kitchen to microwave the food, she could hear her stomach rumble silently.

Two weeks later

"What a night we had yesterday" Allison said dropping the medical files on the nurse's desk "lots of new patients came in yesterday......., consider that a heads up" she continued taking as she began to write down the night report, "I'll be fine don't worry plus I have Kate and Camella with me" Ruby replied, setting up the vital signs tray. "I heard our wards will be changed soon" Ruby said placing the tray down *I know, I heard the HNS (Head of Nursing System) discussing it yesterday with our matron* Allison replied still writing "she said it was, the CEO that want us to have experience on all aspects and not just our specialties" she added.

"I think it's a great idea we will get to experience more and learn new things... I feel like am getting rusty" Ruby as she cleaned her tools "well I think it's stressful, I don't think I'll be able to adapt quickly" Allison replied with a frown " cheer up, who knows we may be put together in the same ward like we are now" Ruby encouraged "if they are changing us, I want to be in the male ward...who knows I may find my husband there" Allison replied as her face lit up like a child who just found a new discovery "you pervert" Ruby retorted hitting Allison across the shoulders "ouchhhh" Allison exclaimed "that hurt, how are you so strong?" She continued feigning pain "stop being dramatic Allison, it didn't even hurt... you're such a drama queen" Ruby replied laughing "I'll be back I need to check vital signs this morning".

"Ruby, Kate, Camella we need help outside an accident occurred at Bruceton street, a lot of patients are coming in we need help getting them admitted" Allison hurriedly spoke as she ran into the children's ward "oh no what happened" Kate asked as they all got up to help out "there was an accident near the famous school at Bruceton street, the school building collapsed with children in them ,the first responders went to rescue them and is bringing them all here "Allison replied hurriedly as they all ran out to the emergency entrance. The entrance was rowdy a lot of people were rounding around trying to find help for their children, in midst of the crowd Ruby ran towards the ambulance to help carry a patient out and then she felt someone put their hands on her and pushed her to the ground screaming "get out of the way".

"Oh, my goodness" she exclaimed as she fell to the floor she looked up towards the direction and there he was the man from that night at the restaurant, she immediately recognized the blues eyes, how could she not it was the only thing that was on her mind for the past two weeks.

'He is more handsome than I thought' she thought to herself still staring at the man as he pushed a stretcher into the emergency unit.

"Ruby are you okay" Allison called out to her "I'm fine, the man that beat up someone the other night near the restaurant...I saw him, he's here, he was the one that pushed me" she replied "How can someone be so insolent and rude" she continued as she cleaned herself up "hope you're okay?" Allison asked worriedly. "I'm fine, let's go help those people out" Ruby said as she tugged Allison by the hand towards the ambulance.

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