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Falling for the Beast Lord

Falling for the Beast Lord



BLURB: A land of myth and magic, far from the probing gaze of humanity, a land for were breeds and otherworldly creatures, A land with a sacred rule, that any child born under a crescent moon was to be killed. Until the King's child is born under a crescent moon, the king has to kill his child to abide by the age-old tradition, which throws the kingdom in disarray, during this period the king's half-brother, Mali Khan, fueled by envy and thirst for power, orchestrated a rebellion with the Odenus Naga leader of the legion of assassins and an enemy of Dabba, killing the king and plunging the baby's world into chaos. Protected by her father's foresight, Anna was hidden by her father's most trusted guard in the human world, blissfully unaware of her royal bloodline. Yet, tragedy strikes when– her best friend is killed by Naga's assassins, and her aunt is mercilessly killed by her uncle's werewolves, unveiling the grim truth. Driven by grief and rage, Anna embarks on a journey of vengeance. Armed with the newfound knowledge of her royal lineage, Anna navigates the treacherous world of the Dabba Union, a world steeped in ancient magic and advanced technology. Anna's newfound life leads her to the lord of the beasts, one of the last living Werelions, Connor. A young Werebreed who believes she's the guardian, the special one who can stop the tyranny of Mali Khan and Odenus Naga. Even though the fate of the whole world rests upon her shoulders, Anna still finds herself falling for the golden gaze of the beast lord. it's a romance between two sacred werebreeds, a Forbidden romance....

Chapter 1 The attack

December 9, 1981

The crescent moon shone brightly, the deafening noise outside the castle grew louder and more terrifying as she ran down the dark hollow corridor, the disposed crown princess in her arms.

A bloodthirsty roar made by hundreds of angry voices calling for the death of her and her kind.

Everyone who had tried to help and protect them were all dead.

This was the day her kind had dreaded for centuries, the day humankind would discover their existence and stand against them to wipe them from the face of the earth.


For centuries, the Were-breeds and Humans had been at war, a long, brutal and cold, never-ending war.

The humans were disgusted by the existence of were-breeds, a species of creatures that could transform into humans and animals, and they wanted to wipe them out.

In order to achieve their goal, the whole of the human army had been unified under one man, a young, brutal and bloodthirsty general, Odenus Naga.

He had created an army, a brutal one, composed of the best warriors the human race had to offer.

They killed anyone and anything on their part, leaving a trail of blood wherever they went. They were called the Red assassins, a name given to them because of the trail of blood they always left.

The human army attacked the Were Breeds, their attacks were brutal, leaving hundreds of Were Breeds dead and wounded.

The were-breeds always tried to fight back and hold their ground until Odenus Naga found out about the crescent moon, the weakness of the Were-breeds.

Whenever there was a crescent moon, the were-breeds lost all their powers and were as weak as normal men.

With his new-found knowledge, Odenus knew he already had the edge over the Were-breeds, and he would dedicate his entire life into wiping them all out.

The Were-breeds, on the other hand, were oblivious to Odenus Naga's new-found knowledge.

On the night of the next crescent moon, Odenus Naga and his army striked.

Thousands of Were-breeds fell, the streets and rivers were filled with blood, the Were-breed kingdom was thrown into chaos as they all wondered who leaked their secret.

The attack scattered the Were-breeds. Nobody trusted anybody.

The Cold War continued and more Were-breeds fell. Tribe after tribe, clan after clan, breed after breed, and soon they were few in number. It was only a matter of time before the human race and the Red assassins led by Odenus Naga would have a complete victory.

The Were-breeds had lost hope, and they were all waiting for their deaths.

Until the insurgence of Shinori Kahn, from the Werewolf clan.

Being so close to victory and seemingly happy that he had torn the enemy's kingdom into a million pieces, Odenus Naga had grown confident of his victory.

He had grown so confident, that he sent the majority of his Red assassins back home to base and the remainder of his troops were spread thin all over the Were-breeds land, with the orders to kill any were-breed they came across.

Shinori Khan had seen this opportunity as a miracle for his people, the Were-breeds.

He gathered twelve of his strongest soldiers, all who were great gray wolves, one of the strongest of the Werewolf clan. They patiently waited until the next full moon, when they knew they'd have the advantage over Odenus's men.

The next full moon came, bright as never before, as if it was expectant of the bloodshed that was to come.

Shinori Khan gathered his men, and together they moved silently from unit to unit, taking out the remainder of Odenus Naga's men, who were all normal soldiers only armed with a gun and little training.

The other clans of Were-breeds heard the news about what Shinori Khan was doing, and for the first time in decades, they unified against their common foe.

Odenus Naga and the remainder of his men had no chance of victory, as the red assassins had long been dispatched.

Shinori Khan led the Were-breeds to a flawless victory, with Odenus Naga managing to survive and escape.

The victory was short-lived as, not long after, Odenus had returned with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of Red assassins.

But the Unified Were-breed forces under the command of Shinori Khan were not like before.

Shinori Khan led the Were-breeds to a series of victories against Odenus and the Red assassins. With each victory, the Were-breeds grew in number as he unified more isolated Were-breed tribes.

But no matter how many times Odenus was defeated, he kept on coming back with more men.

Shinori Kahn knew the war could go on forever, so he gathered all the elders of the other tribes of werebreeds, and together they moved away from humanity to create a new world for the were breeds.

That was the only way everyone could be safe. Having restored peace to the Were-breeds, the Were-breeds came together and formed a unified clan, which was called the Dabba Union. They needed a leader, and they crowned Shinori Kahn as their leader.


Years passed, and humanity and the Dabba Union experienced Decades of peace for the first time in centuries, many of humanity had begun to forget about the existence of the were breeds, however a dark cloud hovered over the Dabba Union, the kingdom of the Were-breeds.

Their Alpha, Shinori Kahn, had been killed and disposed by his first son, Mali Kahn.

Everything had started when his sons, Mali and Siji Khan were both introduced to be put through a series of tests as candidates for the throne, Mali in fear of losing the throne had ordered an assassination attempt against his brother.

The assassination attempt was futile, and the assassin was caught, after a series of grevious tortures, the assassin confessed that he was sent by Mali.

In anger, Shinori Kahn had banished his older son Mali Khan and crowned his younger son, Siji Khan, as the heir to the throne of the Dabba Union.

Mali, furious at his father's decision, had no choice but to leave, with hopes of coming back one day and taking his rightful place.

Siji Khan ruled Dabba with love and everyone loved him.

The land was happy until tragedy struck.

Siji Khan's wife, the queen, had gone into labor on a crescent moon.

The Were-breeds saw the crescent moon as a symbol of darkness.

Whenever there was a crescent moon, the were-breeds lose their powers, crops died and it was also a reminder of the thousands of werebreeds that had died during the war. Because of that, there was a sacred law that any child born under a crescent moon was to be killed immediately.

The kingdom was thrown into great sorrow as the news spread that the king's newborn child had to die.

As a custom, the Were-breeds were to all lock themselves indoors for twenty-four hours of mourning.

Seeing the kingdom was in disarray, Mali Khan took his chance.

He connived with the Red assassins, the remainder of the soldiers in Odenus Naga's army that fought against the were-breeds centuries ago.

Odenus Naga the leader of the Red assassins, the general who had lost to Shinori Kahn years ago during the Cold War. After his consecutive losses to Shinori, Odenus had lost his status. He was blamed for leading many of humankind to their deaths at the hands of the Were-beasts.

He was scorned everywhere, his family were seen as national traitors.

Odenus Naga and the Red assassins were soon considered outlaws, and they had to go into hiding.

The human race which Odenus had longed to protect, were now the ones making a mockery of him, but no matter how things changed, the Red Assassins stayed loyal to Odenus.

Willed by his immense hate for humanity and for Were-breeds, Odenus and the Red Assassins disappeared into the darkness, hoping for a chance when he would make the world pay for their crimes.

Days had turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years, decades flew by, and the world had forgotten about Odenus Naga, the red assassins and the Were-breeds, everything had been buried away in the past.

But Odenus lived through it all. Fueled by anger and hate, he built a new army of red assassins, making them more dangerous and brutal, devoid of human emotions, waiting to unleash them upon the world, and now the time he had been waiting for had come.

He would join Mali Khan, he would conquer the Were-breeds and, after conquering them, he would use them as an army and bring humanity to its knees.

Odenus was happy to join forces with Mali. It was the dawn of a new age, a dark age.

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Falling for the Beast Lord

Chapter 1 The attack



Chapter 2 Keep the princess safe



Chapter 3 The sacrifice



Chapter 4 The guardian



Chapter 5 The Serum



Chapter 6 The Seer



Chapter 7 The Arena



Chapter 8 Beast from hell



Chapter 9 The big secret



Chapter 10 Magic words



Chapter 11 The magic word (part 2)



Chapter 12 The assassins



Chapter 13 The assassins (Part 2)



Chapter 14 The white wolf



Chapter 15 The hunt



Chapter 16 The hunt (Part 2)



Chapter 17 The hunt (Part 3)



Chapter 18 The hunt(Part 4)



Chapter 19 Dark past



Chapter 20 Guardian angel



Chapter 21 Damon's banishment



Chapter 22 The encounter



Chapter 23 Outlaw bikers



Chapter 24 Hazel



Chapter 25 The outlaw's attack



Chapter 26 The letter



Chapter 27 Siji Khan's letter



Chapter 28 Searching



Chapter 29 Narrow escape



Chapter 30 The journey



Chapter 31 The entry



Chapter 32 The witch



Chapter 33 The inn



Chapter 34 The innkeepers



Chapter 35 The moon goddess



Chapter 36 New acquaintances



Chapter 37 The bandits



Chapter 38 Mind control



Chapter 39 Bonds



Chapter 40 Golden bonds
