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Fake but Passionate Love

Fake but Passionate Love

Bibi Fifi


Ryan was a handsome guy in high school. He was very popular in his school. Lala, who was Ryan's high school friend, was fascinated and declare love to Ryan. But when college as time went on, Ryan's face developed acne until his face was not as handsome as before. Making Lala change her attitude towards him. Lala's changing attitude made Ryan very possessive and always over thinking of Lala, thus making Lala feel uncomfortable and finally reluctantly parted with Ryan. One day, Ify, an innocent girl with no experience in dating or kissing, met Ryan, who was already a pro. Ryan asked Ify out on a date, even though Ryan didn't like her yet. He just vented all to Ify to forget Lala, his ex.

Chapter 1 Favorite Girlfriend

It was a rather cold Sunday morning, making the guy named Ryan Pamungkas now lazy to get out of bed. With a narrow folding mattress measuring 90x200, he lay down using his black blanket. He slept so soundly that he didn't even hear the alarm and the incoming call from his girlfriend.

"Tililit... tililit...!!" Ryan's cell phone rang and vibrated beside his bed. It was already 9 a.m. Ryan just realized that his girlfriend had called up to 10 times. At 07.00 5 times, at 08.00 4 times, and finally at 09.00, which made him wake up. When calling the 10th time, the phone did not pick up. Ryan rushed to call her back.

"Hello, dear," said Ryan's girlfriend, named Lala.

"Ouch, honey, I'm sorry, I just woke up," said Ryan, who was still in his hoarse voice, because he had just woken up from sleep.

"Yes, it's okay, really. But you can take me to the mall today, right?"

"Yes, I can, baby."

"Yes, I'll wait for you at my boarding house at 10 o'clock!"


Ryan hurried to go to the bathroom. However, the bathroom was being filled by his flatmate, Aldo.

Aldo and Ryan were college friends majoring in Civil Engineering. They lived on the same rent house since they knew each other in the first semester.

"Aldo, is it still long?" shouted Ryan as he banged on the bathroom door.

"I just got in, bro!" shouted Aldo from inside the bathroom. Ryan was forced to wait for Aldo, who was in the shower, in front of the TV room.

He couldn't help but notice that it was already 09:30. He didn't realize he had been waiting for Aldo that long. Ryan immediately went to the bathroom and banged on the door again.

"Aldo, what are you doing? Playing with soap?" Ryan quipped.

Suddenly Aldo came out with a look of innocence. "Noisy!" he said.

"You're taking so long, Aldo!" grumbled Ryan. When Ryan entered, he suddenly saw a white liquid splattered on the bathroom floor. "Gosh, Aldo...Aldo...you're so single!" muttered Ryan, and stomped his foot in annoyance. Immediately, he poured water until it splashed cleanly into the drain.

Aldo, his college friend, had indeed been single for a long time. He had never dated at all in his life. He was not too tall, his skin was tanned, and he was a little chubby. Actually, he had been harboring feelings for a long time with his junior sister, but she was in a different faculty and department from him. He did not dare to express it, because he knew himself.

Then, after Ryan cleaned him up, he immediately stripped off his shirt and pants and poured water all over Ryan's body to start the shower.

After Ryan finished showering, he rushed to comb his hair and looked at his face in the mirror. When he saw himself now, it really disappointed him. Why did he now have so many pimples on his cheeks?

Back in high school, he was the idol of the girls at school. Many girls were eyeing him, even confessing their feelings to him. But after college, his face changed as he approached the second semester. His face was suddenly filled with acne, causing acne scars on some of his cheeks, making him not as handsome as when he was in high school.

He also thought that his girlfriend, Alula Marisha, who was called Lala, didn't like him anymore, because his face wasn't as handsome as it used to be. Because, come to think of it, every time she walks with Ryan, she always glances at the handsome guys around her on the street and comments on them.

Lala was Ryan's friend in high school. They dated from class XII until they were in their 6th semester in college and both majored in Civil Engineering at the same university, but in a different class. They have been in a relationship for 4 years.

During high school, it was Lala who expressed her feelings to him first. Of all the many girls, in Ryan's eyes, she is a beautiful girl and has a gentle personality. Therefore, Ryan accepted to be her boyfriend, because Ryan also liked her.

However, since his face changed, Lala hasn't been the same. Although Lala is still his loyal girlfriend and often walks with him, her attitude and confidence when walking with him has changed. She no longer holds Ryan's hand. Even when eating together, she only looks at her cellphone. Occasionally, she would steal glances at the handsome guy who was there. Will Lala be loyal to me with my face like this? Do I have to go to a dermatologist to treat my acne? Ryan thought.

Ryan was resigned to it all. He sometimes scolded Lala for ignoring him when they were walking together. And it all made him overthinking until Ryan was once jealous when Lala did an assignment with one of her male friends on campus. Ryan also often fought with Lala because of that problem.

Fortunately, Lala is a patient girl. But in Ryan's mind there was regret, as he often scolded Lala. He is afraid that one day, his beloved girlfriend will abandon him, because now Ryan is often over-thinking.

After looking in the mirror, he immediately took the motorcycle keys that were in his study drawer. He also didn't forget to say goodbye to his rented friend, Aldo.

"I'm out first, bro, with my girl!"

"Okay, take care Bro!" said Aldo by waving his hand at Ryan.

Ryan immediately stepped on the gas of his big motorcycle that he parked in the yard of his rented house. He drove his motorcycle rather quickly, for fear that his favorite girlfriend was waiting for him. Because the clock already showed 09.55.


Ryan finally arrived at Lala's boarding house. Lala looked ready in a white crop top that almost showed her navel and some of her breasts, and a denim blue jeans jacket to cover some of her sexiness. She also looked beautiful with her hair rolled up a bit with a little of hair left forward on her right and left. Lala also looks as natural as possible. She doesn't like to dress up too much like most girls. She only wears lip balm, so her lips don't look dry. That's why Ryan likes her.

When Ryan arrived, Lala immediately approached him. There's no mistaking that she's on time and doesn't like to stall.

"Let's go!" he said as he climbed onto Ryan's motorbike.

"Hold on tight!"

Ryan drove at a moderate speed. He didn't want Lala to get scared if he drove the bike fast.

As usual, Lala was acting strange. She no longer hugged him when she was sitting on his motorbike. She only held on to his shirt a little, so she wouldn't fall off. However, Ryan still wanted to think positively, so that they would not fight over such a trivial matter. Although, in his mind, he really wanted to grumble.

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