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The billionaire’s trauma

The billionaire's trauma



In the wake of a devastating accident that leaves billionaire CEO Alexander bound to a wheelchair and consumed by grief, he finds himself at odds with the world and those who care for him. Enter Emily, a young woman tasked with the seemingly impossible challenge of caring for Alexander in his darkest hour. Despite his harsh demeanor, Emily refuses to be deterred, offering him a glimmer of hope in his sea of despair. As their bond deepens and Alexander begins to thaw, he must confront the ghosts of his past and embrace the possibility of a future filled with love and redemption. Will Alexander find the strength to let go of his pain and open his heart to the possibility of happiness once more?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Alexander's brother, joshua, entered the grand study where Alexander spent most of his days. The room was filled with antique furniture and shelves lined with books, a reflection of Alexander's refined taste.

With a heavy sigh, joshua approached his brother, who sat in his wheelchair by the window, a scowl etched on his face. "Alexander , we need to talk," joshua said, his voice tinged with concern.

Alexander glanced up, his eyes filled with annoyance. "What is it now, joshua? Can't you see I'm busy?"

joshua took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Alexander , you've driven away every caregiver we've hired. They can't handle your grumpiness and harsh words. It's becoming a serious problem."

Alexander scoffed, rolling his eyes. "They were all incompetent fools! I don't need anyone fussing over me. I can take care of myself!"

joshua shook his head. "You may think you can, but the truth is, you need help. You're not getting any better, and we can't have you alone in this mansion all the time."

Alexander's scowl deepened. "I don't want anyone else here. I don't need their pity or their presence."

joshua sighed, his frustration evident. "Alexander , I've made a decision. I'm going on a business trip for about two weeks, and during that time, we're hiring someone to take care of you, whether you like it or not."

Alexander's eyes widened in disbelief. "You can't be serious, joshua! I won't stand for it!"

joshua remained firm. "I understand your resistance, but it's for your own good. You need assistance, and this is the best solution. I've already made the arrangements, and the caregiver will be here tomorrow."

Alexander grumbled, crossing his arms stubbornly. "Fine, do as you please. But mark my words, joshua, they won't last long."

joshua gave his brother a sympathetic look. "I hope you'll give this caregiver a chance, Alexander . Maybe they'll be different. Maybe they'll be able to break through to you."

He recounted the cycle of caregivers entering and leaving Alexander's life. The first caregiver, Sarah, had been full of energy and enthusiasm, but Alexander's constant complaints wore her down. She left, defeated and disheartened.

Next came David, a patient and kind-hearted soul. He tried to connect with Alexander, sharing stories and offering a listening ear.

But even David's best efforts couldn't break through the walls Alexander had built around himself. Eventually, David too succumbed to the weight of Alexander's negativity and resigned.

Then there was Lisa, a caregiver with a gentle touch and a soothing voice. She approached her duties with unwavering patience, determined to make Alexander's days a little brighter.

But despite her best intentions, Lisa couldn't escape the constant criticism and harsh words that seemed to flow endlessly from Alexander's lips. Eventually, she too left, defeated.

"You've been acting all crazy. It's not fair to these people that we bring to take care of you. They only have your best interest at heart as they are paid for their jobs stop making it anymore difficult than it is already." Alexander's brother told him.

"That's the point. I didn't ask for help from any of them and not even you too. Don't you get it? I can help myself. I know I'm a little handicapped but stop rubbing it on my face. I can do things by myself I do not need fake and random people touching me every now and then." He scolded.

Joshua was still not seeing reasons with him at all. After the accident Alexander his brother had become a whole new person, he was temperamental, harsh and so arrogant especially to strangers. He used to be the sweetest guy in the world, so open and the type to feed a stray cat on his way back from a walk.

He tried to see reasons with him and thought maybe it would pass after the accident because he suffered a great loss of the unspeakable but it's been 8months already and there has been no change.

Before he could open his mouth to say anything in response to what Alexander just said the doorbell rang and thanks to Alexander there was no housekeeper to help open the door. He dreaded going to the door to let someone in even as a child, he rolled his eyes and simply checked the front door camera to see who it was.

"Oh, Emily." He said out loud.

"Is that another care giver?" Alexander asked in a frustrating tone but Joshua ignored him and opened the door for Emily from the room so she can let her self in.

As joshua left the study, Alexander was left alone with his thoughts. Deep down.

"How is work and everything?" Joshua asked his friend Emily. He and Emily met a year ago in a bar, they had so much in common and shared great conversations. Since then they had maintained a very platonic friendship between them.

"Work?" She asked rhetorically. "I quit my job last week. At this point I'm looking for a new one. Let me rephrase that I need a new job badly. That was why I came here honestly to know if you can help me find something. I have issues that I'd like to sort with money and I don't mind doing any work." Emily pleaded with Joshua while looking him in the eyes and giving the sad puppy look. He always fell for it anytime she needed something.

Joshua smiled. "Are you sure it's going to work?" They both laughed. "Well... what was your previous job like? I know you hated it but you never told me what it was."

"Let's forget about that for now." Emily replied. She always kept her job a secret from people because it was meant to be that way.

"Okay I have a job opportunity and I'd pay you any amount if you're able to pull through for just two weeks. I'd pay you $20000." He offered Emily and she was in shock.

"20thousand bucks? For just two weeks? Am I trafficking organs?" She asked with a serious face and Joshua laughed out loud but before he could answer Alexander rolled into his room on his wheelchair.

"Hey. You must be Alexander. Joshua has told me a lot about you. I admire how smart you are." Emily complimented and stood up for a handshake but Alexander looked her from up to down and rolled off leaving her there standing like a fool.

Emily was washed thorough with embarrassment, she withdrew her hand and struggled to find her way back to her seat as her legs weaken with shame and humiliation.

"Yes. That is the job." Joshua replied gesturing towards Alexander that just exited the room.

"Wow. Are you sure I can handle that?" She still couldn't believe what just happened. Had she said anything wrong?

"Is he always like that?" She asked again for clarity, maybe he was just in a bad mood.

"These days... yes. Please I would like you to do it I'll double the money if I have to. He has driven everyone insane. Word on the street? No one wants to step foot in Smiths house anymore." Joshua said with a hint of desperation traced in his voice.

"Alright. I'll do it." Emily accepted.

"Thank you. I leave in two days time."

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