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Forbidden Cravings

Forbidden Cravings

Raquel Camden


Myron is not just a simple security guard under the Tribunal Security Agency who was tasked to guard a simple high school building within a campus college every night. The boyish male was also secretly a rouge werewolf whose Alpha had died. Also, he had already found his mate, who was a perky and friendly teacher there who taught Literature and Speech at the school where he is assigned. Coincidentally, even before he worked at the said educational institution, Myron has already met Racle when he rescued her from a disastrous date where she almost got raped. Unfortunately, like all playboys, he finds it hard to say no to women asking him to go to bed with them. Ironically though, Myron can't scrounge enough courage to ask his secret, unknowing mate even to go out for coffee. Worse, he was forced to reject Racle because he would find out later on that she was half-fairy and that sort of union was forbidden by the Fairy King. Meanwhile, a certain drug was created by the students from a local plant and a popular recreational drug due to a school experiment. When ingested, it initially gives the user an incredible sensation but discharges every base need of a human within 20 hours. It then completely takes over the consumer and turns them into zombies. But in this case, even the need for sex is first released, causing these turned creatures to initially rape their victims before they eat them. Myron tries to rescue as many people as he can from the zombified students before the government sends planes to bomb the school thereby wiping out everyone there. Also, the handsome wolf-man needs to find the remaining Crave mixture that a teacher wants to sell to the highest bidder.

Chapter 1 HER KNIGHT

"Sir, I'm sorry for what happened back at the restaurant, but you were already getting too touchy-feely for comfort for a first date. Remember, you aren't my boyfriend..."

"Yet, Racle. I'm not your boyfriend YET!" retorted the sneering, middle-aged and slightly overweight Vice Principal behind the wheel of his secondhand 2018 Nissan Versa SV to what the pretty Literature and Speech strawberry-blond teacher said. "Besides, I think that slap you gave me was well worth it since I managed to convince you to visit my house before you went home, right?"

The dainty, perky teacher's thoughts: "As if! Me having a balding and pudgy man for a boyfriend? In your dreams, Mister Joe Punzalan! If you weren't our school's Vice Principal, I wouldn't even agree to date you. And I assure you that this is the last time. Ugh!"

However, to her dismay, the reply that came out of her curvy lips was: "If you say so, sir. So, what were you planning to show me here in your house?"

"Let's go inside so I can show you..."

They entered his small rented bungalow via its garage door, since the car they were currently in was already parked there. Miss Miracle "Racle" Joy Zenarosa chose to go directly towards the compact living room sofa and immediately sat down. To her surprise, her beer-bellied 'date' followed her and sat right beside her, forcing his massive bulk into the very little vacant space left on the said lounge seat.

"Sir, what are you doing?" protested the lime green-eyed female as she tried to squeeze herself into one of the tiny couch's plush arms in an effort to put some sort of space between her and her stout superior. "Aren't you supposed to show me that literary work that one of our students gave you?"

"You smell so good, Racle. Be a good girl and kiss me," the maniac of a Vice Principal demanded as he tightly grasped her slim wrists and then stretched both of her slender arms above her head as the lusty fat male forcefully pushed her down towards the seat of the sofa so he could position himself on top of the screaming and struggling young woman.

The terrified half-fairy teacher's thoughts: "Oh no, I have already used up all my quota of magic for today earlier this afternoon! I have none left to defend myself!"

Of course, during that time, she never stopped yelling for help at the top of her lungs. And her cries for assistance would grow louder as she felt the hard bulge in her dirty-minded date's pants growing and poking her abdomen.

However, to Racle's surprise, she felt the very heavy weight of the Vice Principal suddenly disappear from on top of her. She gasped in relief when she saw the fleshy sex-craving male encased in a large cloth pillowcase from his head down to his hips. He was also being strongly and swiftly pummeled by a boyishly good-looking young man. The part fairy girl couldn't help but giggle at the sight since it reminded her of a well-favoured boxer hitting a gym's thick and long punching bag.

"My knight in shining armour is really cute too," the rescued high school instructor said to herself with a small smile.

At that point, the said 'cute guy' landed a really heavy punch on where his helpless foe's jaw was located...


The tall and sinewy boyish-looking male reached out to her and offered his broad but long-fingered hand, "Come on, miss, let's get out of here!"

Racle didn't need to be told twice. She immediately grabbed her very handsome saviour's open palm as if it were a lifeline. Well, he is all that and more...

After half-dragging and partly carrying the hapless top-heavy female for a whole block, the comely dark green-eyed lad, stopped and gently assisted her to stand on her own as he looked around, seemingly scoping the area so he could be sure that they were now safe and secure. After sniffing the air a few times, imitating a bloodhound that's making certain that there are no more lurking dangerous elements near him, he finally spoke with his silent but lovely rescue.

"Hey, are you ok? I hope he hasn't hurt you one way or another," the dark-haired comely lad asked with concern. "My name is Myron, by the way."

Racle's smile was so bright that it seemed to light up their surroundings like the sun. Well, at least to Myron, it looked that way, that is.

"I'm Miracle Joy but my friends call me Racle. Nice to meet you, Myron. It's a good thing you heard me screaming just in time to save me. And where did you get that gigantic pillow cover?"

The young man, who was built like a welter-weight boxer, couldn't reply at once since his wolf Basil was having their own conversation in his mind...

Basil: How the hell do you tell it wasn't just her yelling that showed us where she was at that time? That we already smelled her scent of strawberries and roses the minute we passed by that maniac asshole's house?

Myron: We just don't tell her, wolf. After all, this is a secret we need to keep.

Basil: And we keep a secret from our mate? How the damn heck is that even possible, human?

Myron: We tell her when she's ready, Basil. It goes for the same with us.

Yup, you guessed it right, dear reader...

Our story's male protagonist and his family members are all werewolves. They have been keeping it secret since they have all turned rogue by no fault of their own. After all, their original Alpha died with no clear choice on who would replace him since he had no sons while all his younger brothers died in a pack war years before their eldest passed away.

But that's another story altogether...

"I got that large pillow cover from a laundry line at the back of his residence. But think nothing of it, Miss. Anything to help. "

"Please take this, Myron. It's the least I can do to rescue me from being sexually abused."

The young rogue werewolf looked down at the page of scented stationery with the gratefully girly lass' handwriting on it. He gingerly took it and flashed a Cheshire cat grin upon realizing what was written on the piece of pink paper.

It was his unknowing mate's mobile number and home address!

"Well, thank you for this because I do need to know where you live if you'll allow me to bring you home, that is...

Racle's answer came in the form of a long, happy sigh, a curt nod and a broad and thankful smile.

After 3 minutes of waiting for Myron Molave to take his black motorcycle from a nearby corner, the delighted and youthful pair was soon riding away without a care in the world!

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