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Forbidden Cravings


Word Count: 1041    |    Released on: 01/08/2024

ening, an hour before dinner, when Sheila

pdates to you, but I'm feeling weird and very sick right now

cerned man asked, already expecting

e side effects of the d

t even while you are resting?" Suggested the lewd-minded school administrator as he took his car

th a shaky and hollow voice. "I'm still feeling high from our

he solvent we create

safe and sound

rove its long-term effects and remove its adverse reactions, got it?" the rotund m

chool for the changes and

make this an early night for you?" Joe recommende

inish my homework and do

ctorian! You have

day. Heck, she didn't even get to sleep a

udden. When she woke up she was no longer the same. As a matter of

s were almost translucent now. Otherwise, she still looked like

ime that they realized it, it was to

led with hunger, not just for food, unfortunately, but for all the basic human needs and longing in their conscious and s

not caring if they were still alive or already dead. It would have been a good thing if they were no longer liv

as just thankful that their parents had already passed when his zombified sister had her way with them. It seemed that their mother slipped and cracked her head on the bathroom sink wh

now-turned-daughter was mercilessly riding her lifeless dad's cock that h

ayed that he would now instantly expire because of the torture he had to endure at the hands of his younger sister. As i

was to his terror that Sheila was now bashing his head



.45 calibre revolver being emptied on the monster and her victim. The stranger then walked around

small vial of reddish-black liquid from the dead girl's backpack

to be sure there would be no witnesses to what happened inside that typical three-room suburban bungalow. Now that he had found and taken his primary obje

ter and lit a cigarette. After he puffed on it a few times, he carefull

e the green lace curtains... Then a


ect," the stranger chuckled sadistically. "Now to make more of

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