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The Double Fated Luna

The Double Fated Luna



"Reject me then," I said, taking a step forward to meet his eyes. There was a thick layer of emotions that I couldn't quite decipher behind his brown eyes. "Why would you keep me around if you're just going to take another woman as your mate?" I was taken aback by the confident edge my voice had. "Isabelle," he called out softly, stretching his hand out to reach for me. I pulled away before my skin could come in contact with his, making him flinch. He gritted his teeth, turning his head away from me. "If you want me to reject you so bad then I will, a wolfless female is worth nothing to me." I almost stumbled from the impact of his words but I set my lips in a thin line, blinking away the tears that were threatening to fall. "Look me in the eyes and do it." "I, Luca Morales –" Luca Morales, Alpha of the Blood Moon pack. Three words, Dangerous, Conceited, Sexy. Word has it that he fought his uncle to death for the Alpha position at the age of 14. Isabella meets Luca and the mate pull is undeniable but so is her connection to a strange man that found his way to her. It's clear that Fate has a part in all of this but how?

Chapter 1 Isabella

"Please, please stop, I can't breathe," I pleaded, clawing at the large arm that was crushing my windpipe. It was getting harder to ignore the stabs of pain that shot up my hand from my broken fingers but my vision was getting clouded.

"Look at me," his gruff voice commanded. I looked up at him, struggling to keep my eyes open.

The jagged scar that ran over a closed eyelid looked even scarier from up close. His right eye twinkled with a scary composure that made me shiver. "Take a good, long look because this is the last face you'll ever see, chica bella," he said before digging his claws into my jugular.

I shot up from the bed in a scrambling mess, running my hand up and down my neck.

My brother, Gabriel runs into my room with his face twisted in pain and urgency. "Hey Issy, you're fine. I'm right here, I promise you," he said, pulling me into his arms and running slow but calculated strokes across my hair.

My panting slowed down and I tried to steady my breathing as I eased into him. "Take all the time you need, I'm not going anywhere," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"I'm sorry I disturbed your sleep," I muttered into his shirt before pulling away from him.

A frown creased his forehead, "you couldn't possibly disturb me even if you tried."

GABRIEL TORRES, last child of Beta Torres and my younger brother. Fifteen, huge – at 5"11, he easily towered over my small frame that was a little above 5"7 – with the kindest hazel eyes you would ever come across.

Gabriel and I had this weird connection where we could feel every high emotion the other was feeling. We couldn't feel the degree but they could certainly identify it. It's why Gabriel was the most affected when I was –

"Are you okay? You blanked out for a bit there" he asked, snapping me back to reality. My heart swooned when I saw the raw concern in his eyes. "Should I get Alexander? I don't think he would be sleeping now," he said, making a move to stand up from the bed.

I held his arm to stop him from leaving. "I'm fine Gabriel," I said with a smile. "It was just another night. Same nightmare, nothing more. There's no need to get Alexander, you'll just make him worry for no reason."

He looked at me, scanning my face for any sign to show that I was withholding something from him then let out a defeated sigh when he found none.

"Fine, if you say so," he said, standing up. "I'm right across your room if you need me," he planted his lips on my forehead before turning to leave.

I could almost feel the large cold hand still pressing down my throat. "Uh, Gabriel?" I called out when he was at the door. "If you don't mind, could you stay here a bit? Just until I fall asleep, which I'm sure I'll do soon."

He nodded before turning back to face me. He had on a smile that he thought was encouraging but just looked sad. I hated when my siblings and friends gave me that look but I understood that they couldn't help it sometimes. I shook away the thought and gave him a smile back before laying back in bed.


I wasn't surprised to find my elder brother seated at the foot of mum's tombstone when I got there. "Hey Alex," I called out when I was just behind him.

"You and your silent footsteps. I would have been frightened had I not been expecting you." He said, shuffling to make room for me to sit.

I chuckled under my breath before plopping down to sit.

ALEXANDER TORRES, first child of Beta Torres and next in line for the Alpha position. Alex was easily the tallest of the siblings, his fierce and arrogant nature made him just the Alpha that the pack needed. Clad in his signature black cloak, he could easily pass for a supermodel outside of his alpha duties.

"How do you think she is? Being there alone without her mate or her kids must be terribly lonely," I said, voicing out the thought I always have whenever I come here.

"True, it must be lonely. But now she gets to watch us from above like the smothering mother hen she is and we can't say or do anything about it," he said jokingly, nudging my shoulder.

I let out a snort in agreement, placing my head on his shoulder.

"You know, when I was still in there," I started, pausing when I felt his body tense up beside mine. His hand found mine and he squeezed it lightly, giving me a go ahead. "When I was still in there and I thought I was going to die for sure, the only thing that gave me comfort was the thought of being reunited with her, at least that way, she wouldn't be alone anymore," I said, feeling tears welling up in my eyes.

He stayed quiet for what seemed like a long time before finally speaking. "Mum wouldn't have wanted that, you know? I can only imagine how proud she is that you survived it, survived all the things those horrible people did to you. She's content watching you here and I'm sure she wants you to stay here, grow old with your kids and grandkids while she watches over them."

I chuckled nervously at that last bit about kids and grandkids. "Thank you," I said, wrapping my hands around his waist for a hug. I really was so lucky that I saw the kind side of Alexander, he was a huge softie to his siblings.

"Hey you two, sorry I'm late," Gabriel's voice broke off the silence that had fallen between us.

I turned my neck to face him, my eyes lighting up with glee when I looked at his hand. "Come on, it's almost time." I waved him over, scooting closer to Alex to create space for him.

And for the 5th time since she died, we blew out the candles on the strawberry cake together as the sun rose.

"Happy birthday Mum," we said in unison once the fire went out.

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