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Trapped In The Billionaire's Web

Trapped In The Billionaire's Web



Blurb: After Kira Brown is tricked into a contract marriage by the formidable Ryan Kings unaware, she must navigate a web of deceit and betrayal to escape her manipulative husband. But one night with her ex, the obsessive and narcissistic Alex Grant, arranged by her supposed best friend Tessa Ross, leads to unexpected consequences that she can't escape from making her world turn upside down. Kira must decide between her happiness and her safety. As she uncovers the truth behind Ryan's motives and Alex's obsession, Kira must find the courage to break free and choose herself. Will she remain trapped in the billionaire's web or forge a new path towards love and happiness? Read to find out!

Chapter 1 First chapter

Chapter 1: Kira's pov

I groaned. Eye-rolling at my roommate's enthusiasm "Seriously Mia, is this really necessary?" I ask, holding up the red dress she'd tossed my way.

Mia didn't flinch, her expression stern "Yes it's necessary " she replies matter-of-factly. "Alex is in the past and we're moving on. You've been sulking for days and it's time to snap out of it. You've gained a few pounds and we need to get you back out there"

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical "By drinking alcohol and wearing this...this...?" I gestured to the dress feeling a blush rise to my cheeks.

Mia smirked reapplying her red lipsticks "that's the plan. Now get up, and get ready. We don't want to be late for the anniversary party."

I studied Mia, she look hot in her black silhouette dress that hugged her body, her blonde hair was laidback in a a sleek bun, she looked stunning, her red lipstick adding a pop of color to her overall look. I sighed, knowing I can't compete with her glamour.

The company where she worked was throwing an anniversary party, each year more extravagant than the last.

"The company's anniversary is always extravagant," Mia said as if reading my mind. "And these year won't be any different. We need to make an impression."

I reluctantly stood up, slipping on the red dress "Is Gina coming?" I asked smoothing out the fabric.

Gina was Mia's best friend. They were roommates for years until Gina got married eight months again.

Mia nodded "Of course, Bob's my boss remember?" She gave me a funny look.

Bob and Gina had met through Mia at a pervious anniversary party and had hit it off immediately.

I had met Mia through an ad she posted requesting for a roommate. We didn't quite get alone at first. All she wanted to do was talk about Gina and her perceives abandoned and all I wanted to do was work, and being a freelancer meant I was always home inevitable to listen to her non-stop nagging.

But overtime we moved past our differences and got to understand ourselves better. I was the homebody - not like I had a choice - while she was the outgoing and wild one, always dragging me to parties.

As I adjusted my dress, I couldn't help but feel a little out of my comfort zone. But Mia was right, I'd been brooding over Alex for over a month now and it was time to move on.

Alex and I had dated for a year and two months, I had genuinely thought he was the one, I loved him. And he loved me too, or at least I thought he did.

"Hmm,what do we do with your hair now?" Mia said looking at me through the mirror her eyes sparkling with creativity. "We need to make you look stunning, Kira. Tonight's the night you start afresh"

She grabbed a handful of my thick, curly brown hair, her fingers tangling in the looks "how about we give it a sleek wet look?, you know, like you just stepped out of the salon. She smiled mischievously. "It will add a sexy sophisticated vibe to your overall look" she added, which was exactly how she looked right now. Sophisticated.

"Yea, until it dries up and my hair turns into a frizzy mess" I replied laughing. "You know my hair doesn't hold styles well, Mia, it's got a mind of it's own" I playfully rolled my eyes, recalling the countless times my hair had refused to cope with my attempts at styling it.

"What do we do?" Mia asked, her brow furrowed in concern. "We can't let your hair ruin your comeback debut! Not after I've spent hours getting you into that red dress." She smiled slyly, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I've got an idea. Let me grab the hair serum, it'll tame the beast and keep your locks looking luscious all night long!"

She dashed out of the room, returning with a small bottle of shimmering liquid. "This stuff is like magic," she said, spraying a light mist onto my hair. "It'll keep your curls defined and frizz-free, even in this humidity."

As she worked the serum through my hair, I felt a strange sense of calm wash over me.

"There, all done," Mia said, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "You look stunning, Kira. Alex has no idea what he lost. But whatever, who knows, maybe you'll meet mr. right today." She winked

"Ha!" I rolled my eyes, but a small smile played on my lips. "You're very funny, Mia."

"Hey, that's what friends are for," she said, winking. "Now let's get out of here. The ride's here. I intend getting wasted tonight. Who knows, maybe I could even find my mr. for the night" she teased.

I rolled my eyes yet again. " you're something else Mia"

She shrugged dragging me out the door. "You're the lover girl not me." She responded and I laughed.

We made our way to the anniversary party, the sounds of music and laughter growing louder with each step. As we entered the grand ballroom, I felt a flutter in my chest. The room was filled with unfamiliar faces, all dressed to the nines and sipping champagne.

Mia grabbed my hand, pulling me into the fray. "Come on, let's mingle!" she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

We made our way through the crowds, exchanging hugs and air-kisses with Mia's acquaintances and colleagues. I couldn't help but feel a little out of place, but Mia's presence kept me grounded.

As we reached the bar to grab a drink. Mia gasp beside me. "Ryan fucking Kings!" She exclaimed. Her eyes fixed on a man across the room.

I followed her gaze. "Who is he?" I asked curious about Mia's reaction.

The man Mia was staring at was tall, his black tailored suit fitted to perfection, showcasing his chiseled physique. His dark hair was stylishly messy and his skin was tan. He exuded an aura of confidence and power.

"Ryan Kings" she breathed, her voice barely audible. She turned to me and seeing the confusion on my face asked "You don't know who Ryan Kings is?"

I shook my head, I mean I get it, he's gorgeous, still so. "Am I suppose to know who that is?" I asked puzzled.

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