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Bound By Blood Torn by love

Bound By Blood Torn by love

Adedeji Tomisin


Five good years, that's how long it took for Julie to finally forgive the man who broke her heart into millions pieces. But when fate throws her back into his path, it's not the playboy and carefree boy she remembers. He's now a billionaire. Her ruthless rival is a seductive shadow from her past who wants her for himself. Julie finds herself drawn in by both their dangerous charms. As she navigates a web of disloyalty, ambition, and strong desire, a nipping truth emerges and the love she thought was lost might be the key to unleashing a web of secrets that could destroy them all.

Chapter 1 Reunited

The air hung thick with expectation in the grand chamber of the New York Hilton. Sun rays filtered through the building's glass Windows, cast a dappled pattern on the polished floor where a mass of neatly dressed men and women buzzed with energy.

Julie Garfield in her well ironed panty suit, a stark discrepancy to the muted tones of the cityscape outside, navigated the mass with a small leather bound tablet gripped in her hand. The air vibrated with the electric hum of ambition, the true substance of the city she had left behind years ago.

Julie had returned to New York after a long stay in Europe, where she had pursued her passion for architecture, immersing herself in the world of gravestone, glass, and design. Now she was here a freshman to the world of high tech, attending this conference to explore implicit opportunity for her rookie career.

The stage in the room, bathed in a soft limelight gleam, was adorned with a sleek minimalist background a stark discrepancy to the intricate patterns of the baroque chandeliers above. A hush fell over the crowd as the MC, a smooth talking, red haired man took the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen." he announced, his voice roaring through the hall. "It is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you, the visionary behind Neumann Enterprise, the man who revolutionized the tech world, the one and only, Den Neumann!"

A surge of sonorous applause erupted with the sound resonating through the room. As Julie watched, a surge of unbelief washed over her. The man marching confidently onto the stage with his dark hair slightly longer than she remembered with a dazzling smile etched on his handsome features and a familiar glint in his deep set eyes, was none other than Den. Her Den. The man she had loved with a fierce intensity, the man who had shattered her heart years ago.

He had not changed much. The same sharp jawline, the same mischievous smile that could light up a room, the same air of seductiveness that drew people to him like moths to a honey. He was more muscular now with a hint of suave in his posture radiating an air of power and confidence that she had not seen before.

"Welcome, Den!" the MC beamed, extending the microphone towards him.

Den took it easily, his voice reverberative and clear, cutting through the residual applause. He began his keynote speech, his words flowing painlessly, painting a pictorial picture of the future of technology, his vision both ambitious and inspiring. He spoke of artificial intelligence, of substantiated gests and of a world connected in ways unconceivable just some years ago.

Julie sat upright totally charmed by his speech, his passion and his vision. Den was a far cry from the debonair, delightful and loving boy she had known, the boy who had once planned to get a musician who would play his guitar in their shared apartment, filling their world with music and laughter.

As Den spoke, Julie seemed to compare the man she saw on stage with the boy who had kissed her under the Parisian sky, the boy who had promised her everything only to break her trust and vanish from her life just as quickly as he had entered it. The pang in her heart was a familiar one, a bitter memorial of the history she thought she had left behind.

The conference continued throughout the day, a whirlwind of donations, demonstrations, and networking openings. Julie, still reeling from the unanticipated hassle, found herself lost in the crowd, her mind replaying Den's speech, his every word echoing in her ears.

As the day drew to a close, Julie found herself walking through the vacated conference hall, the moping scent of coffee and leftover wines filling the air. The lights had dimmed, casting long shadows on the plush carpets.

She was about to head out when her shoulder collided with someone's chest sending her tablet and papers tumbling to the floor.

"Oh, I am so sorry!" she said, hastily gathering her papers and tablet.

She looked up to meet Den's aspect , his expression a blend of surprise and something else she could not relatively decrypt.

"Julie? Is that really you?" he asked, a hint of unbelief in his voice.

"Den, it's me." she replied, her heart pounding in her chest. "It's been.... a while."

"It sure has." he agreed, a faint smile playing on his lips.

He picked up the fallen tablet, his fingers brushing against hers as he handed it back to her. The touch transferred a jolt of electricity through her, a memory of their past relationship surfacing with a painful memorial of what had been and what was lost.

They both fell silent for a moment, the silence hanging heavy between them.

"So, you are back in New York." Den said eventually, breaking the silence. "How have you been?"

"I am good." Julie replied, her voice a little shaky. "I have been living in Europe, pursuing architecture. It's been quite a trip."

"Architecture, huh?" Den chortled, his smile warm and genuine. "You always had a knack for creativity. I remember how you'd spend hours sketching in your scrapbooks."

"And you." Julie replied, her voice laced with a hint of bitterness. "You took your tech dreams seriously. I guess being a multi billionaire CEO was not part of your teenage dreams, was it?"

Den's smile faltered for a split second. "No, I guess not." he admitted. "It all happed really fast. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was running a company that was shaping the future of technology."

"I am not surprised." Julie said, her voice devoid of any feeling. Though she wished she could, she could not help but feel pride in the man he'd come to be.

"I saw you on stage, Den." she continued, her voice softer now." Your speech was inspiring. You are a visionary."

He looked at her for a long moment, his eyes searching hers, as if trying to read her mind." "You no way thought I could do it, did you?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of sadness.

"That is not true." Julie replied, her heart wringing at the sight of his vulnerability. "I always knew you were capable of great effects. I just.... I was not sure if you were able of truly committing yourself to anything or anyone."

A silence fell between them, filled with implied words and implied hurt. They stood there, two people who had once shared a deep connection, now separated by times of silence and a shared past that still held the power to wound.

"We have both changed." Den said eventually, his voice low and reflective.

"We have." Julie agreed, her eyes fixed on the floor, her heart hurting with a mixture of feelings.

"What about you, Julie?" Den asked, his voice a little softer now. "Tell me about your life in Europe. What have you been over to?"

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