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Fearless: Fated to be a Legend

Fearless: Fated to be a Legend

Silver gift


Jessica's life is a never ending cycle of Fear, until the day she met him. Damien a mysterious and captivating vampire, who awakened a spark within her that she never knew existed. As she falls deeper under his spell Jessica discovered a strength she never thought was possible but with this new found power came a dark legacy that will force her to confront the very fears she tried to escape. Willl she embrace the destiny and become a fearless legend she was meant to or will the shadows of her past consume her. Dive into a world of love and thrill as Jessica rises from darkness and fear and unlease a legend that will leave the darkness trembling.

Chapter 1 The beginning of fear

Jessica roamed round a forest with a boy and a girl she didn't know, they walked past trees and heard a gun shot, looking ahead they saw a man pointing a gun at them, carrying a corpse, he ordered them to kneel and they did. He pointed the gun at the girl and shot her head, Jessica and the boy screamed, he shot the boy and Jessica could feel her death coming closer, she took to her heels and run but the man was chasing after her was left in a dead end where she was standing on a feeble stone, where any little movement will lead her to fall.

She moved a little and the man aim at her, she had no choice than to move back, she did and she fell.

Jessica jerked up from bed, "it was all a dream" she reassured herself and sat upright, "With every day, in every way am getting better" she paused. "What a load of crap" she hissed and stood up to get her morning routine done.

She washed up, pit on a hoodie and a face mask, opened her 8 locks and went out to visit her therapist.

"Look who finally remembered me" aunt Rita, her therapist spoke as she approached the door, "I never forgot you, aunt Rita, it just hard to get out of home" she spoke a bit irritated. "I know how you feel dear, trust me, I do" Aunt Rita spoke back. "You do, it hard to tell, after all you don't dream about been chased and killed in dreams" she talked back. "Jessica, am..." She tried to calm her down but Jessica interrupted, "am tired of living like this aunt Rita, you said you would fix me for the past 10 years, still nothing, am beginning to wonder if you know what you're doing" she covered her mouth after the last sentence, "am sorry aunt, I didn't mean that" she apologized.

"Look, I get it Jess, you're frustrated, but I've done the best I can, now it up to you, you have to fight your fears yourself " Rita lectured while Jess rolled her eyes. "Motivational speeches don't work on me aunt, you know that" she replied nonchalantly. "I know Jess, just checking, anyways, I think you have to associate yourself with people, you won't get any where hiding in your room", "I know that aunt but it hard, it not like I can just walk up to some one and say, be my friend" she blabbed. "Jess, seriously, you have to work on your talking and FYI I was talking about a boyfriend not friend" aunt Rita told her and she coughed. "Yeah right, I can't even make a friend and you're talking of a boyfriend" she scoffed. "You talk too much, I was just proposing a date, I have the right partner for you, what do you say" Rita asked. "I don't know aunt, what if I say the wrong thing, or disgrace myself or worst..." Aunt Rita didn't let her finish. "Relax Jess, nothing will go wrong, I know it" aunt Rita reassured her. "Ok, I'll do it" Jess concluded and aunt Rita nodded smiling. "I'll send you every detail you need to know about him, just look good while going, am sure he will love you" aunt Rita said and Jess nodded. She sat back on the cushion thinking how she became this messed up.

8 Years Ago

10 year old Jess ran through the hall ways happily, "Finally it my birth day" she was thrilled about her birthday party. "Calm down Jess, you're turning 10 today, you should start acting matured" Asami her older sister preached. "Come on girls, time to hit the road" her dad called from outside and she jumped, "finally" she breath. "let's take a photo first" her mom said looking at her and she sighed. "Mom, we'll be late".

In the car, Jessica was so excited she kept flagging a balloon in the shape of 10. "Am going to be 10 today" she was making sure everyone saw the balloon.

"Dad, look" she was flagging it in front of her dad, who was driving. "It pretty honey, now put it down" her mom was the one to answer her but she shook her head. "am just going to show dad" she flagged it in his front again making him miss the truck ahead of them, the truck driver in the other hand was text driving, leaving the two vehicles to crash into one another. "Mom, dad, am scared" Jess cried while her mom hugged her. "You're safe with me honey" she hugged Asami also. Their dad used an iron to break the wind shield and they threw Jess out if the car, the car started burning and they quickly threw Asami out of it. But before they could come out the engine exploded with them inside. "Mom, dad!!!" Jess and Asami cried. Asami covered Jess eyes. "Don't look Jess, it okay" she said but didn't sound reassuring. "Mom, dad, don't leave me" she cried more.

Minutes later a stranger approached them. "Come with me, I can help you" he said and Asami turned to him. "Save my parents please " she begged. "Your parents are dead, let's go request for an ambulance " he said and Asami took his hand. "Come on Jess, let's go". "Am not leaving mom and dad" she shook her head, the man carried Asami like a bag of rice, "where are you going, my sister is still there" she was kicking and struggling but it was of no use."i don't need your sister" he said and walked out meanwhile Jess turned back only to notice that her sister was gone also. "Asami, Asami" she yelled crying again but it was useless, Asami was gone also just like her parent.

"Jessica" aunt Rita yelled and Jessica shook her head. "What were you thinking" she asked concern filled her face. Jessica touched her cheeks and noticed tears. "Nothing" she lied. "You were thinking of the day of the accident, weren't you" she stood up to hug her. "We'll find Asami soon" she said and Jessica nodded. She knew they were never going to find her after all they've been searching for ten years, it seems like Asami was dead. "It okay Jess, now go home and prepare for tomorrow okay" Aunt Rita tried to get her mind off the accident. "Okay" Jess replied putting on her mask heading for the door.

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