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Fearless: Fated to be a Legend

Chapter 3 Annoying Jerk

Word Count: 1009    |    Released on: 12/08/2024

ng" she poured praises on her but none of them touched her. "Apparently your blind date partner didn't think so" she bounced hard on the chair. "So am guessing things didn't go well" aunt

her heart spiked, it was Master Quinn, Damien's grandpa. She cleared her throat and picked the call. "Hey Rita, you're a genius, how did you pick that girl, she must be special for Damien to ask for more details about her" Master Quinn said in a go and Rita was shocked. "Damien is not upset, he asked for more details about her" she asked, "yeah am telling you, I think his interested in her, good job Rita" Master Quinn ended the call leaving Rita confused. "is everything alright" Jess asked and Rita could nit reply, she only shrugged. "Oh, ok, i need to leave noe aunt, I have a lot of thinking to do" Jess said as she stood up. "Wait, actually, I have another idea for you" she said and Jess rolled her eyes. "Does it involve me going on a date with anothe


dpa smiled. "What, I just wanted to give you a big news" he kept smiling, "it better be big grandpa" he said and master Quinn nodded. "Well I got a report that your blind date is planning to become the CEO of Silver Hotel" he said and Damien smiled. "See I knew this news could be helpful" he said pr


name in her lips sounded pure. "Jessica Cruz" he returned the favour and she frowned, "what do you want from me, Mr prestigious family" she asked and he shrugged, "nothing, just your time" he said and her frown deepened, "what's that supposed to mean" she asked. "Go on another date with me Jessica" he said and she scoffed, "in your dreams, mister" she mocked and quickly cut the call. "That guy is really a lunatic" she thought then got another call, checking it was still from Damien, "this guy purpose on earth must to be annoy me" sh

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